Lee’s Successful Protocol for Breast Cancer, by David Stewart, PhD – Volume 12, Number 2

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Lee's Successful Protocol for Breast Cancer, by David Stewart, PhD - Volume 12, Number 2 Lee's Successful Protocol for Breast Cancer, by David Stewart, PhD - Volume 12, Number 2

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Lee’s Successful Protocol for Breast Cancer, by David Stewart, PhD

Originally Posted Summer 2014

1. Lee’s Successful Protocol for Breast Cancer
~^~by David Stewart, PhD


  1. Strategies of An Unlikely Candidate
  2. The Stages of Cancer
  3. Oncologist’s Recommendation Refused
  4. Therapies Lee Received in Ecuador
  5. Insertion of a PICC Line
  6. Implants & Colonics
  7. Foods Not Eaten
  8. Other Foods Served
  9. The Cost of Treatment at Nova Vita
  10. How to Contact Nova Vita
  11. The Climate in Guayaquil
  12. Bugs, Frogs, Lizards & Spiders
  13. Chattering Geckos
  14. Ecuadorean Sunsets
  15. The Love Factor
  16. Lee’s Protocol at Home
  17. A Change in Tactics
  18. Protocel Therapy
  19. How Protocel Works Without Harm
  20. Mixing Therapies
  21. After the Cancer Goes, What Then?
  22. It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

My wife, Lee Stewart, is an unlikely candidate for cancer. She has always eaten well, and has been almost entirely vegetarian most of her life. She watches her sugar intake, drinks plenty of pure unchlorinated water, and has exercised almost daily for many years. She also breastfed all five of our children, and it is a statistical fact that mothers who nurse their babies have much lower rates of breast cancer. She is also a happy, positive person.

We don’t know why Lee contracted cancer, but she did, and now she is dealing with it in a decisive and effective manner, with the help of thousands of prayer warriors from far and wide. What follows is the story of how she is overcoming it and will achieve a totally cancer-free state of health.


In spite of all of Lee’s good attitudes and healthy habits, about a year ago (Fall of 2013) she began to notice changes in her right breast. It became more sensitive and a little sore. By March and April of this year, her breast had visibly swollen and had developed a red inflamed appearance. On the 7th of April, 2014, she visited our local family doctor. When he saw the appearance of her breast, he immediately ordered a mamma gram and a sonogram. These tests indicated, with over 95% certainty, that Lee had breast cancer and that it was aggressive and in an advanced stage. The local doctor and clinic were gravely concerned. They urged her to go immediately to St. Louis, two hours away, to get more tests, receive a biopsy, and consider an immediate mastectomy to be followed by chemotherapy, radiation, or both.

Surgery for removal of a cancerous body part is never a guarantee that the cancer has been completely removed. The incision, itself, can cause cancer to spread and metastasize and the surgeon can never know if all of the cancer was actually removed. Therefore, surgery for cancer is always followed by chemo or radiation in an attempt to make sure all of the cancer cells are gone. While it is well known that chemo and radiation are dangerous procedures that not only cause irreparable damage to one’s body and immune system, they can, in and of themselves, cause cancer. Not only are conventional cancer therapies potentially carcinogenic and self-defeating, even the diagnostic procedures employed by medical doctors are potentially dangerous as well.

Knowing that biopsies are an invasive procedure that can cause cancer cells to migrate and metastasize, Lee refused to go see the surgeon and oncologist in St. Louis who was urgently suggested by our local doctor and clinic staff. We have also since learned that mammograms, which uncomfortably and painfully compress the breasts to take the x-ray, can cause any cancer, that may be present, to spread. So even that procedure is not without risk. Rather than take the doctor’s advice and seek a surgeon and oncologist for more tests, without hesitation, Lee refused any further allopathic procedures and chose to go to the Nova Vita Clinic in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The clinic is located on a 1000 acre Young Living Herb Farm where plants are grown, harvested, and distilled for their therapeutic oils.

Upon arrival in Ecuador, Lee was taken to a hospital where they did a CT scan and took blood samples, some of which were sent to Greece for a sophisticated analysis. The diagnosis came back indicating that Lee had Stage IV Breast Cancer which had already spread to her liver, her lungs, and her lymphatic system. She was experiencing pain in her breast, liver, gall bladder, abdomen, right shoulder, and right arm pit. She was also experiencing difficulty in breathing and had to receive oxygen during the first day or two in Ecuador.


Stage I cancer means there is only one relatively small tumor in a single location. Stage II means the tumor has grown and is beginning to reach out into neighboring tissues. Stage III means it has grown larger, has multiplied into several tumors, and has begun to spread to nearby organs. Stage IV means that it has metastasized into several places, distant from the the original site. Stage IV is considered incurable and probably terminal. Her prognosis they said, with or without treatment, was five or six more months to live.

Lee and I spent ten weeks at the Young Living Clinic (Nova Vita Wellness Center) on the YL Farm near Guayaquil, Ecuador. We were there for three weeks, from April 23 to May 16, 2014. I (David) accompanied her because a full-time patient at the Nova Vita Clinic needs a full-time Care Taker in addition to the professional staff of the clinic. We returned to the United States to be present at our son Anthony’s wedding on May 17th, but within a week, here at home, Lee’s condition visibly worsened. The inflammation of her breast had turned to a bright angry red that covered her breast, extended around her body under her right arm, and upwards to her collar bone. On May 31 we flew back to Ecuador and re-entered the Nova Vita Clinic. This time we stayed for seven weeks, returning on July 17th.

As of July 17, after ten weeks total of daily therapies at the Nova Vita Clinic, Lee’s cancer had retreated completely from her lymph, liver, and lungs with a greatly reduced amount of infamation still in her right breast. The cancer had retreated to the right breast only, which was still somewhat inflamed and still contained a fairly large tumor with a couple of smaller ones. The appearance of her breast, however, was markedly better than it had been a few weeks earlier when she arrived.


Lee was examined by an Oncologist from Guyaquil during the last week we were there. He came out to Nova Vita to check her out. He had seen the blood tests showing that the cancer markers were all gone except for her breast. When he saw that the cancer was now confined to Lee’s right breast only, he suggested, “Okay, now that it is only your breast, let’s cut it off!” The doctor was a surgeon and wanted to do a mastectomy after all of the progress Lee had already made.

Lee and I immediately rejected the idea of surgery, pointing out that a radical masectomy would not guarantee the end of the cancer, since surgery frequently causes cancer cells to migrate into the blood stream and carry the cancer to other parts of the body, even when the original diseased organ has been completely removed. Surgery is never the answer by itself. I mentioned that surgery also has to be followed by other procedures, like chemotherapy and/or radiation to be sure all of the cancer cells are destroyed.

The doctor agreed with everything I said. After all, it was the truth. However, he remained stubbornly of the opinion that surgery would be the thing to do. He replied that in Lee’s case, essential oils would suffice for the follow-up on any cancer that might have metastasized elsewhere due to the surgery, and therefore follow-up chemo would not be necessary.

This cancer specialist was a good example of the narrow track on which doctors think. As he spoke, I was thinking, “Unless you want bananas, don’t ask a banana salesman what to buy.” Likewise, “If you don’t want surgery, don’t ask a surgeon what to do.” There is another saying with the same meaning: “When all you have are hammers, everything looks like a nail.” Doctors sell what they do and only do what they know. To find what you really need for health care, it is always wise to look both inside and outside the system and make your own decisions.

The Hippocratic Oath that medical doctors used to take when authorized to practice is no longer taken. The first words of the oath in Latin are, “Primum non nocera,” which means, “First, do no harm.” The only protocols for cancer treatment officially and legally sanctioned for today’s American medical doctors are all harmful, thus violating the oath of harmlessness that used to be the foundation of medicine.

The rapid disappearance of Lee’s symptoms is almost unheard of for metastasized breast cancers. The amazing and rapid retreat of the cancer from her body back to the breast was definitely due to the therapies and dietary prescriptions of the Clinic. But those are not the only factors that have brought healing to Lee. Her progress has been a miracle.

A major part of that miracle has been the thousands of prayers on her behalf from each and all of you, and others around the world. We cannot thank you enough for the love expressed by your thoughts, prayers, and concern. Please keep them coming. Although her complete healing is in sight, her battle is not over yet.


I will describe the therapies Lee is using to complete her healing here at home at the end of this article, but first let me describe what she received while in Ecuador during those ten weeks at Nova Vita.

Routinely, the clinic nurses took Lee’s vital signs three to five times a day. This included blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen levels, thyroid temperatures, and body temperature. All of this daily data was recorded and kept on file at the clinic.

Lee received a variety of daily protocols and therapies. These included IVs with oils like Sacred Frankincense, Tsuga, Sandalwood, Blue Spruce, Ledum, and Helichrysum. She also took drops of Valor and Thieves under the tongue occasionally. I also vitaflexed and massaged her feet each night at bed time with Valor and Thieves. We did the lymphatic pump to help heal and clear out the cancer in her lymphatic system. The lung and liver points of her feet were also vitflexed every night to help heal and clear out the cancer in these organs.

Ylang Ylang oil was also applied to the lung and heart reflex points of her feet while Lee applied Ylang Ylang herself over her heart, as well as to the sides of her neck over the carotid arteries. This helped keep her blood pressure down within normal. We also Vitaflexed the thyroid points at the necks of her big toes to help increase her energy levels.

She also applied essential oils, diluted with vegetable oil, directly to her affected breast three or four times a day. The oils first used, back in April and May, were Sandalwood and Idaho Blue Spruce, then after three weeks the Spruce was replaced by Palo Santo for a week, and then replaced with a blend of Orange, Lemon, Ledum, Sandalwood, and Sacred Frankincense oils, which she has continued to apply after returning home until August 1st.

She also received megadoses of Vitamin C intravenously and orally. Orally she also took several Young Living supplements daily: Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme, Juva Tone tabs, Super B, Omega Gize, Women’s Cortistop, and a teaspoon of Progessence Plus daily for the first month. She also took several Multivitamins and 20,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily, which we furnished ourselves, not the clinic.

She also drank coconut milk blended with ICP (a stool softener) and Juva Power for her liver, (which are both Young Living products), along with Collagen and Aloe powders furnished by the clinic. Lee called this her daily “Icky Drink.” It looked like a chocolate shake, but it sure didn’t taste like chocolate. Cancer patients at the clinic are not allowed to have sweetened processed chocolate.

Lee also drank a vanilla flavored shake containing a protein powder, called “Reliv NOW®,” manufactured and distributed by the Reliv Corporation. It was pleasant tasting. She also took a capsule of LunaRich® which contains Lunasin, a naturally occurring soy peptide identified to work at the epigenetic level to promote cellular health and, in particular, to fight cancer. These were not furnished by Nova Vita. We got them through the internet at reliv.com. We brought the LunaRich products with us from the States.


After the first week, Lee’s blood vessels in her arms and hands refused to open for additional IVs. Some people have blood vessels that will react reflexively and close up with the insertion of a needle. They won’t accept an IV. Since it was found that Lee is one of those people, she was taken to a surgeon in a Guyaquil hospital to have a PICC line installed under local anesthesia. The PICC line was used for the remainder of her stay to apply therapies intravenously.

A PICC line was a flexible plastic tube, about 1/8 inch in diameter, inserted through a large blood vessel near Lee’s collarbone that extended 7 inches to her heart. This was sewn into her skin at the surface and was held in place by surgical tape and gauze where it protruded and could be accessed to connect and administer IV fluids. PICC stands for “Periferal Intravenous Cardio Catheter.” It can also be inserted from the large vein inside the elbow in one of the arms, but Lee’s had to be inserted near her collarbone. It is left in place 24/7 until its use is no longer needed, or until it ceases to function. The normal useful life of a PICC line is three weeks. After that, the body normally begins to grow into the line, or clots may form, which prevents it from functioning any further. However, Lee’s lasted over four weeks. A PICC line had to be inserted twice during our ten weeks at the Clinic.

Through the PICC line, on various different days and times, Lee received concentrated solutions of Vitamin C, Sodium Bicarbonate, Selenium, Cesium, and various trace minerals. She also received Dextrose (sugar) intravenously when her liver needed extra nourishing. She also received a variety of essential oils through the PICC line, oils like Sacred Frankincense, Blue Spruce, and Ledum. She was receiving various IV fluids almost continuously, night and day, throughout her time at the clinic.

While daily exercise is good therapy for overcoming cancer, because of Lee’s continuous IV treatments, she could only walk up and down from the first to the second floors of the clinic, once or twice a day with assistance. That was the extent of her exercise. Most days she spent a few minutes standing on the Vitastim machine, which is a vibrating platform that can be set to certain frequencies to help lymph and blood circulation in the limbs. It is a substitute for walking when a patient is not really ambulatory. It is hard to walk very far toting an IV tower on wheels everywhere you go.


She also received implants, both rectal and vaginal, four or five times a week. This is where a catheter is inserted through one of these body orifices, and various therapeutic fluids are introduced by a syringe through the catheter into the body. Some of the fluids introduced in this manner were Sacred Frankincense, Blue Spruce, Peppermint, and Progessence Plus, as well as Protec, a proprietary Young Living blend of carrier and essential oils especially formulated for retention enemas and douches. Protec contains essential oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Sage, and Cumin in a base of grape seed, almond, and olive oils.

Lee also received Raindrop Technique every other day during the week, with Neuroauricular treatments on alternate days. Along with these, she received some traditional massages on her shoulders, arms, neck, legs and feet.

She also took five to ten capsules of Comfortone (a stool softener and mild laxative), every day, and received four or five colonics per week. This was to clean out her colon and keep it clear to facilitate the elimination of dead cancer cells, and the toxins released when cancer tissue is killed off. The liver is a major organ for detoxification and overcoming cancer. There is a duct between the Sigmoid Colon in the lower intestinal tract and the liver, through which the liver and large intestine communicate and facilitate the detoxification process necessary to clear out cancer.

Keeping the colon clear and functioning fully is key to keeping the liver operating at optimal levels. Without a colonic, people commonly retain fecal material in their colons for decades, some dating back to their childhoods. For the body to function optimally and heal itself, these old deposits need to be cleaned out, which is what high colonics do.

She also spent some time in the sauna and in the infrared SMARTY unit to help sweat out the toxins. The SMARTY is a cylindrical half-shell, under which the patient lies covered from the neck down, in which infra-red heat is applied to help sweat out toxins and kill cancer cells. It is a known fact that cancer cells cannot tolerate temperatures above 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius).

She is also drank several vegetable and fruit juices every day, like Carrot, Beet, water melon, unsweetened Lemonade, unsweetened grapefruit, fresh coconut milk, Noni Juice (an anticancer fruit from Tahiti that tastes like rotten prunes), and a green blend of Celery, Carrot, and Cucumber with cardamom called “3 Cs.” Carrots are considered by some authorities as “the most anti-cancer vegetable of all.”

In addition to everything else, Lee also took a sequence of three homeopathic remedies each evening, before bed time. They were furnished by the Clinic. These formulas originated in India and were compounded specifically for breast cancer.


Except for a little goat milk now and then, the diet is dairy free. No cow’s milk, no cheese or cottage cheese, no buttermilk, no sour cream, no yogurt, and no butter. And, of course, no beef, pork, or red meat. It also goes without saying, that no beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages were to be taken at any time during one’s stay at the clinic.

There were also no white flour foods — no bread, no hot rolls, no buns, no biscuits, no pancakes, no toast, no cookies, no cakes, or even gravy made with flour. That also meant no sandwiches.

For breakfast Lee usually had a bowl of Quinoa (pronounced “Keen-wah”), a tropical cereal grain usually eaten with with a little cinnamon and vanilla powder sprinkled on top with a pinch of brown sugar, and sometimes with a little agave. It was usually served with a little coconut milk. By itself, quinoa is slightly bitter and hard to swallow. When we complained and could no longer force ourselves to eat another bowl of quinoa, they substituted white rice instead. Sometimes the quinoa or rice came with chopped walnuts or pecans.

Breakfast usually included one or two eggs, either hard boiled, soft boiled, poached, or baked with chopped vegetables which they referred to as “Quiche.” The chopped vegetables in the eggs were usually broccoli, cauliflower, sweet red and green peppers, kale, and/or onions with a little parsley.

For lunch we had a large salad containing avocado, green lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, sweet red peppers, parsley, cilantro, and tomatoes, (no onions or garlic in the salad, and little or no dressing). Lunch also included some plain rice (usually white with no salt), and a small portion of broiled or grilled chicken. There was never any fried foods. Everything cooked is either boiled, broiled, baked, or grilled. Nothing is ever micro-waved there. We usually got some unpeeled boiled potatoes for lunch, which were plain with no salt.

Lee is a vegetarian and did not eat the chicken, but received extra avocado instead for her protein. As her live-in care taker, I ate the chicken, which was usually pretty good, although sometimes you could chew forever. The piece you were chewing never got smaller and seemed to swell up. You either had to swallow it whole or spit it out. I had heard of “rubber chicken,” but had never experienced it before.

Every evening we got Tilapia fish for supper. Lee only ate a bite or two of the fish, each evening. It was always broiled and dry. I used to like tilapia, and often ordered in restaurants where it is succulent and delicious, often fried or baked in a tasty batter. But at Nova Vita, it was not so delicious and was monotonous. Their preparation never varied. I used lemon juice and a little salt to make it palatable each evening, since that was the only protein served for supper besides the avocado.


For supper we had salad and plain rice again, sometimes brown and sometimes white, along with the broiled fish (Tilapia) with no seasoning except for a little parsley or cilantro as a garnish.

Sometimes the rice contained a few diced carrots, a few green peas, or kernels of yellow corn mixed in, but no salt. At supper we also sometimes had some mixed boiled vegetables—asparagus, kale, spinach, sweet peppers, red cabbage, yellow carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnips, mushrooms, celery, zucchini squash, or green beans with some mild onions. Sometimes for supper they would serve a whole green pepper, a whole tomato, or half of an acorn squash stuffed with an unidentifiable mix, which usually included corn, mushrooms, onions, and quinoa. There was never any hamburger or meat in the stuffing, but sometimes there seemed to be a trace of cheese, but we weren’t sure what it was.

We had some form of potato every day, either for lunch or supper or both, which was boiled or mashed, (but no butter, sour cream, or gravy, and never fried). Rice, quinua, and potatoes were the most frequent foods served at the clinic.

In order to endure the monotony of the menu, I purchased plain yogurt (“El Pino” brand) to put on my rice, with a little salt and red pepper. I also purchased some mayonnaise to put on my boiled potatoes with a little salt to make them taste like potato salad. Since I wasn’t a patient, but a care taker, I could break the dietary rules and do that. But Lee bravely ate her rice and potatoes plain.

Two or three times a week we got a baked banana (plantain) as a supper or lunch entre. They were baked plain. No butter or seasoning. All the vegetables and fruits we had were raised on the Young Living Farm and were totally organic. That was sure a big plus. Even so, the tomatoes in our salads were tasteless. I don’t know how you raise tasteless tomatoes. Maybe it was because there was no salt.

Most of the time, for breakfast and/or for supper, there was a bowl of various chopped fresh fruits. It was usually a mixture of pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, watermelon, and an occasional piece of mango. Papaya, or kiwi fruit. Some days, as a special treat, they served us a smoothie of watermelon fruit in coconut milk, which was delicious. The watermelon and coconut combination tasted remarkably like raspberries.

After the first week, we splurged and bought a bag of apples, some lemons, some strawberries, and some grapes to which we treated ourselves each evening by making a smoothie in our room with our Magic Bullet Blender. That was our desert and usually the best tasting thing we had all day. An “apple a day” is said to “keep the doctor away,” and recent research has shown that it is also “keeps cancer away.”

The Nova Vita anticancer diet is basically salt-free, sugar-free, fat-free, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, black-pepper free, (and, I might add, also “taste free”). Lee also drank two or three quarts of alkaline water every day. So there you have it: ”The Ecuadorian Nova Vita Healing Diet and Cancer Healing Protocol.”

One good thing about the clinic diet: Lee and I both lost weight, probably about 10 pounds each. It also modified our taste buds so that we don’t crave the sugar and salt, like we used to. However, it did not completely modify our sense of taste after ten weeks on that diet. As soon as we got back to the U.S. we went out and ate in some good American restaurants, with spicy foods, a little grease, and ice cream for dessert with chocolate sauce, etc. While we were in Ecuador, we kept thinking about the chocolate fountains in some American restaurants where you can dip marshmallows, rice crispy bars, and strawberries. Such visions were an incentive to get well quickly and get home. Yummie!


You can go to Nova Vita for two levels of treatment. Healthy people can go for a few weeks of “Rejuvenation and Cleansing.” There is a beautiful outdoor pool with a slide and a diving board, a completely equipped gymnasium, and an outdoor trampoline for exercise. There are also plenty of hiking trails throughout the farm and lots of opportunity to bathe in the tropical sun. Rejuvenation candidates also receive various IVs and colonics along with use of the sauna and floral baths in the hot tubs. The diet is the same for everyone, the same as what cancer patients receive. You are normally expected to stay for at least four weeks, but you can stay shorter or longer periods of time.

There are only four completely furnished bedrooms, with private toilets, sinks. and showers, in the clinic itself, but many patients stay in a hotel in Guayaquil and come to the Spa during the day. There is also a large tree house with three bedrooms, a bath, a kitchen, and a living room. Rejuvenation candidates can choose to stay there. The fee varies for rejuvenation, but normally comes to between $1,000 to $2,000 per week, including all the treatments and your food.

People with various illnesses or maladies go to Nova Vita for the natural therapies available that cannot be received in the United States because the FDA, the drug companies, and the American medical profession has made them illegal. For a “Therapeutic” stay, the cost is $4000 per week, with a minimum usually of four weeks, and $10,000 to be paid in advance, with the remainder due upon departure. This includes all therapies, oils, supplements, and supplies used at the clinic. Services required elsewhere, for which you go to a private practice or hospital in Guayaquil, are not covered. You have to be prepared to pay cash or use a credit card for them.

Insertion of Lee’s two PICC lines were in a Guayaquil hospital and cost around $400 each, counting the charges of both, the hospital and the doctor, each time. If you need CT scans, x-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, or anything outside Nova Vita facilities, you pay for that directly to the facility or professional providing the service.

In the ten weeks we spent living and being treated at the YL Clinic, we spent around $50,000 total and were able to pay cash. We thank Young Living for providing us the opportunity to build our Essential Oils business such that we could afford that, and pay for our flights to and from Ecuador as well, which were not cheap.

Nova Vita, and all of the outside hospitals and services, accept the major credit cards: VISA, Master Card, Discover, and American Express. As for cash, Ecuadorian currency is American currency. They deal in U.S. dollars and coins. They prefer American one-dollar coins to American paper dollars, but they accept the paper currency.

Be sure to count your change when making a purchase in Ecuador. There are worthless car wash tokens which are gold and exactly the same diameter and size as an American gold dollar. Merchants will try to mix these in with a few real dollars, hoping you won’t notice until it is too late. This happened to me and I did not notice until I got back to the United States and tipped the man carrying my baggage at the airport with a couple of what I thought were real American coin dollars, but turned out to be Ecuadorian car wash tokens.


Nova Vita will not accept cancer patients who have already undergone chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery and are hesitant to accept cancer patients who have had a biopsy, since biopsies can spread cancer and can cause other serious complications. Nova Vita can cure cancer, and has done so in many cases. But they cannot heal the damages of allopathic therapies. The Nova Vita therapies are all designed to strengthen your immune system so you actually fight off cancer by your own powers. If your immune system has been irreparably damaged by chemo or radiation, the very thing you need for their therapies to work has been destroyed.

Neither can they guarantee that you will be healed by what they do. There are factors beyond their control, such as your attitudes and emotions that may underlie your sickness, and which they may not be able to reach. To experience success in overcoming cancer, the patient must constantly maintain a positive frame of mind and hold on to a belief in the effectiveness of what they are receiving. Patients that give up and cannot believe anything will heal them usually die. Patients that believe the therapies they receive are working to free them of cancer, usually get well. You must be an active participant in your own healing, at least on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

To go there, you must apply and answer some questions for them to consider to decide whether you are a good candidate for their services or not. They are a small facility and can only accept a limited number of inhouse patients. You may have to go on a list and wait for an opening. The clinic also has a good number of day patients who live in Ecuador, or who come and stay in a Guayaquil Hotel, and commute to the clinic every day for treatments.

Their contact information is as follows:

Nova Vita Natural Healing & Wellness Center
Cdla. Urdesa Central
av. Las Monjas #115
e/Circunvalacion y Costanera
Telf: 593-4-2883408
FAX: 593-4-2883460

Most of the staff at Nova Vita speak only Spanish, so take your Spanish/English dictionary with you. A couple of the staff speak fluent English, and several can understand or speak a little English, but most speak Spanish only. Gary Young has instructed all of the staff there to start studying and learn English, but that may take a few years.

If you are a truly sick person that will require a lot of daily therapies and attention, take a friend to be your caretaker. The $4000 per week charge includes them sharing the room with you and provides all of their food. There is no extra charge for a caretaker to accompany you, and they encourage it. In some cases, they may require it. If your caretaker speaks Spanish, that is all the better.

I served as Lee’s caretaker and translator, and it was pretty much a full-time job. I knew enough Spanish to do simple translations for her and get by. I had a couple of Spanish books for English speaking people, which I actually bought after I got down there. They were very helpful. If you already have a general knowledge of Spanish, a few weeks at Nova Vita is a great opportunity to improve your language skills.


Nova Vita Clinic is south of the equator and within the tropical zone. That means that when it is summer in the northern hemisphere (like North America or Europe), they are experiencing winter. When it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer down there. There are two types of climate in the tropics. The tropical Low and the tropical high. Because of the tilt of the earth on its axis, Guayaquil moves back and forth between these two climatic zones from season to season.

In June-July-August it is their winter. The barometric pressure is high and it is dry. It is tropical desert time. Almost zero humidity. You may need lip balm and body lotion for the dryness. There is no rainfall during this time.

In September-October-November it is their Spring. The barometer is low and it is wet. It is humid tropical monsoon time, with rain almost every day. The rain is warm and evaporates quickly when the sun comes out. Most Ecuadorians don’t carry umbrellas, but just get wet and let themselves dry out with the sun, which usually doesn’t take long. However, there can be real downpours where several inches of rain can fall torrentially in a few minutes, unlike any rainfall you may experience in the temperate zones.

In December-January-February it is their Summer. It is tropical desert time again, and it is dry and hot. Your perspiration evaporates quickly, so you don’t feel “sweaty.” It is easy to dehydrate, so drink plenty of water.

Then comes March-April-May which is their Fall, and it is rainy season again and very humid. Tropical fall is much like tropical Spring except that the blooming trees and flowers of the field are different. For unknown reasons, this year, 2014, was an unusually dry rainy season and the lakes on the farm, that provide irrigation water during the dry seasons, did not fill up.

Young Living has to irrigate its crops and trees daily during the dry seasons. They have built several reservoirs to capture the rainfall in the wet seasons to carry them through the dry seasons. The Nova Vita Clinic overlooks one of the larger lakes of the farm, which is abundantly populated with fish, frogs, and waterfowl.

No matter what season, the temperatures in and around Guayaquil normally never falls below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius), night or day, but can get to 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (32-38 degrees Celsius) in the daylight. Short pants and short sleeve shirts are appropriate most any time there, but indoors it may be cool, even in the summer, because of air conditioning at the Clinic and most offices or businesses. The mid-day sun is very intense during all seasons and one can easily burn. Even native Ecuadorians, who naturally have dark sun-resistant skin, have to wear protective clothing during the mid-day hours when working out of doors.


Ecuador is a tropical country and the Young Living Farm was created out of a jungle. The jungle there is not what you may visualize from Tarzan movies, where there are tall trees with lots of grape vines hanging down. The term, “jungle,” implies intensely thick growth of vines, bushes, trees, and grasses such that you cannot walk through without hacking your way with a machete or pushing your way through with a bulldozer. That was the status of the land when Gary Young bought the 1000 acres in Ecuador that is now the Young Living Herb Farm (Finca Botanica).

There had been no human habitation on that land for at least 20,000 years. The remains of an ancient Native South American village was there, but its existence was not known until it was discovered during the clearing of the land for the growing of plants for essential oils. Young Living is preserving the site, rather than cultivate it. At this time, only about 300 acres of the 1000 acres Young Living owns have been developed for crops, while a portion is reserved as a Palo Santo Tree Forest, which grow wild there.

While there are no ticks or chiggers in Ecuador, as they are in the Eastern and Midwestern United States, there are an abundance of mosquitos, flies, spiders, and crawly creatures like millipedes and centipedes. It is impossible to keep them all out of your room. The clinic provides fly swatters in every room, but every day I picked up crawly bugs and centipedes off of the floor and put them out of doors.

We also frequently had frogs or toads in our room, sitting on the sink, under the bed, or just hopping about anywhere. They are harmless, but I was always afraid of stepping on one in the dark when I got up at night. All you can do is catch them and put them back outside.

There are a few snakes, but in the ten weeks we were there, we only saw two. One was only about a foot long crawling in the grass outside our door. The other was big, about four feet long, with yellow spots, that was seen in the yard just outside of the clinic. Neither was poisonous. Snakes stay out of doors and won’t come into your room. They prefer to remain in the tangle of jungle vines and underbrush where people cannot tread. They are rarely to be seen or encountered by people.

Lizards are another matter. There are lots of lizards in Ecuador. The Iguanas look like frightening little dragons, but are actually docile and harmless. Their frightening appearance is a bluff. They range from one foot to over six feet in length. You can touch and even pet them. They are vegetarians and and are not aggressive toward humans. They won’t bite. One was found in the clinic waiting room one day and I just picked it up and carried it outside. It squirmed a little when I first grabbed it, but then quieted down as I took it outside and let it go. It never made any attempt to bite me. It was a beautiful green color with yellow and red markings. It would have made a great pet. But I doubt if they would have let me bring it on the airplane.


The most common lizard around the clinic is the gecko, which is relatively small and does not look like the Geico gecko featured on TV Ads for Geico Insurance. Neither do they have an Australian accent. They do make noise, however. They eat insects and love to hide in your room during the day, behind furniture and up in your window blinds. They come out at night and when you turn on the lights and they can be seen crawling up the walls and scampering away to hide. Geckos are the only known lizard that makes a noise. They go, “chip, chip, chip, chip, chip…” and do so randomly throughout the day and night. They say the geckos make that sound every time they eat an insect. I grew to like their sound, knowing that they were helping keep the spider and fly population down in our room.

There were lots of spiders, but no black widows or brown recluses like we have in the United States. None were said to be deadly poisonous, but their bites can be toxic and cause a rash or make a sore that is slow to heal. We used our fly swatter on them when seen crawling across the floor in our room, which was almost every day.

There are lots of colorful birds in Ecuador, not seen elsewhere in the world. There are red ones, yellow ones, and orange ones There was one, in particular, that is completely white with black wings and a black strip in its tail, which is quite attractive. If you get too close to their nest, they hop down on the ground, flap their wings to shoo you away, and scold you with angry bird chatter. Each species has their own songs and unique behaviors.

There are lots of water fowl that live around the main lake in front of the clinic, including ducks, geese, and cranes. There are also large buzzards and an occasional hawk soaring over the clinic. One evening after dark, as I was out on the Nova Vita patio, an owl flew out from under the eaves above the entrance to the clinic. If you like birds, you will love the YL Farm in Ecuador.


Sunsets were beautiful every evening at the YL Farm, and I loved to sit outside and watch as the blazing tropical sun slowly sank behind the trees and hills, painting the sky with oranges, reds, purples, and blues.

There is a flock large white Egrets that live on the lake below the Clinic. They liked to assemble in the top limbs of a gigantic Ceibo tree just below the dam, near the clinic, and wait for the sun to set. I counted up to as many as 34 of the birds together in the tree top at one time. They would assemble for about an hour before sunset for their evening vespers, facing the setting sun in the western sky. And then, as the sun disappeared below the trees of the horizon, they would all fly away toward the east, only to be back on the lake the next day.

However, when enjoying the sunset, you don’t want to stay too long. When the sun sinks out of sight and darkness descends, it is time to go inside and “fly away” like the Egrets. When the sun disappears, that is the signal for the invasion of mosquitos that swarm into the air once it is dark. The mosquitos in Ecuador are numerous and ferocious, but only come out after sundown. The best policy is to stay indoors after sunset and use your flyswatter or mosquito zapper for those that get into your room at night.

However, by wearing Purification Blend, or Lavendar oil, on your skin or clothing, you can remain out at night to enjoy the sounds of nature, and enjoy the tropical moon rising in the east, unmolested by the hoards of mosquitos. In the tropics, the sun and the moon are sometimes straight above, directly overhead, which never happens in the temperate zones of the northern or southern hemispheres. In the early evenings when it gets dark, dozens of swallows can be seen silently swooping, diving, and darting overhead through the air and over the roof of the clinic, scooping up flying insects in the dark.

During the day, one can hear the sounds of tractors, farm trucks, and wagons transporting harvested plants to the distillery, and the shush shushing of the irrigation lines watering the fields. But by the dusk of early evening, only the sounds of nature can be heard. At no time, night or day at the Farm, can you hear the sounds of highways, railways, automobile traffic, or the bustle of city noises. Rarely does even the buzz of an airplane interrupt the peace of that isolated place.

Shortly after sunset, the evening symphony begins with the voices of thousands of frogs, water fowl, and many other unidentified jungle creatures, including howling and barking sounds in the distance. These soothing rhythmic choruses of harmonic intervals, and punctuated percussion, continue well after midnight. By 3:00 am, however, all of the sounds of nature cease and there is a total stillness, not even the whisper of a breeze, until after sunrise. No birds, no frogs, and no other creature sounds can be heard. All nature is at rest. It is a beautiful and peaceful time. In fact, with the changing skys, moving clouds, and the constantly shifting angles and intensities of sunlight through the day, it is beautiful and peaceful there all the time.


While the Nova Vita Clinic offers quite a variety of effective natural therapies, including various applications of essential oils and herbal remedies, the factor that I think is key to everything there is the sincere loving attitude of the staff. They irradiate compassion which you can sense as soon as you meet them. Everyone is so loving and caring, you can feel it as you enter the clinic grounds. You are welcomed with such love. Everyone wants to embrace with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Each new day they greet you in the morning with a smile, another hug, and a cheerful, “Como esta?” or “How are you today?”

This attitude of affection, concern, and caring is expressed by everyone, including the Nurses, the Massage Therapists, the Raindrop Specialists, the Business Staff, Clinic Coordinators, Cooks, Meal Servers, Van Drivers, and everyone from the Cleaning Lady, to the Farm Manager, to the Doctor in charge. And it is all genuine.

Whether you are receiving a Raindrop, a Neuroauricular Session, a Sauna, a Floral Bath, an IV, a Live Blood Cell Analysis, and even a Colonic or a Rectal Implant, you always know that what is being done for you is out of genuine love. If you don’t feel anything else at Nova Vita, you will feel loved.

We think the affectionate and sympathetic caring we experienced in Ecuador is the foundation for the healings that take place at Nova Vita and one reason Lee’s health prospered there. Thanks to everything we received at the clinic, she was able to overcome 90% of her cancer challenge before we returned home.


When we left and came home from the Clinic on July 17, Lee was 90% healed, but not completely cancer free. We are continuing her natural healing here at home. While she cannot receive essential oil IVs and colonics here back home in Missouri, we are doing many other things that will eventually complete her total recovery and restore her to perfect health.

For the first two weeks after returning home, Lee continued to take the many supplements she was taking in Ecuador. She increased the oral capsules of Vitamin C ten times, since she can no longer receive Vitamin C intravenously. She drank the Essiac Tea, two ounces twice daily. She took the Homeopathic remedies and received a nightly massage and vitaflex on her feet with Valor and Thieves oil blends. She continued to apply the blend of Orange, Lemon, Sandalwood, Ledum, and Sacred Frankincense oils to her breast several times a day.

She drank coconut milk daily with Juva Power and Protein Powder, and still drinks a gallon of alkaline pH 9.5 water every day. She also received raindrop sessions here at home, once or twice a week during her first two weeks at home, administered by our daughter, Lora Lee, our son, Anthony, or by me.

She spends 10-20 minutes on the treadmill most mornings, and gets plenty of rest at night, with naps during the day. She spends time in prayer and meditation every morning and evening, as well as reading scriptures and other spiritual writings to maintain an elevated state of heart and mind.

She also watches entertaining TV shows daily that are mostly comedies, because laughter is also a healing modality that fights cancer. We joke and kid around a lot with each other throughout the day. Keeping an upbeat positive frame of mind is a key factor in overcoming cancer, a fact that is well documented. Being around her daughter, her sons, and her grandchildren has been a great positive factor in her healing, not to be underestimated.


Since leaving Ecuador, I have read several books on non-toxic, alternative, and complimentary cancer cures, and we are trying some of those remedies. Lee’s progress seemed to have reached a plateau during our final days in Ecuador and remained static when we first came home. After learning more about the large number of effective alternative therapies, we decided to change the pace and try some different modalities that have been effective for others, but not employed at the Clinic in Ecuador.

The three books I am reading at this time are: (1) “Killing Cancer – Not People,” by Robert G. Wright, (2) “Outsmarting Your Cancer,” by Tanya Harter Pierce, and (3) “What’s Your Body Telling You” by Steve Sisgold. The last book is about reading your body responses to learn what emotional issues you may be storing in your tissues that can lead to chronic illnesses, including cancer. All of these books will be available on the CARE Website, www.RaindropTraining.com, as well as on www.Amazon.com and other sources.

There are literally dozens of natural and alternative cancer therapies that have worked for many which are non-toxic. Most are more effective than conventional medical approaches, but the FDA, AMA, American Cancer Association, and drug companies don’t want anyone to know that. Hence, there has been a vigorous campaign sponsored by the US Government, Medical societies, cancer funding associations, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies to discredit and repress information on any kind of successful cancer treatment outside of the Big Three: Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery. They don’t want you to know that the success rates for these three are less than 5%, meaning that less than one out of 20 cancer patients receiving these medical procedures are still alive and cancer-free after 5 years.

Virtually all of the natural and alternative treatments for cancer have better success rates than that, some with 90-98% rates of success, depending on the kind of therapy and the kind of cancer involved. Read the above mentioned books to learn more. Don’t expect your doctor to know about these resources, or to recommend them when they do know. They will lose their license to practice medicine if their state or provincial medical board hears that they are recommending or encouraging cancer therapies outside of the Big Three for their patients.

For the last two weeks or so (beginning August 1, 2014), Lee has been taking an alternative medicine called “Protocel(R)” five times a day. We have seen dramatic progress in her symptoms during this short time. You may read all about Protocel in the book mentioned above by Tanya Harter Pierce (Chapters 9, 10, 11, & 12). When Lee left Ecuador July 17, her right breast continued to be a source of discomfort, was still swollen, contained several tumors, and was red and inflamed with a mild fever. Even so, this was a vast improvement over the condition of her breast two months earlier when she entered Nova Vita, but there was still some cancer present, although greatly reduced. Lee doesn’t just want “remission” or “extended survival.” She is going for total healing, a completely cancer-free body.

Thanks to what she has received to this point, what she is continuing to do, and the thousands of prayers on her behalf, we know that perfect health is what God has planned for her. It is only a matter of time before it manifests.


Now, after little more than two weeks using Protocel daily, her breast has stopped hurting, her right shoulder and back pain are gone, the swelling in her breast has visibly diminished, and the color of her breast is almost completely back to normal. Lee’s overall sense of wellbeing has also increased substantially. We are now certain of her complete recovery, which is the usual outcome for almost all of those who adopt the Protocel protocol.

Protocel is a different approach to conquering cancer. Every procedure, therapy, and dietary prescription given in Ecuador at Nova Vita was to strengthen Lee’s immune system so she could fight off cancer by her own resources. That worked well for almost all of the cancers in her body, but seemed to us to have reached a plateau in the last week or two of our stay. Protocel works differently. Rather than working to strengthen one’s immune system, it works directly on cancer cells and kills them with no negative or toxic effects on all other cells, keeping your immune system healthy and intact.

Chemo and radiation also kill cancer cells, but also kill and do irreversible damage to normal cells while destroying your immune system. Cancer patients who accomplish remission via allopathic protocols may end up in remission from their cancer, but then, for the rest of their lives, most face an increased susceptability to every cold, flu, and bug in the environment because of their compromised immune systems. Survivors of chemo, radiation, and surgery may not end up dying from cancer, but from pneumonia or another fatal illness contracted because of their weakened condition. Doctors count these as “successes,” saying, “The patient didn’t die of cancer.” But they don’t want to acknowledge that it was their allopathic cancer treatments that lead to the non-cancerous disease that resulted in their death.

Protocel is harmless to healthy normal cells and supports a healthy immune system. The only side effects of Protocel are the consequences of detoxing from the die-off of the cancer cells, which release toxins as they disintegrate and their broken parts are flushed from the body. But the detox reactions of Protocel are mild compared to the severe and debilitating effects of chemo and radiation, which are not only painful and incapacitating, but can, in and of themselves, result in more cancer. Allopathic cancer remedies may extend one’s life a few years, but they are usually miserable years of suffering. Lee has experienced only mild detoxing symptoms so far. Experiencing them from Protocel is actually encouraging, because they furnish ongoing proof that the cancer is actually exiting her body while leaving no harmed tissues behind.


Here is how Protocel works to kill only cancer cells, while leaving normal cells untouched. Cancer cell metabolism is anaerobic (i.e. it obtains its energy without oxygen), which is why deep breathing and administration of oxygen is a cancer therapy. Cancer cells don’t like oxygen and don’t thrive when there is too much of it. Protocel interrupts cancer cell metabolism, thus preventing it from receiving its life energy. Protocel literally starves cancer cells to death while leaving normal cells unaffected, since they are aerobic and employ oxygen. Thus, unlike the cytotoxic agents administered in chemotherapy that kill everything, Protocel is selective in its action, driving out the bad guys and leaving the good guys alone.

Administration of Protocel, which comes in a liquid concentrate, is done by drinking half-a-cup of water containing 1/4 teaspoon of the concentrate five or six times a day, equally spaced around the clock. Lee has been drinking her Protocel at 7:00 am, 11:00 am, 4:00 pm, 11:00 pm, and 2:00 am 24 hours a day. It takes 5-6 hours for the body to metablize Protocel, so by replenishing it in the body at intervals of less than 6 hours all day, the cancer cells are given no chance of reviving and continuing to grow.

There are two formulations of Protocel, Protocel 23 and Protocel 50. They contain the same ingredients, but different proportions. It depends on what type of cancer you have to know the one that is best for you. You will need Tanya Pierce’s book (p.173) to find out which you need. One is taken every six hours and the other every five hours throughout a 24-hour day. Lee is using Protocel 23 because that is the best one for breast cancer.


While the Nova Vita Clinic employs many natural and alternative cancer therapies simultaneously, they are all chosen to work in harmony. However, some natural or alternative therapies don’t mix and can work against one another.

Some alternative cancer therapies, which are excellent and effective on their own, should not be employed while on Protocel. Not all good therapies work well together and, in some cases, they actually work in opposition, nullifying their benefits even though when applied alone, they are effective. For Protocel, this problem usually arises because most alternative therapies work to build the immune system without addressing the metabolic differences between cancer and healthy cells. Since Protocel directly interferes with cancer energy synthesis, one is cautioned not to engage in other therapies that could actually support cancer cell metabolism, thus reducing or nullify the action of Protocel.

For example, when using Protocel, one cannot take Vitamin C, Selenium, Cesium, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Essiac Tea, MSM, CoQ10, Iodine, Ozone, Cat’s Claw, Ginseng, Flaxseed Oil, Rife Treatments, and most one-a-day vitamins. One should also not use Protocel while receiving chemotherapy. For a more complete list of things to avoid while on Protocel, see the book by Pierce mentioned above and below.

In Lee’s case, since adopting the Protocel protocol on August 1st, she is using no essential oils or vitamins (except D3), and is temporarily not drinking Ningxia Red. Some supplements are okay with Protocel which include any type of enzymes, B vitamins, Vitamin D3, Probiotics, Potassium, Magnesium, and natural Progesterone. For a more complete list of things okay to take with Protocel, see the book by Tanya Pierce. Along with Protocel, Lee continues to take daily capsules of Vitamin D3 along with Young Living products, Detoxyme, Essentylzyme, Life 5, and Comfortone. She also continues to drink a generous amount of alkalyne water (Kangan).

The book, “Outsmarting Your Cancer,” by Tanya Pierce, has a thorough and complete discussion of the science and administration of Protocel along with its history and many testimonials. You need the book to know how to use Protocel because those who manufacture and market it are not legally allowed to tell you that it is a cancer cure or instruct you on how to use it for therapeutic purposes. All they can do is sell it to you, saying that it is a “nutritional supplement.” The book mentioned above can tell you all you need to know because it is just a book and neither the author nor publisher sell the product. This subterfuge is made necessary by the actions of the medical associations and government agencies that oppose all effective non-toxic cancer therapies.

There are only two companies that manufacture and market Protocel: VITAMIN DEPOT in Ohio at www.YourVitaminDepot.com, and WebND in South Carolina at www.RenewalandWllness.com. Their phone numbers, and other contact information, are given on page 205 of Tanya Pierce’s book which is available from www.Amazon.com or www.RaindropTraining.com and other sources.


Once a cancer patient is in remission, or at least apparently so, what measure does one take to prevent a reoccurrence? With customary allopathic treatments, a return of cancer is always a high possibility. Cancer can return with anyone, even with natural alternative approaches. The eating, thinking, and/or lifestyle habits that may have led to the cancer in the first place have to be identified and changed. There is also always the possibility that some dormant cancer cells remain undetected in the body without measurable symptoms, ready to begin multiplying at a future time.

When the cancer has completely disappeared in Lee’s case, she will continue her Young Living lifestyle with essential oils, Ningxia Red, and nutritional supplements along with her positive thinking, meditations, spiritual disciplilnes, prayer life, healthy diet, and exercise regimens. We will also add daily intake of a line of products shown to, not only lead to curing cancer, but to preventing it as well. Anything that cures cancer can also prevent it, and vice versa. This you will read about in the book, “Killing Cancer – Not People,” by Robert Wright which is also available via the websites mentioned above.

The products we will be adding to our daily diet are manufactured and distributed by the Reliv Corporation and are available at http://www.reliv.com. We will be using “Lunarich X” capsules and “Reliv Now” powder in shakes, which we have been doing since June 1st during our stay in Ecuador.

Reliv is a multievel marketing company located in Chesterfield, Missouri (near St. Louis). Their phone number is (800) 735-4887. If you know a Reliv Distributor, let them sponsor you. Otherwise, you can use this number: #8208114001. This is the member number for Reliv Distributor, Cheryl Simmons in North Carolina, who introduced us to these products. We are not building a Reliv business, don’t intend to do so, and do not receive any financial benefit from purchases of Reliv products, as we have presented them. We only use some of the Reliv products, which are unique and anticarcinogenic. They are based on lunasin, a naturally occurring soy peptide with cancer healing and preventive properties. The Reliv Company operates its own organic farms in Missouri, where their soy beans are grown, harvested, and processed. They have the same high standards of purity and organic farming as Young Living. To our knowledge, high quality lunasin products are not available elsewhere.


Lee is not totally free from the cancer yet, but is making notable progress every day. Please keep your prayers and positive thoughts for Lee’s complete healing coming. They are the forces that are ultimately responsible for Lee’s continued success.

There is more than one way to die. You can be forced to leave your body involutarily because it was been rendered unable to sustain life because of disease or accident. The best way to leave this world, and move upwards to the next, is voluntarily when you know your life’s mission has been accomplished and your life work is done. That is the way Lee and I both intend to go, not because of cancer or any other uninvited intruder. At this time, our mission for this life is not complete. There is more for us to do. Lee and I intend to remain serving on this planet for a long time yet to come, God willing.

How are we going to know when Lee is “Cancer-Free?” A few cancer cells are hiding in most people most of the time, but only begin to grow to detectable proportions some of the time. Our immune systems are designed to keep cancer under control and keep it from manifesting for a lifetime. Therefore, one can retain cancerous tissues in their body and have no visible or detectable signs of it. One can have CT scans, MRIs, and expensive blood tests to determine if any unseen cancer is still present that could revive and manifest again under certain circumstances. But these modalities, available through normal medical channels, are expensive and can be invasive, stimulating more cancer.

Fortunately, there is an effective, safe and inexpensive test you can do for yourself at home to chart your progress toward freedom from cancer. It is the Navarro Urine Test. It is discussed on pages 101-102 in Robert Wright’s book on “Killing Cancer” mentioned above. You can also visit the website, www.new-cancer-treatments.org/Articles/Determine, to learn all about the test, including how to do it, and where to send it for evaluation.

We will update everyone through the “Raindrop Messenger” Newsletter as Lee’s healing continues to progress to completion. We will let you know when she is pronounced totally “CANCER FREE.” Your prayers and blessings are still needed and greatly appreciated.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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