Lookin’ Out My Back Door

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Lookin’ Out My Back Door - Raindrop Messenger April 2024 Lookin’ Out My Back Door - Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

By Anthony Stewart, FCCI, Executive Director

And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden;
and there He put the man whom He had formed.

Genesis 2:8

Lookin’ Out My Back Door

In the closing scene of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy says, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t go any further than my own backyard.” I am reminded that God gives us all that we need in our “own back yard,” both metaphorically and literally. I sometimes think of this in the sense that God provides us with healing plants in our local environment to help us live healthier lives.

So, I thought I would test this idea by looking out my back door to see what plants I have in my actual back yard (and also my front yard.) I grew up, and currently live, in rural southeastern Missouri. I have known for a long time that many of the plants that surround me have medicinal value, but I decided to take a closer look at a few.

The notion that God provides us with a healing environment in our backyards will be much more evident to those that live closer to nature rather than in city and suburban areas, though His works can be found there as well. When we live amongst the lush greenery of the woods and forests, we can see the Divine Intelligence of God at work and directly interacting with us.

It’s interesting to note that in the creation story in Genesis chapter two, God didn’t place Adam in a house, a castle, or a cave. He placed him in a garden. In a subtle way this story suggests that the ideal living space for humans is amongst the grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowering plants. Plants share a symbiotic relationship with humans and animals. One example of this is that plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, while we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. When we eat certain plants, they serve our bodies nutritionally. We also know that the essential oils found in many plants can assist us in healing processes, physically and emotionally.

So, what did I find in my back yard? I haven’t yet mowed my lawn, so I found quite a few examples of healing plants, and more than I can really mention in a short article. But below are some highlighted plants. Some are native to North America, and some have only been on this continent for a couple hundred years or so. Some are edible, some are not, and some that I found are considered poisonous to humans. This is why God gave us intelligence so that we can approach His plant creations with wisdom, discernment, and respect.

In these pictures I will include a little about the traditional uses of these plants and how they may be of benefit. This is only a brief overview, and it is important to understand that not all plants are safe for human consumption, and some may cause skin irritation when handled. Most every substance, even those produced in nature, can have a degree of toxicity if consumed or used in too high of quantity. The purpose of this article is to simply give you a sample of beneficial plants that can be found just by opening your back door. You may have different plants growing in your area. If you are interested in using these or any plants to aid in your health, you should do your research as to which plants and plant parts are safe, and how they should be used and/or prepared safely. This article is for educational purposes only, and not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. If you have health concerns, you should consult with a trusted healthcare professional.

With that said, here is what I found “doo doo doo lookin’ out my back door!” (to quote John Fogerty.)

Here is my yard with chickens happily free ranging the turf.

Here is my yard with chickens happily free ranging the turf.

But now let’s take a closer look at some of the plants in the yard.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) blooming in my backyard. Classified as edible by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). Traditionally Dandelion has been used as a blood cleanser, to support blood sugar levels, liver function, and heart health. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol management, blood pressure management, and is also known for having anticancer effects. Dandelion has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, supports immune function and is an excellent source of vitamins A, B, C, K, E, and folate.

Dandelion greens provide iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Dandilion lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024
deadnettle lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Dead Nettle, aka Red Dead Nettle, Purple Dead Nettle, Purple Archangel (Lamium purpureum.) Traditionally this plant has been used to stop bleeding, as a diuretic, to help with kidney stones, seasonal allergies, and it is an energy booster.

Dead Nettle is high in vitamin C, iron, fiber, and antioxidants.

Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) is closely related to Dead Nettle. Both are in the mint (Lamiaceae) family. However, as with many plants in the mint category, neither Henbit nor Dead Nettle have a “minty” flavor or fragrance. MDC categorizes Henbit as edible, and it has traditionally been used for its anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties, relieving chronic pain, soreness, and stiffness.

It’s high in iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as a whole host of beneficial antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Mayapple lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Mayapple, aka American Mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum) has a unique look and is native to North America. The leaves, stems, and roots are poisonous but have medicinal use, with one derivative used as a treatment for cancer. The fully ripe fruits are edible with a pleasant taste and can be eaten raw or made into beverages, jellies, and preserves. Mayapple fruits were an important food for Native Americans.

It has been traditionally used as a purgative, emetic, liver cleanser, worm expellant, and for treating jaundice, constipation, hepatitis, fevers, and syphilis.

Bloodroot (Sangquinaria canadensis) is a perennial flowering herb (though not in bloom in this picture) native to eastern North America. It has been traditionally used for inflammation, cough, infections, dental health, heart conditions, and for some cancer treatments. Native Americans used the sap of Bloodroot for dyes, and the rootstock has been used medicinally for its antiseptic and emetic properties.

Though the sap can irritate the skin, it has been used for treating warts and skin cancers.

Bloodroot lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024
WildGarlic lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Wild Garlic (Allium vineale) grows just about everywhere in my lawn and has lots of traditional uses. It is anti-asthmatic, a blood purifier, diuretic, expectorant, hypotensive, and is a vasodilator. The raw root can be eaten to reduce blood pressure and ease shortness of breath.

When added to a regular diet Wild Garlic can help with cholesterol levels, act as a tonic to the digestive system and support the circulatory system.

Wild Blue Phlox, aka Sweet William, Woodland Phlox (Phlox divaricate) pops up every spring on my gravel road and in my back yard. This sweet-smelling flower can be made into a tea and was traditionally used for treating stomach and intestinal disorders.

It is also believed to be a blood purifier, good for treating boils and eczema. The roots can be steeped and used as an eyewash.

BluePhloxt lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024
PhiladelphiaFleabane lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Philadelphia Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus) is in the daisy family (Asteraceae) and has traditionally been used for colds, chronic diarrhea, gout, epilepsy, menstrual issues, headaches, wound healing, and has been reported to reduce excessive bleeding following childbirth.

It is also considered to be astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic and emmenagogue.

Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) is an edible plant with small heart-shaped fruits. Traditionally used to treat dysentery, furuncle, gonorrhea, menstrual disorders, fever, nosebleeds, PMS, wound healing, and low blood pressure.

It has also been reported to stimulate uterine contractions and help stop postpartum bleeding. Shepherd’s Purse is rich in vitamin C.

ShepherdsPurse lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024
Mullein lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) For millennia Europeans have used mullein to treat lung, skin, and digestive problems. Native Americans quickly grasped its medicinal value and also smoked it.

The flowers yield yellow or green dye. The stalks, with wax or oil, can be used as torches. The leaves have been used for diapers and shoe insoles.

In addition to the plants pictured above, I also found Clover (both red and white), Missouri Violet, Dwarf Larkspur, Rough-Fruited Buttercup, Hemlock, Autumn Olive, and Butterweed in my back yard, just to name a few. What a variety right outside my back door… and most of them are so useful! If I walk even just a few feet further from my yard, I can find hundreds of other helpful species that could address nearly any health issue imaginable.

It would be worth our while to learn about what is growing around us. Do some research into the plants that are growing in your backyard. If you live in a fairly natural setting, chances are there are dozens of species that would benefit you, growing just feet away. If you don’t live in a rural area, take a day trip to a state park, or some natural scenery that is relatively close to you. If you decide to try any plants for their health benefits, be sure you are certain as to the identity of the plants, and that they are taken from a clean environment free from insecticides and synthetic fertilizers. Learn what parts of the plant may be edible or not edible, and how much of the plant material is appropriate for you to apply or ingest. Do some research online through trusted websites and in botany books about the plants that grow nearby. Glean the wisdom from those who have been living amongst the plants and learning their ways.

Written material may be important for gaining a basic understanding of various vegetation, but it is also possible to learn directly from the plants. Some of the greatest botanists, such as George Washington Carver and Luther Burbank, were reported to have spoken to the plants themselves to discover their hidden treasures (“Ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you.” – Job 12:8.) There are countless little gems of vitality just hiding in so many of the plants that we pass by every day.

Sometimes it just takes a little conscious effort on our part to realize how much we really have close to home. I am thankful for the multitude of ways that God has always provided everything that I need, including the plants that grow right in my own backyard.

But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

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Advanced Bible Oils Class and CCI Summit

Advanced Bible Oils:
Sunday, July 21, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

CCI Summit 2024:
Monday, July 22, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This year CARE’s Advanced Bible Oils and CCI Summit will take place at the Crystal Inn Hotel & Suites in Salt Lake City, Utah following Young Living Convention!

Advanced Bible Oils (open to all) is taught by Anthony Stewart, FCCI and is a wonderful in-depth review of essential oils and practices of the ancient Hebrews and early Christians in scripture. We will also discuss the rich history of the Bible and learn how to study scripture in such a way that it will enrich your experience. We will go through the entire History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands (HAL; formerly Healing Oils of the Bible) class as presented by CARE along with Q and A. One of the focal points of this class is to educate CARE Instructors on how to teach HAL, but there is much more information presented that is useful to anyone who has an interest in the Bible and essential oils.

Part of the class’s intent is to introduce unusual situations in which you may find yourself when teaching HAL. For example, you may have attendees who are not of a Judeo-Christian heritage, and who do not consider the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and/or the New Testament their scriptures, which can be challenging. A brief description of many religions will be given along with what to expect. We will also look at the history of the Bible, and how it developed over the millennia into its present form, among many other fascinating topics!

Advanced Bible Oils is required for all new CCIs who have not yet taken this class. CARE Interns (CIs) are welcome to attend and fulfill this requirement before becoming a CCI. This class is also open to the public upon registration. It is recommended, but not required, that participants complete CARE’s History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands before attending.

Repeat students of Advanced Bible Oils may attend at half price.

Advanced Bible Oils is approved for 8 CE Hours through NCBTMB.

CCI Summit (must be a CI, CCI or above to be eligible) is open to all CCIs and above, and also CARE Interns. Summit is a time for us to gather together to learn, grow, discuss, network, make new friends and reconnect with old friends. We will have special speakers, hands-on experiences, check each other’s Raindrop and Vitaflex skills, learn how to relate with students, and more.

Summit & Bible Oils Pricing:

Advanced Bible Oils (open to all):
$285 First time students
$142.50 Students repeating this class

Summit 2024 (must be a CI, CCI or above to be eligible):
$325 Early bird special, by May 1
$350 Registration May 1 and after

Four Ways to Register:


Advanced Bible Oils, click here to register.

Summit 2024, click here to register.

Call: (573) 238-4846

Email: accounting@raindroptraining.com, request invoice for Summit and/or Advanced Bible Oils Class

Snail Mail: Send check or money order along with your name, address, phone, and e-mail address, stating what you are registering for, to: CARE, 12923 BCR 800. Marble Hill MO 63764.

Location for Both Events:
Crystal Inn Hotel & Suites Salt Lake City
230 W 500 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101 USA

lora lee

Health Tip:

from Lora Lee Stewart, FCCI

Long COVID is now connected to Adrenal Fatigue!

Tips on how to reverse Long COVID and Adrenal Fatigue!

How many of you know someone who has been diagnosed with “Long COVID?” It’s becoming more common, but recently a paper published in the medical journal, “Nature Reviews Endocrinology,” has revealed insights into the role adrenal insufficiency plays in the development and persistence of long COVID. The researchers write: “The symptoms of long COVID and chronic adrenal insufficiency have striking similarities. Therefore, we hope to raise awareness of assessing adrenal function in patients with long COVID.”

Adrenal Fatigue is notably caused by systematic stress, toxicity, inflammation, and depletion of our vital force (our “chi” energy). Persistent stress can cause imbalances in the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis, resulting in less sensitivity to stress hormones. If you’re experiencing feelings of extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances that leave you feeling wired and tired, anxiety- if you’re not able to relax or are having immune issues or struggling with weight gain, then you most likely have Adrenal Fatigue!  It is well-known that in the early 19th and 20th centuries, doctors prescribed “Neutral Baths” as an important sedative therapy for institutionalized, emotionally agitated individuals. Society today is unrelenting in its emotional and physical stresses! A “neutral bath” would be an excellent therapy to help reduce stress, inflammation, and adrenal fatigue, thereby helping to improve long COVID. Here is the precise procedure of taking a “neutral bath.” (NOTE: These procedures MUST be followed exactly!) (This information is obtained from NaturalHealthScience.com.)

tub lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024


  1. In a pre-warmed bathroom, fill the tub with water at a temperature between 94o F. to 98o F. (34o C. to 37o C.) until water covers bather to neck-level. The first few times you take this bath, you will need a thermometer to manage this bath properly. Once you have experience with it, you can dispense with the thermometer and manage it purely by feel.

  2. The water temperature must be maintained at above set out temperature which is approximately skin temperature. This balance between skin- and water-temperatures leads to decreased sensitivity of the temperature-sensing nerves of the skin. There must be no body-rubbing or impact of water upon skin (as occurs during showering). These two measures ensure that the nerve-endings of the skin are deprived of stimulation. In this way, the nervous system is given a rest and allowed to rebuild its reserves.

  3. Duration of bath is also an important factor as the full relaxant effect takes time to develop and mature. The Neutral Bath generally lasts from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. In general, 30 minutes may prove to be a sufficient duration for most people.  Don’t overdo this procedure. If the duration of the bath goes beyond 45 minutes, it may become depleting.

  4. While in the bathtub, the room lighting should be kept low; noise and other interruptions should be controlled. Also, the bather should lie relatively still, using a folded towel placed to support head and neck. If bather needs to shift position, this should be done slowly while avoiding any stimulating body-rubbing.

  5. Be sure not to fall asleep in the tub and be careful while exiting the tub.

  6. After stepping out of the tub, be sure to step only on a warm bathmat. Do not step onto a cold floor as this will interfere with temperature-related effects of the Neutral Bath. Pat dry only. Do not rub dry. Rubbing will awaken the nerves quieted by the action of the Neutral-Bath.

  7. After drying, dress comfortably and warmly and rest for at least 1 hour before resuming activity or eating.

            If you’d like to enhance your experience and help your body draw out toxins, as well as obtain support for your adrenal function, you may mix some essential oils with some unrefined sea salts. You will need 1 teaspoon of unrefined sea salt and only 9 drops total of essential oils. (You may use 2 to 4 essential oils, however, use only 9 drops total!) Below are some essential oils you can use, and most can be obtained from Young Living Essential Oils (contact your nearest Young Living distributor or CARE for more information about how to obtain these awesome oils!).

            1. Carrot seed (Daucus carota)—eases fluid retention; reduces muscular tension; counteracts low blood pressure and anemia; balances endocrine system.

            2. Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)—eases muscle-aches, pains and spasms; balances adrenal glands; antidepressant; aids in drug withdrawal; dream enhancer.

            3. Lavender (Lavendula vera)—antispasmodic, sedative, harmonizing, sedative (brain and central nervous system); aids deep meditation; cleanses and soothe the spirit; balances blood pressure and circulation; counteracts low blood sugar; antidepressant; calms emotional extremes.

            4. Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)—balances heart action, hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system.

            5. Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium)—balances nervous system; supports the anterior pituitary gland; promotes good circulation, warms the body;

            6. Ylang ylang (Cananga adorata)—adrenal relaxant; sedative; antidepressant; balances hormones.

            There are also 5 adaptogenic herbs that have been found to be effective for adrenal support and overall cardiovascular health and stress management. (This information was located on the website: gaiaherbs.com.) Adaptogens are a category of herbs and mushrooms that help the body adapt to stress. They assist in regulating homeostasis via their actions on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. They also control vital mediators of the stress response, such as heat shock proteins and stress hormones like cortisol and nitric oxide. Some adaptogens stimulate the body and enhance mental performance, while others help calm the body and soothe the adrenals. They can also support the body’s natural circadian rhythm (aka your internal clock) and help promote a more restful sleep. Below are the 5 recommended herbs for adrenal support:  

            1.  Ashwagandha, aka Indian Ginseng or Withania somnifera, is an ancient plant used extensively in Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India) for over 3,000 years. Its traditional uses include stress;  menstrual difficulties such as PMS or irregular periods; adrenal health; sleep; immunity; thyroid support; sex drive; energy; and cognitive function. In herbalism, Ashwagandha is considered a nervine,  which supports the nervous system, and an adaptogen, which helps the body adapt to physical, mental, and emotional stress.

            2. Siberian Rhodiola Rosea: As an adrenal adaptogen, this herb supports the functioning of the adrenal glands and encourages a healthy stress response. It has been traditionally used in Siberia and across Asia for anemia, energy, fertility, immunity, mood, cognitive health, and low libido. Rhodiola has also demonstrated supportive effects on: Cardiovascular function, Cognitive and mental health, Endurance, Physical performance and Stress.

            3. Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi. Liquid Yoga, or the Incomparable One, translates to balance, symbolizing its most common modern use. Considered a sacred herb in Ayurveda, the traditional wellness practice of India, Holy Basil has been traditionally used to support the stress response, immunity, eye health, digestive complaints, insect bites, anxiety, hiccups, and back pain.

            4. Eleuthero, introduced initially to the United States as Siberian Ginseng until its name was changed in 2002 (Panax Ginseng is now considered the only “true” Ginseng per the FDA), is used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine to invigorate qi (chi or energy), strengthen and nourish the body, and to balance vital energy.Through Russian Research, Eleuthero became the model for all other adaptogens. It has demonstrated various beneficial properties, including: Supporting immunity, normal blood sugar and metabolism; promoting bacterial balancing; supporting normal inflammatory response; Promoting energy, endurance and cognitive protection.

            5. Regarded as a harmonizing tonic and a popular adaptogenic herb, Schisandra berries contain a blend of five distinct flavor properties, which correspond to the five phases or Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine: 

              Sour (Wood)
              Bitter (Fire)  
              Sweet (Earth)
              Acrid (Metal)
              Salty (Water)

            Since these five flavors work synergistically to promote overall health and vitality, Schisandra is sometimes called the “ultimate superberry.” Schisandra berries have been shown to enhance the body’s natural resistance and adaptation to stressful influences; support mental endurance and cognitive health; promote normal immunity; support the central nervous system function, which is foundational to stress support; promote healthy circulation when combined with Sesamin, a component of sesame seeds; and support thyroid health.

            you got this lookin out the back door Raindrop Messenger April 2024

            In summary, anyone suffering from Long COVID can have hope that their suffering CAN come to an end! There are natural herbs, oils and protocols available to assist your body in coming back into harmonic health and balance! I hope that you share this information with as many as you can! Please contact us at care@raindroptraining.com or call us toll free at:  (800) 758-8629. Here’s to your health!

            Supervisor Training for CCIs

            Supervisor Training for CCIs – May 3-5, 2024

            This will be an online “virtual” training through Zoom

            Instructor: Anthony Stewart, FCCI

            ELIGIBILITY: Must be a CCI or above to register.

            WORKSHOP FEE: The fee for the Workshop is $800 payable to CARE. Half price for repeat students. Current Supervisors who would like to audit the class and not fully participate may do so for $150. Registration may be by emailing accounting@raindroptraining.com and requesting an invoice. Please cc anthony@raindroptraining.com. You may also register by mailing a check to CARE Supervisor Training, 12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, MO, 63764.

            To Register Online Click Here

            SCCI REQUIREMENTS: Requirements for becoming an SCCI, with a description of SCCI Privileges, are on pp. 30-31 of the CCI Handbook (21st ed). One must have taught at least four Basic Sets to be eligible to become an SCCI, but one may take the SCCI Workshop before having completed the four Sets. Only CCIs and above may take the Workshop. CIs are not eligible.

            THE SUPERVISOR’S MANUAL: Participants must have purchased a CARE Supervisors Manual prior to class and will be using this during each online session. They are $95.00 plus $14 s/h. You will need to call CARE at (800) 758-8629 and order by phone with a credit card or email accounting@raindroptraining.com. The Supervisor’s Manual is not available through the website.

            PRE-WORKSHOP ASSIGNMENT: The pre-workshop assignment is to get a copy of the Return Demo Form (which may be downloaded from the website when you log in as a CCI) and view the CARE Vitaflex and Raindrop DVDs, critiquing the instructor’s performance as if they were a CCI Candidate and you are the Examiner. Your completed Ret Demo forms are to be brought to the Workshop where they will be presented and discussed, and whether a grade of Pass, Fail, or Facilitator Only shall be given. This form can be downloaded by logging into to your instructor profile at raindroptraining.com > Click Member Portal > Click Instructors & Facilitators Only > Click on the purple Certified CARE Instructor button > Click on Return Demo Checklist.

            COURSE CONTENT: All aspects of Supervising will be reviewed, including Examinations for Return Demonstrations, Supervising Assistantship Classes, Mentoring CCI Candidates, Proctoring Internship Classes, as well as Observing Emotional Release and Chemistry Classes for candidates seeking authorization for these subjects.

            GENERAL DAILY SCHEDULE: Students will typically meet with the instructor via Zoom at 9:00 a.m. Central US Time for approximately one hour in the mornings, after which students will have homework to complete before meeting again at 3:00 p.m. Central US Time. The afternoon session will last approximately two hours. There may be more time spent online than this, particularly on the last day of the training. However, we will adjourn from class at noon on Sunday, which is the last day. Daily schedule is subject to change. You will need to set aside all three days to being present online and completing assignments during the day.

            REGISTRATION: Register with CARE. See “Workshop Fee” above, or Click Here to Register Online.

            NOTE ON CERTIFICATES: Students attending for the first time will receive a certificate for 20 CE hours. Repeat students have the option to receive a certificate for an additional $10 by making a request to CARE. Students who are only auditing the class will not receive certificates since they will not be fully participating in this workshop. Continuing Education Hours are through NCBTMB.

            Raindrop Messenger Featured Book

            Killing Cancer Not People


            Killing Cancer Not People by Robert G. Wright This no-nonsense book tells it like it is, that there are numerous non-toxic alternative cures for cancer that work, but are vigorously repressed, if not classified as outright “illegal,” by the FDA, the AMA, and the American Cancer Association in cooperation with the big pharmaceutical companies who…

            Out of stock

            Tammy Struebing

            It’s been an honor and a privilege to be a part of the CARE program through the years. In February 2005, David Stewart (CARE co-founder) proctored my first CARE Intensive in Omaha, Nebraska. That weekend, he shared insights that forever changed my perspective about life. His wisdom and knowledge never ceased to amaze me. He treated me like I was special; later I realized he treated everyone like they were special!

            In March 2007, I traveled with David to Dr. Sabina DeVita’s school in Toronto, Canada where he had been teaching chemistry. He had asked me to take over his classes there. It was another special weekend with David, Sabina and other students. In May 2007, I traveled with David and Lee Stewart and four other CARE instructors to Gary Young’s clinic in Ecuador – to learn Gary’s latest version of raindrop. It was a most memorable week – to include being taught by Gary in-person and touring the farm!

            Today, I love teaching CARE intensives and spending time with my students. It’s a spiritual experience and truly rewarding to share with those who are seeking to learn and grow. And through my CARE/Young Living journey, I’ve met individuals who have become lifelong friends. Marie Koepke, fellow CARE Instructor, is one of them.

            I live with my husband, Arthur, in Albion, Nebraska. We have four children who live with their families in Omaha and a son who lives in Columbus, OH. They are all well aware of my passion for making wholistic choices. I offer Emotional Release, Raindrop, Vitaflex and other wholistic services at my business, Olive Branch Healing Arts. I love to listen to truther podcasts. And I truly “innerstand” that it’s an amazing time to be alive and witness the global awakening that is currently underway. I travel out-of-state frequently to attend spiritually enlightening workshops. I am returning to St. Paul, MN to teach another CARE Intensive (April 26th – 28th) and look forward to this special weekend with my students. Some of my favorite YL essential oils are Frankincense, Transformation, Sacred Mountain, Egyptian Gold and Divine Release (to name a few.)

            Today, it’s truly a blessing to know and connect with Anthony Stewart, CARE Executive Director, and Lora Lee Stewart, CARE Board Member. I appreciate them both very much. Their parents would be very proud of them – for carrying on the CARE legacy and shining their light with grace!

            Official Newsletter of CARE
            The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
            12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
            (573) 238-4846

            NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

            Our Next Event

            3 Day Intensive – Dalton PA


            The Care Calendar

            Topics covered in the Raindrop Messenger:

            The Raindrop Messenger

            In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

            The articles published in The Raindrop Messenger and in this archive are not copyrighted. You are  encouraged to copy them, reprint them, and share them with friends. We would appreciate acknowledgment of their source by a statement to the effect.

            By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact

            Have a facilitator contact you!


            Have a facilitator contact you!

            The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

            Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

            Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

            The Care Logo

            CARE International Inc
            12923 BCR 800
            Marble Hill, MO 63764

            Toll Free (800) 758-8629
            Fax (573) 755-0365

            Open 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
            Monday - Friday

            © 2002 -  by CARE International All rights reserved. Site by: Total New Media

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