Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures – Volume 5, Number 4

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Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures - Volume 5, Number 4 Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures - Volume 5, Number 4

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures
by David Stewart, PhD, DNM

Originally Posted July – August 2007

Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures
by David Stewart

Applying essential oils is an ancient and effective modality for (1) First Aid, (2) Stress Management, (3) Pain Management, (4) Improving Your Quality of Life, and (5) Living up to Your Peak Performance. Aromatic science is a new field of research that is rediscovering the many health benefits of aromatherapy once lost in antiquity but are now being verified and refined by modern studies. “Improving Your Quality of Life” includes finding effective ways via oils for such things as diabetes, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, depression, cancer and a host of other chronic or terminal diseases.

Throughout the world, many cultures of the historic past anointed and healed with essential oils with great success on an intuitive and spiritual basis, but they were not able to understand nor explain their remarkable powers from an intellectual or scientific viewpoint. The tools of today’s technology are teaching us that essential oils are unique among all substances and hold many solutions to the unanswered and unmet challenges of medicine and health care as they exist today.

Nurses (RNs) and medical doctors (MDs) practice within a philosophical paradigm referred to as “allopathy.” The theory of allopathy is that if you remove or correct the symptoms of a condition, you have removed or corrected the condition itself.

Suppose you have a fever, mucous in the nose, a cough in your chest, an upset stomach, a headache, and can’t sleep. An allopath would prescribe something to reduce the fever, stop the runny nose, shut off your coughing reflex, neutralize the acid in your stomach, deaden the pain in your head, and put you to sleep. You might feel better, but you weren’t healed of anything.

All of the symptoms listed would be warning indicators of a deeper problem, not the problem, itself. They are like the red light on your dashboard indicating that you need motor oil. All the doctor does is to shut off the warning signals instead of diagnosing and correcting the root of the problem. This would be like unscrewing the warning light bulb under your dash to turn it off instead of recognizing that you just need to stop your car and add some oil before the engine burns up.

Allopathic medicine can relieve symptoms and make you feel better, but it does not address the problem that produced the symptoms. Hence, you can be made to feel fine and still be sick. The consequence is that your body can then come down with a different and, perhaps, worse malady with another set of symptoms.

Taken to allopathic extremes, medical doctors, unable to solve a problem in a particular member or organ in your body, will resort to surgery and simply remove that member or organ. That would certainly remove the symptoms, but you would then be maimed for life and resigned to live with one or more missing body parts. Such an approach usually leads to more complications and more unpleasant symptoms later on, if not immediately, following the surgery. But to the mind of an allopath, they would have solved the problem you had presented to them. The fact that the post-surgery patient now has additional and different problems is not relevant in allopathic thinking because the patient’s original problem has been removed. In the words of an allopathic surgeon, “The operation was a success, but as for the patient . . .”

The best of modern medicine is emergency medicine. If I am in a bad accident with major head trauma, an open bleeding wound, serious internal injuries, or a broken limb, take me to the closest emergency room. Let them apply their skills with pharmaceuticals, surgery, x-ray machines, and sophisticated technology, etc., so I can live through the crisis. But leave the healing to me by other means.

Allopathy is virtually helpless in effecting true healing following a crisis or in curing chronic diseases. They can manage your disease or condition for the rest of your life, but if you want true and permanent healing you must look elsewhere.

While allopathic medicine can save a life in an emergency, actual healing is outside the scope of allopathy. While nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle are key factors in maintaining health, the roots of most sicknesses and conditions are emotional and spiritual. The fallacy of allopathic medicine is the belief that everything that happens in our bodies is a matter of chemistry and physics. From this fallacy they conclude that there must always be a chemical or physical prescription to solve every bodily condition, even when the condition is a psychological disorder. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The chemistry and physics of our physiologic processes are but reflections of our thoughts and feelings. In fact, the classical laws of chemistry and physics do not apply to living processes, but few health care practitioners and biologists know this. The scientific laws more appropriate to describe living processes are found in quantum physics.

Classical physics deals with processes bigger than an atom or molecule. Quantum physics deals with processes smaller than an atom, i.e. individual electrons, neutrons, and protons. Quantum physics teaches us that human thought influences electron behavior. Every physiological function in the human body involves electrons. Electrons are the mind-body connection.

In classical physics, given specific conditions there are specific outcomes and definite answers. One can predict with certainty what will result from any given set of physical or chemical conditions. Questions in classical physics tend to have one right answer independent of the thoughts and intent of the experimenter.

In quantum physics, given specific conditions there are no specific outcomes and definite answers, but only a set of possibilities. One cannot predict with certainty which possibility will manifest from a given set of conditions. Questions in quantum physics will have a spectrum of probably answers, the final answer influenced by such things as the thoughts and intent of the experimenter.

Classical physics can take us to the moon and back and into the far reaches of outer space, but classical physics cannot penetrate the inner universe of the atom. Quantum physics does that and leads us directly into the realms of mind and spirit. Essential oils are bridges between all of these realms – material, mental, energetic, and spiritual.

Essential oils are composed of chemical compounds, but also have electrical properties at the level of electrons and protons. This places them partially in the realm of quantum physics. Essential oils respond to human thought. They amplify intent. This is why they work so well in combination with prayer.

When asked what a particular oil will do, one can give a chemical answer by describing the compounds of the oil and their actions in the human body, pointing out that different people will respond differently according to their own unique chemistry. One can also give a quantum physics answer when asked what an oil will do by saying, “What do you want it to do? The oil is only a carrier of possibilities. Which possibility do you want it to manifest?”

But even quantum physics and classical science combined are not sufficient to account for how our bodies work and how essential oils work in our bodies. Human function transcends the laws of the material world, as does the behavior of essential oils.

One of the unique aspects of essential oils is the fact that, when inhaled, they go directly to our emotional and spiritual centers in the brain. These are organs that respond only to aroma. They do not respond to spoken words or to substances that cannot pass the blood-brain barrier. The molecules of essential oils are of the right composition and size to pass through the blood-brain barrier, something most prescription drugs and most other substances cannot do.

Even water does not pass through the blood-brain barrier, which is a good thing, or else our heads would all swell up like watermelons if caught in a rain storm. But essential oils do pass through, which is one of the secrets to their amazing therapeutic abilities. They can reach into our emotional brains and unlock forgotten feelings that are the roots of our physical problems.

Essential oils also address the roots of our problems at cellular levels, right down to the DNA inside the cells. They cleanse the cells, protect them from hostile microbes, delete incorrect information in cellular memory, and reprogram proper information so that the cells have a correct job description and can function as God intended.

This is possible because essential oils are more than a mixture of chemicals. They have ultrasonic vibrational properties that go beyond the physical laws of this universe and extend into the subtle energetic template that underlies the material world, which is the source and model for all material manifestations.

The formulas for many compounds found in essential oils can be duplicated in a laboratory and, to a chemist, they would be identical to their natural counterparts; but the chemical formula of a substance is not a complete description of that substance. Its origin and history are also relevant.

The compounds comprising plant oils were spoken into existence when God created plants. These compounds are imbued with God’s Word and God’s intelligence, which is not measurable in a laboratory nor by any physical instrument. Humans, however, can apply their intuitive abilities and discern certain properties of a substance, even its history and origin, whether produced from a living plant or from a chemical plant.

Synthetic compounds may be copies of the chemical formulas of compounds found in essential oils, but they are lacking the subtle energies contained in natural substances. Those who apply essential oils for healing soon learn that only pure, natural, complete, and unadulterated oils bring about healing, while synthetic oils, or oils adulterated by synthetic compounds, do not.

For example, in the case of oil of wintergreen, the natural oil is harmless, with many healing properties, while the synthetic version does not heal and is, in fact, toxic. Both smell and taste like wintergreen, but they are not the same therapeutically. Furthermore, research has shown that the homeopathic properties of a substance, though chemically identical, are not the same energetically for synthetic compounds as they are for natural ones.

Therefore, one must be sure they are applying therapeutic grade oils and not perfume grade oils, which are cheaply produced and lacking in the therapeutic properties necessary to heal and enhance ones state of wellness. Most aromatherapy companies selling oils claim that their products are “Pure, 100% Grade A, Therapeutic, etc.” But you cannot trust labels, since their verbiage is not currently regulated nor legally defined. Oils with warnings on them about potential toxicity are probably not therapeutic and safe to use, except in massage, where they are diluted down to a 2-5% concentration in a neutral carrier oil.

To insure that you are getting therapeutic grade oils, find a company that submits their oils for routine testing by independent laboratories, whose oils are from organic sources, distilled without chemical solvents at minimum temperatures and pressures, and are bottled straight from the still with no alterations or adulterations. Talk to others who are experiencing good results from their oils, and find out where they get them. As for me, I get all of my oils from Young Living.

The proof of an oil’s quality is in its manifested benefits, which you can verify yourself by using it. Testing in a laboratory for its chemical properties is not sufficient to ascertain its levels of subtle energy necessary to provide healing benefits. At this time, I am aware of only one company in North America with a large variety of therapeutic grade oils, blends, and oil-based products of verifiable efficacy and consistent quality.

We have said that essential oils contain intelligence, while synthetic oils do not. The intelligence in therapeutic grade essential oils is placed there by God during their creation within the plant. This intelligence is homeostatic. Homeostasis is a state of perfect balance within the human body where everything functions as it should.

There is an intelligence within essential oils that knows about homeostasis. For example, the same oil, like lavender, can energize you when you need energy or relax you when you need to relax. Cypress oil can stimulate blood flow when you need to increase circulation or can slow it down if that is what you need. Meanwhile, both lavender and cypress oils can be working in your body in a myriad other ways to restore and maintain physiological, emotional, and mental balance.

All essential oils are antimicrobial to an extent, some more than others. This means that they provide a hostile environment to bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, and parasites. However, being intelligent, they know the difference between dangerous microbes and harmless or helpful ones. We need certain bacteria in our bodies to digest, assimilate, and metabolize our food and utilize our vitamins and minerals.

When you take antibiotics, which are prescriptions created by drug companies, they are indiscriminate, having no homeostatic intelligence. They kill all of the bacteria in your body thus leaving you with a depressed immune system and in a state of weakness.

By contrast, essential oils kill only the harmful microbes while nurturing the friendly flora of our bodies. Hence, when you overcome a cold, flu, pneumonia, or other malady with the help of essential oils, your immune system has been strengthened.

The points given above are not a complete discussion of the profound differences between allopathic medicine and natural medicine. Watch future issues of the Raindrop Messenger for more.

For more information on how and why essential oils work, see the book, “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple – (God’s Love Manifest in Molecules)” by David Stewart, available from many sources.


If Your Knees Hurt, Try This
by David Stewart, Ph.D.

Seven years ago I had severe arthritis pain in my right knee for which a doctor recommended a knee replacement. I declined. (See Raindrop Messenger Archives, Vol 3, No 4, 2005, at www.RaindropTraining.com.) Instead I used Wintergreen and Cypress Oil applied twice a day, morning and evening. I also applied PanAway from time to time. It took two months to heal and for the next five or six years there was no pain in that knee. I walked hundreds of miles, including climbing mountain paths and rugged terrain.

A year and a half ago a pain of a different kind came into that knee and the Wintergreen and Cypress did not work this time. Neither did the PanAway have any mitigating effect on the knee. I eventually realized that the source of the pain was not in the knee. It was a displaced pain from a pinched nerve at L5 in my lower spine, a form of sciatica. That is why the Wintergreen and Cypress oil applied directly to the knee did not work this time. The previous pain had been arthritis in the knee joint, but this time it was different and had a different root originating in the lumbar region of my spine.

It is not always easy to figure out the causes of your ailments. After months of prayer and introspection I discovered the emotional roots of that pain dating back to some experiences in my early teen years and began working on the spiritual issues involved. The pain subsided almost immediately once I zeroed in on the correct issues and dealt with them. But it would still return from time to time. It takes time and hard work to clear deep emotional issues and remnants can hang on long after you have begun to understand the underlying problem.

I then found a formula that works all the time and my knee has been pain-free ever since. It is simple: Every day, in the morning, I take the following:

4 Longevity gel capsules
8 Sulfurzyme capsules
4 ounces of Ningxia Red juice

It works for me. No more recurring sciatic pain. No more aching knee. Try it. It might work for you, too.

As for the books that helped me discover the emotional issues underlying my pain, I consulted several. The two principle ones are as follows:

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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