Relationship and Connection

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Relationship and Connection - Raindrop Messenger August 2024 Relationship and Connection - Raindrop Messenger August 2024

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

In this issue of the Raindrop Messenger:

Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

By Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

Relationship and Connection

One of the unique privileges of being human is the opportunity to make authentic connections and have meaningful relationships with others, the world around us, and with our Creator. This is not something to be taken for granted. If we make an intentional effort to really be present with someone and we don’t allow our minds to drift away toward other things that we think we should be doing or worries of the day, then there can be such power in little things like making eye contact, a handshake, a hug, a conversation, or just a smile. While we may have a million things to keep our lives busy, there is, perhaps, nothing more important than authentic connection.

Let all that you do be done with love.
1 Corinthians 16:14

CARE classes, at their essence, have to do with connection and relationship. When we teach Raindrop Technique and Vitaflex, in addition to the logistics of the techniques, one should always remember that when performing these healing modalities on a client or during a demonstration, that this is a beautiful human being laying on the massage table. How do we, as Raindrop facilitators, help facilitate a connection between the receiver and the God-given healing that is available to them? Are we ourselves connected to the Divine Will? Are we making an effort to connect with our client and realizing the power of touch in the healing modalities that we offer to others?

In our Healing Oils of the Bible/History of Anointing class we make a connection, not only between essential oils and scripture, but also to the teachings of Christ when he sent his disciples to anoint the sick with oils (Mark 6:13.) We are connecting to the realization that true healing is always a God-given gift.

CARE’s Chemistry class makes the profound connection as to how God created the molecules of essential oils within the plants to perfectly fit the cells in our human bodies… before He even created us. Now that’s love!

In the rich depth of Emotional Release we may come to understand that we need to cultivate healthy relationships with others and authentic connection with ourselves, our Creator, and with Truth. The Truth will set us free from bondage to our emotional baggage, no matter how long we have been lugging it around.

Participants in CARE’s annual Advanced Bible Oils class in July with instructor Anthony Stewart, FCCI
Participants in CARE’s annual Advanced Bible Oils class in July with instructor Anthony Stewart, FCCI

Connections and relationships can be made wherever we go. In July CARE had its annual CCI Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah following Young Living Convention. Our Summit theme just so happened to be “Relationship and Connection.” We heard from several speakers including Carrie McVige LMT, BCRS, CAC, LSHC about connecting to our vision; from Amelia Lasky FCCI about connecting emotional and physical manifestations to Raindrop; from Karen Birdsall FCCI on making ethical connections with our clients; from Amy Pittman CCI and Ismenia Azcanio CCI in connecting to the basic policies and programs in the CCI Handbook.

In addition to these fabulous presenters, we also had a private tour of Young Living Global Headquarters given by Jacob Young. It was wonderful to not only make a deeper connection with the company that supplies our therapeutic-grade essential oils, but also for CARE Instructors to connect with a member of the Young family in a private setting.

Making authentic connections with people, with nature, with God, with Truth, and with ourselves is the greatest way to live. We have little opportunities everyday to connect to some part of God’s creation, whether that is in the form of another human being, our own peace of mind, or just a bottle of essential oil. When we are really present and conscious of the moment, we will discover a whole world of connection and Oneness that we may have never noticed before.

Advanced Bible Oils Class and CCI Summit

lora lee

Health Tip:

from Lora Lee Stewart, FCCI

Alzheimer’s and Dementia- Are we all doomed???

Did you know that every 3 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Dementia? This disease is the 6th leading cause of death in our country, killing more people than breast and prostate cancer combined!

Alzheimer's and Dementia- Are we all doomed???

This is ASTOUNDING! Studies have shown that mercury and aluminum are two elements that act as poisons to our mitochondria in our brains which can lead to dementia. There are other things like obesity and eating fatty foods or processed foods which can cause inflammation in the brain and cause Alzheimer’s or Dementia over time. Also, if you have inflammation in your gut, this can also cause inflammation in the brain.

Now, this will be surprising to many of you, but studies have also shown that holding a cell phone to your ear or, even worse, having any device attached to your head connected to your cell phone (ear buds or head phones), can increase your chances of developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia.

Deep Night Essence Silo US 1080x1080 PNG Skava

Young Livings
Deep Sleep Essence

Young Livings
Super Magnesium

Super Magnesium Silo US 1080x1080 PNG Skava

This year at the Young Living Convention, a couple of new sleep products were presented: Deep Sleep Essence and Super Magnesium. Were you aware that the core of your complete wellness begins AND ends with the quality of your sleep? Unbelievable! Dementia is a “brain” disease. Toxins left in the brain can cause the brain to deteriorate and malfunction. If you can REALLY get a good night’s sleep every night, here are the benefits:

  1. Your brain will recharge and recover from the days activities and will store all of the things that you learned and experienced during the day.
  2. Your body will heal and restore itself, fortifying your immune system and boosting your mood.
  3. Deep sleep will remove waste and toxins from the brain, especially during the third and fourth stages of sleep (AKA REM Sleep). These last stages of sleep allow our bodies to be more effective at flushing our brain cells, leading to clearer brain function. This process also allows space between the brain cells to increase. Damaging molecules are flushed out, therefore reducing the risk of neurodegeneration.

There have been numerous studies done on the correlation between poor sleep and dementia. 1 in 3 Americans do not get enough sleep! If you can improve this one function today, you could save your brain cognition and improve your overall health!

1 in 3 Americans do not get enough sleep

Super Magnesium is a great supplement to take along with Deep Night Essence. Super Magnesium supports a restful night’s sleep and helps you have a calm nervous system. It helps reduce oxidative stress and much more! Check out our new Deep Night Essence and Super Magnesium today! Contact your nearest Young Living Brand Partner or contact CARE International at: 1-800-758-8629.

To your health!

Raindrop Messenger Featured Book

A More Excellent Way


A More Excellent Way, Be in Health: Spiritual Roots of Disease, Pathways to Wholeness – by Rev. Henry Wright Pastor Wright has one of the most successful Christian healing ministries in the world. In his work, he finds the causes of sickness to be spiritual and emotional.

Only 11 left in stock

Featured Instructor: Patricia Iannone, LSH, CCCI, BCRS, CAC, CECP, Reiki Master, PEP

Featured Instructor: Patricia Iannone, LSH, CCCI, BCRS, CAC, CECP, Reiki Master, PEP

My journey to CARE began with my veterinarian.

I used to adopt elderly dogs that needed medical care and lots of love during their remaining time on this Earth. Typically, traditional veterinary medicine is not what worked best for them, so I found a vet that had many tools in her tool box in addition to traditional veterinary care, essential oils being one of those tools. At the guidance of my vet, I used Young Living essential oils on my elderly dogs that had tumors and cancer with good palliative results. The last dog that I adopted was a puppy because it was so heartbreaking having a dog die every year or so for a few years. I currently have 4 dogs and 2 cats.


With the help of my veterinarian, I started Young Living with a Premium Starter kit that included the Dewdrop Diffuser in 2015. I did “research” online and found that RC Essential Oil Blend could be used for plantar fasciitis, but I didn’t use it correctly. I expected it to be like taking a pill – once will cover me for 12-24 hours.  Later, I learned that essential oils are not like pharmaceuticals and need to be applied multiple times during the day. As part of using Young Living consistently since 2017, I have attempted to be a distributor but found that I’m an educator, not a salesperson.

Throughout this journey, I have worked full time since 1992 at a very large insurance company. Even though I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance, I currently work as a Technology Analyst in their Enterprise Technology department. I enjoy my job and love the company. My Project Management Professional (PMP) certification has helped me approach my CARE journey from a “project” point of view.

Although retirement is still a few years away, I was looking for a retirement “job” when I attended my first Care Intensive on September 30, 2021. I then walked through many open doors and became a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist/Licensed Spiritual Healer (CRTS/LSH) on January 1, 2022, Certified CARE Instructor (CCI) on May 29, 2022, Certified Aromatherapy Coach (CAC) on August 1, 2022, Completely Certified CARE Instructor (CCCI) in September 2022, and Board Certified Raindrop Specialist (BCRS) on January 1, 2023. I love to teach all of the CARE classes, and really love Chemistry because it appeals to my analytical mind. The CCI exam was an exciting challenge for me that I passed with 100%.

I have been trying to attract students and clients since becoming a CCI in 2022. I invested in learning how to have an online presence and an online (not CARE) course. I learned skills that I now use, but my online course went nowhere – I’m much better in person! I have a website ( and Facebook business page that I use to advertise my face-to-face CARE and Reiki classes, in addition to running ads with Google and occasionally Facebook. My business has been created from the learnings of failing and succeeding repeatedly! 

On my way to becoming a CCCI, I taught the practice classes and did the practicums in my home, but 4 dogs and 2 cats are overwhelming to most people, so that didn’t work as a professional space. I shared a space with a massage therapist for six months but she didn’t want me to teach classes there because it was too much energy in her space. I also used another space with two people, but that didn’t work out either. After being attuned as a Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master in March 2024, my new location came less than a week later. On a Wednesday, I was talking with a friend about needing a private space and she knew someone that had a space to rent. I met the landlord and saw the office on Thursday, signed the year contract on Friday, painted the room on Saturday, and gave my first Raindrop to a repeat client in my space on Sunday. It’s a storefront in Downtown Bloomington, IL. My CARE and Reiki students enjoy the activity of the area during class breaks, lunch, and at the end of the day. 

My passion is Energy healing, so I took my first Transcendental Meditation course in November of 2023 and became a Certified Emotion Code® Practitioner (CECP) in March 2024. I’m now working on the next level, Certified Body Code® Practitioner. My next challenges are learning and practicing advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation and becoming attuned as an Animal Reiki Master. I would also like to complete the Supervisor training for CARE instructors.

Another passion that I have is reading and listening to books. I recently finished The Convoluted Universe, Books 1 & 2 by Dolores Cannon. I’m currently listening to her book, Jesus and the Essenes, and learning more about higher states of consciousness in the Transcendental Meditation app. Coincidentally, this year I also re-discovered the peak performance blend that I created for the aromatherapy coach curriculum that contains Clove, Juniper, Sage, Lime, Elemi, Helichrysum, Frankincense, Galbanum, Myrrh, and Avocado Oil.

Over the past few years, I have been walking through open doors and learning a lot about Divine Timing. CARE was not only the best introduction I could have into the world of essential oils, but also into the world of Energy and metaphysics. When I started this journey just 3 years ago at my first CARE Intensive, I was driven to be a facilitator of emotional healing. I could not have foreseen that I would have a small energy healing and essential oil business. My spiritual life and psychic gifts have expanded greatly since then. My daily prayer is to have knowledge of God’s will for me and the Power to carry it out. I truly understand that I am a channel of Peace.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Our Next Event

Wellston, OK: 3-Day CARE Intensive


The Care Calendar

Topics covered in the Raindrop Messenger:

The Raindrop Messenger

In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

The articles published in The Raindrop Messenger and in this archive are not copyrighted. You are  encouraged to copy them, reprint them, and share them with friends. We would appreciate acknowledgment of their source by a statement to the effect.

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Have a facilitator contact you!

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

The Care Logo

CARE International Inc
12923 BCR 800
Marble Hill, MO 63764

Toll Free (800) 758-8629
Fax (573) 755-0365

Open 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
Monday - Friday

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