Healed of Pneumonia with Biblical Oils By David Stewart, Ph.D.,R.A.
Originally Posted February 2003
Shortly after I published the book, Healing Oils of the Bible, my pastor came down with pneumonia. It was on a late Sunday or Monday morning. He was coughing up blood and had gone to the emergency room of a local hospital. He was given antibiotics, some cough medicine, and codeine as a narcotic to help him sleep. He returned home, took the medicines as prescribed, and only got worse.
His wife reported his declining condition to us at the start of choir practice on Wednesday night. According to her he was still coughing up blood, couldn’t rest, couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink anything, and “hurt all over.” She was becoming alarmed at his deteriorating condition and didn’t know what to do. “He is just zonked out,” she said, “and can’t hardly talk rationally or do anything for himself, and the codeine is tearing up his stomach, he has such a reaction. The doctors say they don’t know how to stop the hemorrhaging in his lungs,” she added shaking her head.
Normally, my wife and I keep a low profile in our local church (United Methodist) so neither of us spoke up right away. 99% of the members of our church are totally wedded to allopathic medicine. Everyone in our church knows we do oils, but hardly anyone has been receptive to what we have to offer.
Suddenly, one of the choir members turned to the minister’s wife saying, “You know, David and Lee Stewart have some oils that really helped my mother and maybe they can help the preacher.” She then related that her mother had had walking pneumonia the previous winter and for nearly three months ad gone to doctors repeatedly, spending a great deal of money. She had taken many medicines and antibiotics and just kept getting worse. She said that she had mentioned using oils, but her mother wasn’t interested.
“Finally, I had had enough of my mother’s complaining all the time,” she said. “So I just sat her down one day and said, ‘You know, mom, you’ve been taking the doctor’s medicines for months now and you aren’t getting any better so now I want you to quit taking all those prescriptions and we are going to try oils. They can’t hurt.’ So I rubbed a blend of eucalyptus and melaleuca oils (R.C.) on her chest and on her feet and put on a hot damp towel on her chest. I showed my dad, too, so he could do it several times a day and let her breathe the vapors. After two or three days she was cured of the pneumonia. So I know they work!” she stated emphatically.
I was watching the preacher’s wife closely during this to see if there would be a response. There was none. So I figured she was not interested. At the end of choir practice, I quietly said to her, “I gave your husband a copy of my new book on healing oils about three weeks ago. I don’t know if he as read it or if you have seen it.” She replied that she had seen it, but had not read any of it. “You know, these oils really do work,” I added. Then I shut up.
Choir was over at 8:00 PM. About 10:00 PM I got a phone call. It was the preacher’s wife. “My husband wants you to bring over the oils,” she said. “He’s kind of drugged up right now, but how about tomorrow morning?” I said I would be there. I hung up and started praying silently for the preacher and asking for guidance as to what oils I should bring and how to use them.
Early the next morning, praying all the way, I went to the parsonage with a diffuser and four oils: Hyssop, Frankincense, Exodus II (a blend of all the oils mentioned in Exodus), and R.C. Now I have to say, that I felt led by God on the first three oils, but since my faith was not perfect, I brought the R.C. along just for my own assurance knowing that this blend had worked on pneumonia in other cases. But I also must add that as I was driving over I had no idea of what I was going to do with these oils except I had complete faith that God would guide me when I got there and would let me know whatever I needed to know at the time.
When I arrived, I found the preacher lying pale and listless in bed with his eyes only half open, almost in a stupor. “He’s still coughing blood,” said his wife.
Immediately I started the diffuser with a mixture of R.C. and Hyssop. I then helped her turn his body around on the bed so his head was as close to the diffuser as we could get it. I asked him to breathe deeply.
Dropping about eight to ten drops of Frankincense on his head, I rubbed it all over, explaining that I was anointing him with Frankincense like Moses anointed Aaron. He liked that and started pinking up right away.
I then put R.C. and Hyssop on the lung reflex areas of his feet, doing a special massage technique (vitaflex) across each foot several times. He liked that, too.
With his wife’s help, I turned him over and raindropped Hyssop and R.C. on his upper back over the lungs and did some of the light stroking we do in raindrop. Then I turned him back on his back and raindropped R.C. and Hyssop on his chest, rubbing his chest all over. “I am anointing you in a manner that similar to that done in ancient Biblical times,” I explained to him and his wife. “Also,” I added, “by dropping these oils a few inches above the skin, they are falling through your electromagnetic field and will start administering therapy to you before they even hit your body.” The pastor and his wife both nodded in approval.
I then gave him the bottle of Exodus II and told him to tip it and put a drop or two in his mouth and swallow it. He did. I explained that these oils are mentioned in the Book of Exodus and that Moses and Aaron used some of them to stop a plague recorded in the Book of Numbers. “These oils will also help stop your pneumonia,” I said.
He immediately responded exclaiming, “This is the best I have felt in days.” About ten minutes later he began coughing up phlegm and clearing his lungs. (“The hyssop is working,” I thought to myself.) “Look,” he said excitedly, “there is no blood!” The hemorrhaging in his lungs had stopped.
I then left him with his wife peacefully resting with his head on a pillow next to the diffuser with instructions to breathe the vapors all day and take another drop or two of the Exodus blend from time to time. His wife had to go to work, but told me that the house would be open if I wanted to come back later on to check.
Returning that afternoon, I found him sitting up on his bed reading my book, Healing Oils of the Bible. “Pretty interesting book,” he said. He was smiling and drinking some juice. “This is the first time I have been able to drink anything in a couple of days. I feel almost well.”
I gave him another anointing of R.C. and Hyssop on his chest, rubbing it in well. He took another drop of Exodus orally. I anointed his head with Frankincense again, rubbing it thoroughly all over. He really liked that. I put some more Hyssop in his diffuser and then left him for the day.
The next morning about 10 A.M. I dropped in. He met me at the door with his shoes on, fully dressed. He had been working on his sermon and the church bulletin for the coming Sunday. “I didn’t know a couple of days ago if I was going to be able to make it to church this week at all,” he said with a big smile, “but thanks to your oils, I am just fine. I have a slight headache, but my breathing is clear. I don’t think I have pneumonia any more. And you know,” he added, “Since you came with the oils yesterday, I haven’t taken any of the doctor’s prescriptions.” The next Sunday in church, he gave a testimony for his healing experience with the oils before the whole congregation and has been telling everyone about it ever since. He even conveyed his experience to the bishop and a number of his fellow ministers. A week later he came to my house to buy some books to give to friends saying, “If you ever want me to give a testimony on those oils, just tell me. I know that’s what took care of my pneumonia.”
Concluding Note: It is important to emphasize here that the initiative for receiving the oils and laying on of hands was from the minister and his wife, not me. If they would not have called and asked for the oils, I would not have gone nor pursued it any further. Their act of receptivity was essential for this healing to have taken place. Without it, the healing would not have occurred. In Mark 6:10-11 Jesus advises his disciples to provide their healing ministry only to those who are receptive and to those who are not receptive, “leave and shake the dust off of your feet as a testimony against them.” In other words, when you offer God’s anointing to people who are unwilling to receive it, move on and find people who will. Don’t waste your time. For more on this, see pages 80-83 in the book Healing Oils of the Bible.
Linda Lee Buono
I have just finished reading your book and I love it! Thank you so much!
Rev. Jennifer Tilston
David’s book culminates in an easy to use, extremely well researched program that offers members of a congregation (and/or individuals who gather in their own homes) the knowledge that Jesus and his disciples practiced when they ministered to people with therapeutically active essential oils by anointing them for wellness (Mark 6:13). It is time this powerful information was available to every day use once again. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, “ says John 8:32. Or, as more recently stated by C. Everett Koop, Former U.S. Surgeon General, “The best prescription is knowledge.” And knowledge on anointing and why, is the gift within the pages of David’s book. Bravo David!
Debbie Allen
This book cites the Word of God in over 500 scriptures that refer to essential oils and their usage. What a wonderful compilation of factual evidence of the true meaning of healing! David describes the true essence of wellness and documents just how unnatural is the medical view of healing today and the harm we do by using pharmaceuticals. I recommend this book to every medical doctor and urge them to change their paradigm accordingly.
Kelly Fowler
This is the best book I have ever read in my life. I finished it in three days despite the fact that I have two young boys (ages 2 and 4). I liked it because it establishes a Biblical basis for aromatherapy and the use of essential oils, subjects that I love. I just couldn’t put it down and I keep going back.
John Maeder and Marilee Tolen
R.N., H.N.C.
Dr. Stewart has done his homework. His delivery of hundreds of Bible references to essential oils combined with their uses is clear, concise, enjoyable, and fun. He has a rare gift for integrating, synthesizing, and applying vast amounts of information. A must read for anyone interested in the Biblical bases of healing with oils.
Wendy Saw
I ABSOLUTELY love this book! It is not ‘just’ another book on aromatherapy. The scientific and historical research on essential oils are thorough and the presentation is easy to read and follow. Most importantly, its fun to read! I can’t put the book down. . . If you are new to essential oils, this book is a MUST. It will greatly enhance your appreciation and understanding of the power of these wonderful ‘God given’ oils.
Rev. Don Bleyle
Retired United Methodist Pastor
Most enjoyable. Easy to read. Very objective. Presents modern-day applications of essential oils as well as their use in scriptural times. A good book for ministers to gain a perspective on anointing with oils. I was amazed at the comprehensive research Dr. Stewart has done. Very thorough. So much wonderful material. I enjoyed the book very much
Sherry Reese
I just received Healing Oils of the Bible a month ago and am now on my third time reading it through. I feel like I have discovered a great treasure chest. I have been a Christian all my life, since earliest childhood, and am discovering things about my faith I never knew before. This book has really opened things up for me.
What an exciting book!
Kay Cansler
I just received your book, Healing Oils of the Bible and am totally fascinated by it. I was up till 4 A.M. reading it! It just amazes me what you have in there. Reading it has been a real awakening for me. I love the way you have it formatted so that you can pick any chapter and it reads as a stand-alone work. And as for the Bible Program at the end, I am really touched by your generosity and graciousness. This is a ministry I want to do. I just want to bless you and thank for such a beautiful gift.
Donna Greenman
C.M.T., M.H., H.C.
Healing Oils of the Bible is a book well worth reading. It is written in a comfortable and interesting style. It contains invaluable information for individuals seeking alternative therapies for themselves and their families. The book will also allay anyone’s fears regarding using oils for health. This would be a good book for Bible study as Dr. Stewart has really done his research! The book contains an amazing amount of information that any student can use and enjoy. I want to share this information with as many people as possible. Anyone, regardless of race or religion, would benefit from reading this. Thank you.
Joanne Schwarm
A great piece of work. This is a book you will definitely want to read and have as a reference in your library. The research is all there: How the ancients of Biblical times used essential oils for health and longevity, why the essential oils you use need to be pure and unadulterated as they were in Biblical times, how the chemicals and additives we consume on a daily basis pose dangers to ourselves, and why essential oils have the ability to protect us from these toxic substances. The book also includes a guide by which you may teach others about the Healing Oils of the Bible. To everyone who wants to understand the importance and scriptural basis of pure essential oils and what they can do for you, this is a must read. Thanks to David Stewart and his fine staff.
Jacquelyn Close
I have just received my first 20 copies of Healing Oils of the Bible. WOW! Dr. Stewart has done a fantastic job of getting tons of information into one great resource for anyone using oils. The appendices are fantastic. So rich, so thorough. I got so excited, I had to get out my scriptural oils and start anointing myself. I kept my blend of oils from Exodus in my pocket the whole time I read the book. Dr. Stewart outlines a great Bible Oils program at the end that you can do in your community. Anyone could do the program with this helpful text. Even me. I learned so much! What a great book!
Owen Newman
This is one of the few books I have ever read that I absolutely could not put down until I finished it. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed reading this book. It is truly wonderful!
Nicole Page
David Stewart has a way of communicating that is easy to read and understand. After reading the book, I immediately ordered another one so that I could share it with others. For me the book brought a union of the physical and spiritual world and helped me to understand that there is much more to healing than just the physical. David Stewart has brought ancient healing practices together with today’s science for tomorrow’s future.
Dennis Petersen
Author of UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF CREATION And Founder of the Creation Resource Foundation
Dr. David Stewart has delivered far more than I was hoping for in his excellent book, The Healing Oils of the Bible. Reading it through the first time was one of those delightful experiences where I just wanted to absorb every detail with accuracy and remember it well. I marked it all up with a yellow highlighter and am now eager to go back through it all again.
Not only does he present a clear Biblical answer to the many questions I had about the historical and technical aspects of the so-called “spices” and “ointments” mentioned in the Bible, but his clear examination of practical personal applications became a virtual “revelation.” This rare information has been hidden long enough. Now it’s time to open the door to these amazing creations of the Master Chemist.
Every honest and alert student of Scripture and science will find here yet another demonstration of the unfathomable riches of God Who has created all things with purpose and amazing design. More importantly, with this book we now have divulged for us God’s relevant solution to many of the perplexing disease and attitude problems of modern culture.
Through the information Dr. Stewart has researched so brilliantly, even non-technical people can find life-changing guidance to the healing provision God has intended. As health issues become more complex and challenging in our time, every family will welcome the wisdom provided in this valuable resource.
Terrie Woznicki
My first copy of Healing Oils of the Bible arrived while I was at ministerial school. After classes ended for the term, I took one week to vegetate and what did I do but lay in the camper that was provided for me and read and reread this fabulous book. My friends who were ordained during this session have now received this book as a gift from me. In fact, this book is one of the main gifts I give away to everyone now. I quote from it constantly.
Don Samuels
This book is extremely enlightening as well as a great source of reference. One feature I really appreciate is that you can open it to any chapter and read the information you are after without losing anything from previous chapters. It is not necessary to read the book in it’s chronological order. Thank you David for organizing it in this manner.