An Effective Herbal Treatment for Cancer by Lee Stewart – Volume 12, Number 1

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An Effective Herbal Treatment for Cancer by Lee Stewart - Volume 12, Number 1 An Effective Herbal Treatment for Cancer by Lee Stewart - Volume 12, Number 1

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

An Effective Herbal Treatment for Cancer

Originally Posted Spring 2014

1. An Effective Herbal Treatment for Cancer
~^~^~^~by Lee Stewart

In the Spring of 1996 I wrote an introduction to an article that we stumbled upon about Rene Caisse, “Canada’s Cancer Nurse.” We would like to share this information with you.

My mother had a recurrence of non-Hodgkins lymphoma in 1995. We had her admitted to the hospice program so I could care for her in our home. Her physician stated that she was terminally ill and probably within six months of dying (criteria for being admitted to the hospice program).

He also said that the cancer was not treatable because she could not withstand any harsh treatment. However, he prescribed Leukeran first, which I took her off of because it seemed to make her sicker. (She had been on no medication before, except a half of a blood pressure pill a day to keep her blood pressure down.) Then he prescribed prednisone, which he stated was not curative and had no serious side effects. With grave misgivings I gave it to her. She almost died–as a result of a treatment that was suppposed to have “no side effects.”

When she began pulling out of the effects of the prednisone, we started giving her Mary’s Tea (or Essiac Tea), as well as some high potency natural vitamins (Nutrilite Double X, to be specific). She had been taking Mary’s Tea for about a month before she had the prednisone, but for a while she was unable to continue it because she was so sick.

She gradually got better and started putting on weight. The visiting hospice nurses began saying how well she looked and that she didn’t look like a cancer patient. The Hospice doctor came, examined her (about 4 months after she had started drinking the tea), and found no sign of cancer.

The cancer never came back, and Mom lived four more years. She died peacefully in her bed (at our house) at age 89.

Since then I have talked to several other people with similar stories about Mary’s Tea (or Essiac), including another woman who had lymphoma, and a man who had three kinds of cancer (lymphoma, testicular, and liver). Both claimed that Mary’s Tea saved their lives.

We gave the information that we had on the tea to a friend of ours. She told her chiropractor, and he gave her a booklet written by Rene Caisse, RN, that had been on his shelves for years. It was not copyrighted, so we reprinted it in our newsletter, at the time, so that others could be helped.


2. How “ESSIAC” Got its Name & Where to get it
~^~^~^ by David Stewart, PhD

Essiac tea is an herbal remedy for cancer known to a Native American Tribe in Northern Ontario, Canada. A lady from England, working with her husband in that part of Canada in the early 20th century, acquired breast cancer and a medicine man from that tribe told her he could cure it. He taught her about certain native herbs and how to brew the tea. Years later, when Rene Caisse, who was a professional nurse, was caring for the lady, she learned of the tea and began offering it to cancer patients she knew. This is how the tea came to be called “Essiac,” which is Caisse spelled backwards. When Miss Caisse passed away, she left the recipe with her good friend, Mary McPherson, which is why the tea has also became known as “Mary’s Tea.”

In the beginning of her practice of treating cancer patients with the tea, Nurse Caisse states that she was naive enough to think she could accumulate enough proof, by her successes, that her treatment would be acceptable to the medical profession. She believed, at that time, that the cancer support organizations were really looking for a cure for this dreaded disease. But the more proof she succeeded in producing, the more determined the medical establishment, and the organizations that sponsor cancer research, opposed her and became determined that her remedy should not be made available.

Unsupported by any health-related agency, yet undiscouraged by the opposition, she continued to run a successful open cancer clinic for eight years, during the 1920’s, in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. She never gave up the hope that some day, somehow, her treatment would be made available to all who needed it.

In the beginning a number of doctors did send her some patients. These were the ones on which all medical options had been exhausted. These were the patients on whom their doctors had given up, and held no hope for their recovery. When the referring physicians saw that Rene Caisse’s treatments actually cured their hopeless patients, they became advocates for her, her practice, and her tea.

On October 27, 1926, eight Canadian physicians signed a petition endorsing Nurse R.M. Caisse and her therapy, and sent it to the Ontario Department of Health and Welfare. They hoped that the Provincial Government would recognize the value of this therapy and support it, maybe even financially. Instead, the government sent two doctors from Ottawa, the provincial capital, to arrest her for “practicing medicine without a license.”

That was the beginning of thirty years of persecution by those in authority, including the government and the medical/pharmaceutical establishment. Throughout the rest of her life, Rene Caisse endured these harassments and threats, including jail time, all the while trying to help those afflicted with cancer.


The complete story of Nurse Caisse’s heroic struggle, in her own words, as well as the recipe for her tea, an address of where you can purchase the necessary herbs, and instructions on how to brew and administer the tea, is available as a 30 page booklet, a reprint of a newsletter, entitled NAPSAC NEWS, that we published in 1996. Lee’s original article appeared there.

The herbs of the tea are Burdock Root (Arctium lappa), Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella), Indian Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum), and Slippery Elm Bark (Ulma fulva). It is important to know that Essiac or Mary’s Tea is available in many health food stores already brewed and bottled, as well as available in capsule form containing the powdered herbs. We cannot testify as to the efficacy of the bottled or powdered versions.

For her mother, Lee obtained the dried herbs and brewed the tea herself. We know the freshly brewed tea works, at least for her mother, and for others we have met. At that time (1995), we did not know about essential oils. If we had known, we would have employed them, too, but would have used the tea also.

The booklet is entitled: “I Was Canada’s Cancer Nurse–the Story of Essiac,” by Rene M. Caisse, R.N. It is available from CARE for $5.00, plus $2 shipping. Call (800) 758-8629. It will soon also be available via the internet at

Once again, God’s healing medicine has been found in the plants he has created for us.


~^~^~^~^ by David Stewart, PhD

Young Living ran out of the Valor blend some time ago, because their supply of Spruce (Picea mariana) ran out. Some Young Living members were upset by this, when they should be glad. Young Living oils are all produced naturally from plants, in their own seasons, as determined by God, and not produced synthetically in chemical plants according to manufacturing schedules set by humans. When Young Living runs out of a given species of oil they must wait until the next harvesting season for that plant to produce more oil. The fact that they sometimes run short of an oil is proof that they are not adulterating or synthesizing their oils, as many other companies do.

If you want a reliable, constant, and predictably renewable supply of an essential oil that is consistent in its composition from year to year, you have to make and manipulate it yourself in a manufacturing laboratory. Companies that produce oils for perfumes or flavors alter and adjust the chemistry so their product always has exactly the same flavor or fragrance, which is what flavor and perfume companies want. Companies that do that are not producing therapeutic oils that can heal. Their intent is profit, not healing. They are, in fact, producing oils that are potentially toxic and can do harm. Such companiess rarely tell the truth on their labels, but usually include warnings for the use of their oils, such as “Do not use undiluted on the skin.”

If you want a reliable, pure, therapeutic essential oil that heals, you have to wait on God and Nature to provide your supply, which must be produced in God’s time. one must also accept the variations in composition and fragrance that come with each year’s crop. No two growing seasons are exactly the same, year to year, nor is the weather regarding rainfall, wind, sunshine, or temperature. No two fields have exactly the same soil composition. Planting and harvesting times vary, too. Left to God and Nature, the composition of essential oils will vary year to year because, among other things, the plants themselves adapt to the changing conditions experienced during the growing season, and thus create oils appropriate for that year’s circumstances.


So be glad that Young Living essential oils are not always identical each year and be thankful that because of Young Living’s dependence on God and Nature, they may run out of a given species in some years, which proves their commitment to abide by nature’s directions and time schedule, and not those of a panel of industrial chemists and the will of corporate executives whose purpose is maximizing profit, not healing. If health and healing is your objective, beware of essential oil companies whose primary motive is monetary gain, because their oils will be imbued with selfishness and greed, not concern for others to be well.

Keep in mind that, by the principles of quantum physics, the intents of the grower, distiller, packager, corporate executives, and distributors are expressed in the frequencies of the oils. Even your intent, as a distributor, is embued in the oils you market, and the effect on the oil will be different whether your intent is making money or helping someone be well.

Young Living is unique among companies of the world in that its sole intent, from seed to seal, is to produce essential oils that heal, an intent that is further carried to the end users by those Young Living distributors, such as you who promote and teach about the oils. (To gain an understanding of the role played by quantum physics in the applications of essential oils, visit where you can order a booklet entitled, “Quantum Physics, Essential Oils, and the Mind-Body Connection.”)


It is not definitely known when Young Living will have Valor back in stock and there is no guarantee they will not run out of their supply at some future time. Some have been using White Angelica and other substitutes in place of Valor, but you may want to consider making your own approximation of Valor.

Valor is a blend of approxomately 15 parts Spruce, 7 parts Frankincense, 6 parts Blue Tansey, and 2 parts Balsam Fir, in an Almond (or Coconut) Oil base, with the carrier making up about 20% (7 drops) of the blend. Proportions for Valor are given in the “Essential Oil Integrative Medical Guide,” by D. Gary Young, as the “Energy Balance Blend,” but that source does not mention a carrier oil, which is a key ingredient to bring the frequency into resonance with the spine, joints, and bones as does Valor. The “Integrative Medical Guide” also mentions Rosewood as an ingredient, but that is not available from Young Living, at this time, and won’t be again until their supply in South America has been re-established, which may or may not be soon.

All of the oil constituents of Valor, except for Rosewood and the correct species of Spruce, are available from Young Living at this time. Spruce (Picea mariana) is not currently available, which is why YL is temporarily out of Valor until the 2014 crop is harvested and distilled. Young Living does have Idaho Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) which is a different, but similar, species. A substitute for Valor (sans Rosewood) may be formed by the above formula and substituting the Idaho Blue Spruce.

This will work until Young Living has real Valor back in stock. No one should live without Valor. Hopefully, Young Living will have Valor back in stock soon.

~^~^~^ by David Stewart, PhD

Most bathrooms and public restrooms have some sort of air freshner to mitigate the odor of feces. Canisters of perfumed aerosol sprays are often provided. But “after-the-fact” air freshners don’t always completely cover or eliminate the evidence of your visit. It is a fact that we all have to empty our bowels on a regular basis and that doing so usually results in an unpleasant, embarassing aroma that can linger after we have made our exodus.

To address this ubiquitous experience of the human condition, there is an interesting youtube site you may visit. Its address is: This website promotes a product called: “PooPourie” that prevents minute molecules of excrement from distributing themselves throughout the space of the bathroom (and sometimes beyond) whose lingering presence can be noted by the nose of subsequent visitors.

PooPourie is a fragrant product in an aerosol can that the manufacturers say is composed of essential oils that you spray in the toilet bowl on the surface of the water, BEFORE you do your business. The theory is that as you are making your contribution(s) to the receiving bowl, they first fall and sink below the water surface. Since the water surface is covered with a layer of fragrant oil from the PooPouri Spray, the odors from below cannot penetrate upwards, being trapped below. The normally aggressive molecules of excrement rise from below, as they normally do, but instead of escaping and saturating the room with their fecal foulness, they instead bump up against the pleasant smelling oil molecules floating on the surface, propelling them into the air instead, to be experienced as a pleasant sweet aroma.

We don’t know the origin or quality of the essential oils used in a PooPourie canister, nor have we actually tried their brand, but we decided to apply this idea with Young Living products. We took a bottle of Thieves Spray (item #3265), which was about two-thirds full, and added enough Young Living Lavender to fill it. We call it “Poo-Romatherapy Spray.”

We then began our experiment. When anyone in our office uses the bathroom for fecal purposes, they first apply 5 or 6 squirts of Thieves/lavender oil from the poo-romatherapy bottle to the surface of the water in the bowl. They then do their business, before, during, and following of which, they take note of the atmosphere. I have also carried Poo-Romatherapy Spray with me elsewhere, applying it in several public bathrooms as I traveled.

It was amazing. Whereas, in our office, we normally spray an air freshner of Spearmint and Cinnamon oils after each visit, it is no longer necessary when we first coat the surface of the toilet water with 5 or 6 squirts of Poo-Romatherapy Spray. It works. It really does seem to block the escape of undesirable microparticles into the air, but instead, exchanges their stench with a pleasant spicy/floral aroma. The Blend of Thieves, which contains Clove Oil, also slightly numbs the nose while disinfecting the air.

Furthermore, since flushing an open toilet is known to splash microscopic particles of feces into the air that can contaminate toothbrushes, towels, and other toilet items, the covering of the toilet water surface with a layer of Thieves and Lavender not only reduces the smell, but may also eliminate the invisible traces of fecal matter that can fly into the air. In fact, flushing with essential oils floating on the water surface propels a puff of pleasant fragrance into the air, freshening and cleansing the atmosphere in the room. Using Poo-Romatherapy spray works before, during, and after ones duties on the throne. It is not only non-toxic, but is actually healthy and beneficial for whomever sits in the ruling position for the moment.

We plan to experiment further by adding other oils to our Poo-Romatherapy Spray, such as Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Spearmint, Peppermint, or Joy. If it works for Lavender combined with Thieves, it should work for any variety of floral, spicy, or minty scented oil. And what’s more, you can carry your Poo-Romatherapy Spray bottle with you wherever you go, whether to church, a friends house, or a restaurant restroom. No longer will you leave behind a signature of embarrassing scent when visiting a toilet anywhere.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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