The Point of Power: Making Changes in the Here and Now

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The Point of Power - The Raindrop Messenger March 2024 The Point of Power - The Raindrop Messenger March 2024

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

By Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

The Point of Power:
Making Changes in the Here and Now

“The point of power is in the present moment.” (Louise Hay, from “Heal Your Body”). What a simple, profound, and liberating thought! In her book, Louise Hay goes on to say, “It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had negative patterns, an illness, a rotten relationship, lack of finances, or self-hatred. We can begin to make a change today.”

It seems to be human nature to feel trapped by circumstances, negative feelings, bad habits, ill health, and emotions stemming from past trauma. People say things like, “That’s just the way I am,” or “That’s just the hand life has dealt me,” disbelieving that we are creatures of free will. Some folks carry around trauma and emotional baggage like a millstone around their neck and feel helpless to feel or do any differently. Have you ever had “If only ida” thoughts?

“If only ida been born into different circumstances.”
“If only ida not had that bad thing happen to me.”
“If only ida married a different spouse.” 
“If only ida been born to different parents.”
“If only ida made that investment or gone to that other school or chosen another career.”
“If only ida done this instead of that.”

And the list could go endlessly on. “If only ida” thinking is living in the past where we have no power. Our past is not sitting in our memory bank to endlessly torture us leading to despair. It is there to help teach us something new. The past I’m speaking of could be from forty years back or five minutes ago. It now only exists in our memory. All we have now is the present moment, and it is there that we have the power to mend and change things. Holding onto and focusing on whatever past we may have, be it far away in time or very recent, is only holding us back from our full potential as a child of God. Through the prophet Isaiah, God said, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

The negative traits that we once identified with, the bitter feelings, the character flaws, the toxic relationships – all that stuff is taking up space in our consciousness. And that space could be used for something much better. That’s why we have the divine calling to remove the former things from our consciousness. Release it! And make room for the “new thing” that God is doing.

How do we make that emotional, mental, and spiritual shift? It all starts with a desire to do so. When that desire becomes strong enough, the way appears. It is also important to realize that in this world there is no such thing as something for nothing. In order to gain the happiness, peace of mind, abundance, harmony, balance, freedom, etc., think deeply about what you are willing to give in exchange. If we seek personal and spiritual growth, are we willing to exchange the trauma that is inhibiting that growth? If we seek a sense of real connectedness, are we willing to hand over bitterness? Would we exchange our unforgiving heart for the ability to forgive someone?

… give unto them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

Isaiah 60:3

And so it goes that after we have that strong desire to change our consciousness, the next step is to have an attitude of willingness. Many people have a desire for something better but are not willing to take the necessary steps to attain the coveted result. Remaining the way we are, or the way we have always been (“That’s just the way I am”), is a personal choice and an exercise of free will. Likewise, taking advantage of the power in the present moment to begin the process of growth is also a personal choice. Remember, the point of power is in the present moment, right here, right now. We can use that power to begin the process of making positive and productive changes, or we can use that power by choosing to remain the same.

Keep in mind, that if we are choosing to use the power of the present moment to make significant changes, that doesn’t always mean that the desired results will be immediate (though sometimes they are). Though the past is gone, its consequences reverberate out into the present like ripples from a pebble thrown in a pond. It may take personal effort in many present moments to create the reality we seek. The key is to keep on creating positive changes in each present moment, even when results aren’t immediately apparent. When you turn on water through a long water hose, it may not flow with water for a minute or more. It will have gushes of water, then air, water, air… for a long time. But keep the source of water moving through the hose, and eventually it will be an even flowing stream.

 If you are remodeling your home, it doesn’t happen simply by wishing for it. First, we may have to remove lots of things from the house, throw away some items perhaps that are no longer relevant. We would need to take the time to peel off that 70’s print wallpaper (unless you still like it), remove old carpet, repair broken boards, repaint, put in new floors, and then fill the home with new items that you now choose, and maybe keep some of the old items that are precious to you. And this all takes time. But the time is in the now. What good would it do us to sit and look at the ugly wallpaper, or the stained carpet and just say to ourselves, “I really wish I hadn’t spilled coffee on the carpet, and why did the dog have to poop right there? And I wish that my parents hadn’t put up that ugly wallpaper when they lived here.” This type of thinking would be completely futile.

And so it is with ourselves. We will never wish it away. We can’t change the past where we are powerless. But we can make choices and take action in the present moment. And that’s where the point of power will always be. And what a blessing that we have the additional power that essential oils bring to the table. We even have a blend called Present Time created by Gary Young!

So… “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

As spring ushers in new birth, new creation, and a fresh start, let’s each one take part in the power of the present moment with which God has blessed us, and watch your new growth spring forth like a budding tree in the new season.

Upcoming Care Events

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Advanced Bible Oils Class and CCI Summit

Advanced Bible Oils:
Sunday, July 21, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

CCI Summit 2024:
Monday, July 22, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This year CARE’s Advanced Bible Oils and CCI Summit will take place at the Crystal Inn Hotel & Suites in Salt Lake City, Utah following Young Living Convention!

Advanced Bible Oils (open to all) is taught by Anthony Stewart, FCCI and is a wonderful in-depth review of essential oils and practices of the ancient Hebrews and early Christians in scripture. We will also discuss the rich history of the Bible and learn how to study scripture in such a way that it will enrich your experience. We will go through the entire History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands (HAL; formerly Healing Oils of the Bible) class as presented by CARE along with Q and A. One of the focal points of this class is to educate CARE Instructors on how to teach HAL, but there is much more information presented that is useful to anyone who has an interest in the Bible and essential oils.

Part of the class’s intent is to introduce unusual situations in which you may find yourself when teaching HAL. For example, you may have attendees who are not of a Judeo-Christian heritage, and who do not consider the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and/or the New Testament their scriptures, which can be challenging. A brief description of many religions will be given along with what to expect. We will also look at the history of the Bible, and how it developed over the millennia into its present form, among many other fascinating topics!

Advanced Bible Oils is required for all new CCIs who have not yet taken this class. CARE Interns (CIs) are welcome to attend and fulfill this requirement before becoming a CCI. This class is also open to the public upon registration. It is recommended, but not required, that participants complete CARE’s History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands before attending.

Repeat students of Advanced Bible Oils may attend at half price.

Advanced Bible Oils is approved for 8 CE Hours through NCBTMB.

CCI Summit (must be a CI, CCI or above to be eligible) is open to all CCIs and above, and also CARE Interns. Summit is a time for us to gather together to learn, grow, discuss, network, make new friends and reconnect with old friends. We will have special speakers, hands-on experiences, check each other’s Raindrop and Vitaflex skills, learn how to relate with students, and more.

Summit & Bible Oils Pricing:

Advanced Bible Oils (open to all):
$285 First time students
$142.50 Students repeating this class

Summit 2024 (must be a CI, CCI or above to be eligible):
$325 Early bird special, by May 1
$350 Registration May 1 and after

Four Ways to Register:


Advanced Bible Oils, click here to register.

Summit 2024, click here to register.

Call: (573) 238-4846

Email:, request invoice for Summit and/or Advanced Bible Oils Class

Snail Mail: Send check or money order along with your name, address, phone, and e-mail address, stating what you are registering for, to: CARE, 12923 BCR 800. Marble Hill MO 63764.

Location for Both Events:
Crystal Inn Hotel & Suites Salt Lake City
230 W 500 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101 USA

David Stewart, PhD,

By David Stewart, PhD,
Founder of CARE International

Leaves of Clover

This article is excerpted from two booklets written by Dr. Stewart. The first was written in 1997 entitled “Are You Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover? How to Grow Your Own”, and the second was written in 2001 entitled “Leaves of Clover”. Neither booklet is currently in print.

The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:1-4

All creations are statements of their creators, if only we can read and understand them. And so it is with God’s creations. His universe is full of parables that reflect His scriptures, if only we can recognize and comprehend them. In the natural world, there is no speech, nor words, nor voice in the languages of humankind, yet the Lord’s messages are everywhere waiting patiently to be seen and heard. One such parable speaks to us through leaves of clover.

During the 1990s David Stewart transplanted and grew several patches of clover in his front yard, which made it convenient for him to study their life and behavior. Many of these patches grew an abundance of four-leaf clovers each spring.

During the 1990s David Stewart transplanted and grew several patches of clover in his front yard, which made it convenient for him to study their life and behavior. Many of these patches grew an abundance of four-leaf clovers each spring.

The first to apply clover as an illustration of scriptural truth was St. Patrick more than seventeen centuries ago. Contrary to what you may have heard, St. Patrick was not an Irishman by blood nor by birth. Born in Scotland in 389 A.D., His mother was British and his father a Roman. At age sixteen he was kidnapped by Irish bandits and spent the next six years in slavery as a shepherd. A spiritual vision instructed him to escape and become a priest, which he did. He fled to Gaul (France) where he was educated and ordained. Having learned the language of the Irish aborigines while he was a slave, the pope assigned him to Ireland, the land of his bondage.

Faced with the daunting task of teaching Christianity to primitive, warlike tribes with no written language, he had to find simple ways to convey the teachings of Jesus to which they could relate. The concept of the Trinity was hard to communicate. Trying to explain how one God could be three, one day he picked up a clover leaf. Pointing to the three leaflets, he said, “See there are three,” and then pointing to the stem he added, “But there is only one source. This is how God can be a Father, a Son and a Holy Ghost at the same time and still be one God.”

Before St. Pat died in 461 A.D. he had thoroughly established Christianity throughout the island. Legend also credits him with driving all the snakes out of Ireland.

Shamrocks, Clovers and the Luck o’ the Irish

Shamrock is an old Irish word for clover both white (Trifolium repens) and yellow (Trifolium dubium). In Ireland the term shamrock also applies to wood-sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) which is also a three-leaved plant resembling clover. The shamrock is the national emblem of Ireland and St. Patrick is their patron saint. Clovers and shamrocks of all kinds are symbols of the “Luck o’ the Irish.”

Sometimes shamrocks and clover produce a fourth leaf. Four-leaf clovers are considered especially lucky, and you don’t have to be Irish to receive its benefits. To extend St. Pat’s allegory of the Holy Trinity in three leaves, we can say that when a fourth leaf is manifest, that is God’s grace. We can see that four leaves symbolize the cross, whereby God’s salvation was given to the world through Jesus. Hence, what the ancient people of Ireland considered to be “luck,” Christians would consider to be “grace.”

Are You a Natural Four-Leaf Finder?

In doing many informal surveys, I discovered that about two-thirds of the people have found at least one four-leaf clover in their lifetime. At the same time, approximately one person in three has never found a four-leaf clover in their entire life, and some have never even seen one. At the other extreme, while most people have found at least one four-leaf clover sometime in their life, there are some who find them all the time.

If you are one of those who frequently finds four-leaf clovers, even when you aren’t looking for them, then you are a natural four-leaf clover finder. You may just be running down to the mailbox, crossing a grassy strip in a mall parking lot, or taking a short-cut across someone’s lawn, when there, as big as day, will be a four-leaf clover poking its head through the grass smiling at you, like God’s grace, when you least expect it. Such people represent only 4% of the population or only one in twenty-five.

Why is it that some people find four-leaf clovers and some don’t? The difference isn’t in the clovers. Clover has no favorites. It is the same for everyone, like God. The difference is in how people see the world. Some are attuned to seeing four-leaf clovers and some not, just as some people are attuned to seeing God in everything and some not.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith.

Revelation 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22

However, anyone who desires to do so can learn to spot four-leaf clovers. Likewise, anyone can learn to pray more effectively and more fully open their ears to hear, their eyes to see, and their hearts to receive more and more of God’s grace. The grace is free, but the ability to recognize and receive it is a matter of personal commitment, effort, and openness.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask wrongly.

James 4:3

Four-Leaf Clover Facts

People don’t find God because they don’t seek Him. And many want to find God, but don’t know how to seek Him. The same goes for finding four-leaf clovers.

Over the years, I have conducted a series of experiments on four-leaf clovers – an informal scientific study. I have gathered them from many places in my travels, grown them in pots and in flats, indoors and outdoors, in shade and in sunshine, in wet places and dry, in fertile soil and poor, in spring, summer, winter and fall.

In the process of my research endeavors, clovers have taught me many things, revealing their secrets. What I discovered is that finding four-leaf clovers is actually a learnable skill. Anyone interested can learn how. In fact, anyone interested can learn to grow their own. Four-leaf clovers are all around us, almost everywhere you go. But there are a few tricks to finding them.

Just as God’s grace and goodness surrounds us uninterruptedly, twenty-four hours a day, we may not be aware of His presence and may fail to receive the peace and joy and wisdom that is always there. However, those who have learned how to do it can turn their attention inward and upward in silent prayer and receive.

Be Still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

The trick is learning what it means to “be still.” The same is true of finding four-leaf clovers. You can be walking through a field of them and never know it if you aren’t looking for them, or, even when you are looking, you won’t find them if you don’t know how. Learning how to focus on four-leaf clovers leads to the ability to find them. Learning to find them requires learning about them and their ways.

Likewise, learning to focus on God leads to greater receptivity and awareness in sensing His Presence. And learning to find Him requires learning about Him and His ways.

Clover and the Golden Rule

The first step in learning to find four-leaf clovers is to learn how they grow, where they hang out, and what company they keep. Clover is a perennial low-growing herb of the family Leguminosae. It stands a foot tall or so in sown fields or lies an inch or so above ground in mown lawns. It is gregarious, likes the company of other clovers, and has no prejudice against other species – mixing well with weeds and grasses of all kinds.

As a Legume, it has the ability to fix gaseous nitrogen from the atmosphere and place it in the soil. All plants need nitrogen, but most can’t take their own directly from the air. Therefore, other species seek the company of clover as a neighbor to enjoy the nutrition it so generously contributes to the soil. All plants seem to like clover because it lives by the Golden Rule. (Matthew 7:12 or Luke 6:31) Clovers love their neighbors. In fact, notice the four middle letters of the word CLOVER. It spells “love.”

Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Mark 12:31

The Odds of Finding a Four-Leaf Clover

Clover of all varieties has the generic name of “Trifolium,” which is Latin for “three leaves.” The vast majority of clovers are of the three-leaf kind. Quadrifoliate clover is a rare mutation of the norm. In my studies, I have sampled hundreds of lawns and fields, counting tens of thousands of clovers. Here is what I found.

Out of 1,000 stems of clover, 3 or 4 will bear four leaves. That is a rate of about 0.35% or one in 300. Out of 2,000 stems of clover, one may even bear five leaves. That is a rate of 0.05% or one in 2,000. However, to get those numbers you have to count tens of thousands of plants.

The reality is that if you choose a small patch of clover at random, say one-foot square, chances are nine out of ten you won’t find any plants with four leaves in that patch. Only one such patch in ten will contain any of the lucky varieties. But when you do find that one-in-ten patch, look again. There will probably be another four-leafer and, perhaps, several in the same area.

Four-leaf clovers grow in clusters – generally all from the same plant or from nearby offspring of the mother plant. So don’t just pick one four-leaf clover and move on or you’ll miss an opportunity to find several.

God’s grace is like that, too. We all go through periods of spiritual dryness but if we persist in our devotion, God often answers with a flood – having prepared the soil.

A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.

Luke 6:38

Clover Principles for Successful Living

This article is about clover as a plant, but mostly it is about clover as a teacher and illustrator of Biblical teachings. True success is not happenstance of chance. Finding four-leaf clovers is more of a skill than it is an accident. Success is choosing a right course and sticking with it. Luck is often part of success, and successful people seem to get more of it because they have learned to recognize, position themselves, and seize upon the serendipity of lucky opportunities when they come. But luck can be good or bad and life deals everyone a little of both. The difference is that successful people know how to deal with that, too.

We don’t count on the random whims of luck. We count on God’s grace where our part of the deal is to keep ourselves open and receptive to that grace.

In summary, then, here are fifteen principles we have learned from clover:

  1. Clovers represent the Trinity, the grace of God, the perfection of Christ, and the model of a humble servant.
  2. Clover lives by the Golden Rule; its middle name is love.
  3. Clovers are good neighbors, benefiting others by enriching the environment.
  4. Clovers are generous, providing food for anyone, bird or mammal, who passes by that is in need.
  5. Clovers are gregarious and friendly and enjoy the company of others.
  6. Clovers have no prejudices against others and are willing to associate in peace and harmony with those who are different from themselves.
  7. Clover plants are courageous visionaries who never stop reaching into new territory – always exploring the unknown.
  8. Clover is flexible and adaptable to ever-changing times and environments, willing to accommodate a wide variety of circumstances.
  9. Clover always does its best to flourish wherever God plants them – even in poor soil.
  10. Clover plants know how to remain new and youthful, even when old.
  11. Clovers are freedom lovers, will not accept confinement, and would rather die than compromise their principles.
  12. Clovers enact an annual Easter pageant for us illustrating the death and resurrection of Christ by appearing to die every winter and then reappearing with new life in each spring.
  13. Clovers are creatures of light, and do not dwell in darkness.
  14. Clovers teach us that the best way to keep your Christlike nature is to keep Christlike company.
  15. Clovers know the source of their strength and energy and acknowledge it by turning toward and communing with their source of life throughout each day without ceasing.

Clovers have their priorities in order, and, in their own way, they exemplify the spirit of the following Bible verse:

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33
lora lee

Health Tip:

from Lora Lee Stewart, FCCI

Luck O’ The Irish to You!

Happy Month of St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you all are having a wonderful March! As Spring approaches, I like to think of our world around us “awakening, feeling fresh and new.” What a wonderful feeling! Our liver is the primary organ that detoxifies our bodies and helps us eliminate things that can be harmful to our bodies. So, our liver is like Spring, it can help us feel fresh and new and awaken our energies and cells! That is why it is so important to keep our liver healthy! I’ve been doing some research about foods that support our liver. Here are some foods that, when consumed daily, can help support our liver’s natural functioning.

They are:

  • Garlic
  • Grapefruit
  • Beets and Carrots
  • Green Tea
  • Leafy Green Vegetables (Raw or Cooked)
  • Avocados
  • Apples
  • Olive Oil, Hemp Seed Oil or Flax Seed Oil
  • Whole Grains (without the gluten)
  • Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Artichokes, Asparagus, etc)
  • Lemons and Limes
  • Walnuts
  • Cabbage
  • Turmeric

(This information was provided by Dr. Edward Group, founder of Global Healing)

These powerhouse foods stimulate the liver to allow it to function at its peak performance! I want to touch on a couple of these foods. Let’s talk about Grapefruit! This fruit is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants which can naturally cleanse the liver. It has also been found that Grapefruit can help with weight loss! Grapefruit juice can boost the production of liver cleansing enzymes and can flush out carcinogens and other toxins from our bodies. Lemons and Limes assist the liver in a similar way. If you drink fresh lemon or lime juice in water every morning, your liver will be well stimulated and ready to perform for the day! Lemons and Limes can actually synthesize toxins so that they can be absorbed by water!

Cold pressed organic Olive Oil, Hemp Seed Oil or Flax Seed Oil can help your body produce a lipid base which can suck up harmful toxins. When this happens, it reduces the toxic overload on our liver that many of us experience. If you’re able to eat a variety of the above foods every day, you can really help support your liver so it can perform its job effectively and efficiently! I realize we are all on budgets, however, as much as you can grow your own fruits and vegetables and/or buy organic, it is much better!

As you’re watching your favorite Basketball team during March Madness, try this yummy dip that has some of these liver supporting ingredients in it! To your health!

Lemon-Basil Hummus

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4-6


  • 1 15 ounce can chickpeas, drained with liquid reserved
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 1 lemon, juiced and zested
  • 10 basil, fresh leaves
  • 2 tablespoons tahini (omit or substitute with sunflower seed butter for sesame allergy)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


Blend all ingredients (except the liquid from the beans) in a blender until smooth. Use 1/2 to 1 cup of liquid to adjust the consistency of the hummus to the preferred consistency. Garnish with basil and olive oil and serve with your favorite fresh vegetables.

CARE Instructors’ Zoom Meeting

All CARE Interns and Instructors are invited to attend
a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. Central US Time.

We will have time for presentation and some discussion.
Meeting will last approximately one hour.

Keep your eyes open for emails and Facebook announcements with links and info.

Mark your calendars!

Supervisor Training for CCIs

Supervisor Training for CCIs – May 3-5, 2024

This will be an online “virtual” training through Zoom

Instructor: Anthony Stewart, FCCI

ELIGIBILITY: Must be a CCI or above to register.

WORKSHOP FEE: The fee for the Workshop is $800 payable to CARE. Half price for repeat students. Current Supervisors who would like to audit the class and not fully participate may do so for $150. Registration may be by emailing and requesting an invoice. Please cc You may also register by mailing a check to CARE Supervisor Training, 12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, MO, 63764.

To Register Online Click Here

SCCI REQUIREMENTS: Requirements for becoming an SCCI, with a description of SCCI Privileges, are on pp. 30-31 of the CCI Handbook (21st ed). One must have taught at least four Basic Sets to be eligible to become an SCCI, but one may take the SCCI Workshop before having completed the four Sets. Only CCIs and above may take the Workshop. CIs are not eligible.

THE SUPERVISOR’S MANUAL: Participants must have purchased a CARE Supervisors Manual prior to class and will be using this during each online session. They are $95.00 plus $14 s/h. You will need to call CARE at (800) 758-8629 and order by phone with a credit card or email The Supervisor’s Manual is not available through the website.

PRE-WORKSHOP ASSIGNMENT: The pre-workshop assignment is to get a copy of the Return Demo Form (which may be downloaded from the website when you log in as a CCI) and view the CARE Vitaflex and Raindrop DVDs, critiquing the instructor’s performance as if they were a CCI Candidate and you are the Examiner. Your completed Ret Demo forms are to be brought to the Workshop where they will be presented and discussed, and whether a grade of Pass, Fail, or Facilitator Only shall be given. This form can be downloaded by logging into to your instructor profile at > Click Member Portal > Click Instructors & Facilitators Only > Click on the purple Certified CARE Instructor button > Click on Return Demo Checklist.

COURSE CONTENT: All aspects of Supervising will be reviewed, including Examinations for Return Demonstrations, Supervising Assistantship Classes, Mentoring CCI Candidates, Proctoring Internship Classes, as well as Observing Emotional Release and Chemistry Classes for candidates seeking authorization for these subjects.

GENERAL DAILY SCHEDULE: Students will typically meet with the instructor via Zoom at 9:00 a.m. Central US Time for approximately one hour in the mornings, after which students will have homework to complete before meeting again at 3:00 p.m. Central US Time. The afternoon session will last approximately two hours. There may be more time spent online than this, particularly on the last day of the training. However, we will adjourn from class at noon on Sunday, which is the last day. Daily schedule is subject to change. You will need to set aside all three days to being present online and completing assignments during the day.

REGISTRATION: Register with CARE. See “Workshop Fee” above, or Click Here to Register Online.

NOTE ON CERTIFICATES: Students attending for the first time will receive a certificate for 20 CE hours. Repeat students have the option to receive a certificate for an additional $10 by making a request to CARE. Students who are only auditing the class will not receive certificates since they will not be fully participating in this workshop. Continuing Education Hours are through NCBTMB.

Raindrop Messenger Featured Book

Heal Your Body


Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.

Only 57 left in stock

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I am 65 years young and live and work in the most majestic and beautiful place in America-Colorado. It is truly a mecca when it comes to outdoor activities and wildlife. I ski, mountain bike, hike, paddleboard and kayak. Animals are my passion, we have Siberian Huskies that ski-jor, bike jor and of course sled dog races. I am a Registered Nurse, Reflexologist with a concentration on neuro feet, hand & facial reflexology, and a Lifetime CARE Instructor. Currently, I have my own practice, A Step in Thyme, Reflexology & Aromatherapy, in the Rockies servicing my clients in Neuro foot/hand/face reflexology and of course Raindrop Technique.

At 9000 feet I tell people that I do Raindrop with an altitude. I have a beautiful family, 2 grown daughters, and my granddaughter Nora. Of course, none of this could be possible without my wonderful partner, best friend and husband of 35 years, Tim.

I took my first CARE intensive in 2003, with Dr. Stewart and Beverly Claussen. Why? Because back when I started with YLEO (2002) they stopped their science classes and because of my medical background I needed to know more about why these incredible oils work so well in the body.

The Intensive and meeting Dr. Stewart changed my life.

The Intensive and meeting Dr. Stewart changed my life.

My career soared, as did my love for essential oils and of course CARE. Learning the body, mind, spirit connection with essential oils in every aspect of our lives in such a simple way is the foundation of brilliance from Dr. Stewart. All the materials, books and the hands-on learning has allowed me to share these natural medicinal tools in a user -friendly manner even for the youngest of oilers. One of my first Intensives I had a 14 year old in my chemistry class who was able to fully grasp the concepts of the science of chemistry in just the 6 hour Chemistry class.. During my 21 years teaching, I have met so many people, and now long- time friends that I would have never met if I didn’t teach these CARE Intensives. What we teach in all the classes goes beyond anything I have every learned. It’s life changing. CARE also afforded me the chance to travel to NovaVita clinic in Ecuador in 2007, and just recently to the Highland Farms where we got to harvest and distill Grand Fir. So many opportunities I been blessed with in CARE.

My favorite YL oil is Sacred Angel. This blend connects one to the Divine and is very grounding.

My favorite CARE book is Chemistry of Essential Oils. This is my Essential oil Bible!

I enjoy cooking and preparing foods and I just love to eat. 🙂

My favorite recipe these days is a homemade Berry Pavlova

Raindrop Messenger RECIPES

Berry Pavlova

Berry Pavlova
  • 4 extra-large egg whites, at room temperature
  • Pinch of kosher salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Sweetened Whipped Cream (see recipe)
  • 1/2 pint fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1/2 pint fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 pint fresh raspberries
  • Triple Raspberry Sauce (see recipe)
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a sheet pan.
  2. Draw a 9-inch circle on the paper, using a 9-inch plate as a guide, then turn the paper over so the circle is on the reverse side. (This way you won’t get a pencil mark on the meringue.)
  3. Place the egg whites and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat the egg whites on high speed until firm, about 1 minute. With the mixer still on high, slowly add the sugar and beat until it makes firm, shiny peaks, about 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the bowl from the mixer, sift the cornstarch onto the beaten egg whites, add the vinegar and vanilla, and fold in lightly with a rubber spatula.
  5. Pile the meringue into the middle of the circle on the parchment paper and smooth it within the circle, making a rough disk.
  6. Bake for 1½ hours. Turn off the oven, keep the door closed, and allow the meringue to cool completely in the oven, about 1 hour. It will be crisp on the outside and soft inside.
  7. Invert the meringue disk onto a plate and spread the top completely with sweetened whipped cream.
  8. Combine the strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in a bowl and toss with about ½ cup of raspberry sauce, or enough to coat the berries lightly.
  9. Spoon the berries carefully into the middle of the Pavlova, leaving a border of cream and meringue. Serve immediately in large scoops with extra raspberry sauce.

Sweetened Whipped Cream (Makes 2 Cups)

  • 1 cup cold heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  1. Whip the cream in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment (you can also use a hand mixer).
  2. When it starts to thicken, add the sugar and vanilla and continue to beat until firm. Don’t overbeat!

Triple Raspberry Sauce (Makes 2 Cups)

  • ½ pint fresh raspberries
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup seedless raspberry jam (12-ounce jar)
  • 1 tablespoon framboise liqueur
  1. Place the raspberries, sugar and ¼ cup water in a small saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for 4 minutes.
  3. Pour the cooked raspberries, the jam, and framboise into the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade and process until smooth.
  4. Chill.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Our Next Event

3 Day Intensive – Dalton PA


The Care Calendar

Topics covered in the Raindrop Messenger:

The Raindrop Messenger

In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

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The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

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12923 BCR 800
Marble Hill, MO 63764

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