The Truth about Tinnitus – Volume 1, Number 10

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The Truth about Tinnitus The Truth about Tinnitus

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

Changing Bulbs vs. Changing Oil
The Truth about Tinnitus
By David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

Originally Posted November 2003

Dear Tinnitus Sufferer:

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is a problem for some and no problem at all for others. Tinnitus is when you have become aware of the workings of your body’s electrical field as a audio sensation. We have a gross material body that is visible to the eye and which we can hear working with our gross physical ears. Your gross chemical body makes sounds of breathing, heart beat, digestion, etc. Everyone is familiar with these sounds. But you have another body, and it, too, makes sounds.

Superimposed on our body of chemical matter is an electromagnetic field that some people can actually see as a light or halo in which the grosser body is immersed. Besides emitting subtle light, this field also makes subtle sounds in its functioning. The nature of these sounds is analogous to the buzzing one hears when standing near a high voltage power line. They are also like the experiences of some when witnessing the aurora borealis which emits not only light, but also high pitched singing sounds of an electromagnetic nature.

Most people are not sensitive to the sounds we call tinnitus, or they only hear them occasionally. Some hear them all the time and don’t mind. I have always heard these sounds since earliest childhood and have always liked them. They don’t interfere with my physical hearing at all. Any time I turn my attention within, they are there.

There are a variety of sounds one can hear: buzzing like a bee, the sound of a field of grasshoppers or crickets, a continuous flute-like pitch, the sound of a high register vibrating harp string, the sound of rushing water, the roar of the ocean, the rumble of drums, a humming tone like that heard after striking of a large bell, and sometimes even the blare of a trumpet on a high b-flat. Not only do any of my friends. We find them pleasant and not a problem at all.

If hearing these sounds doesn’t bother you and, in fact, brings you a sense of security and peace, then things are in harmony and health with your electric body which will also be reflected in your gross chemical body. On the other hand, some people hear such sounds and can’t stand it. It bothers them a lot.

If these sounds are disonant and irritating to you, then that is a message that something is out of whack in your electrical fields that can eventually manifest as a physical or emotional disease or medical condition at some time, if not already. Hearing these sounds as unpleasant or disturbing is like an oil light coming on in your car.

Medical doctors who think they understand tinnitus (and they don’t unless they have had training in body electricity) will try to prescribe measures that will stop you from hearing the sound. That is like responding to an irritating bright red oil warning light on the dashboard of your car by removing the bulb instead of addressing the problem, which is to add more oil. If you keep driving and ignore the warning light in your car, eventually your car will break down and cease to function.

If tinnitus is a problem for you, perhaps you need to visit someone who does energy work who can explore your electromagnetic fields and find the problem and guide you as to how to fix it before it manifests as a more serious problem. Essential oils can also be helpful since they administer to us not only on the level of our body chemistry, but also on the level of our body electricity and magnetism. This is why in raindrop technique we drop the oils 6-8 inches above your back, in order that the oils can start their healing work within your electric fields before they even touch the skin.

But oils and energy work alone might not solve your problem. There may also be emotional and spiritual work for you to do. The annoying sounds of tinnitus may be a gentle reminder to you of things you need to change in your attitudes and houghts. Pray for your answers and they will come, along with the solution to your tinnitus problem.

When the appropriate corrections have been made in your attitudes and energy fields, you may not have tinnitus any more. On the other hand, you may still hear the sounds, but won’t mind any more, finding them reassuring and pleasant. Instead of omens of trouble, they will have become reminders that everything is okay and going well.

Hope this helps.

David Stewart

The Scent of Grapefruit
By David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

The major portion of any essential oil (99.99%) is composed of only three elements—Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen— but Sulfur and Nitrogen also sometimes contribute key roles.

For example, the distinctive fragrance of grapefruit oil (Citrus paradisi) is due to a sulfur compound (1-p-menthen-8-thiol) in a tiny trace amount—less than one part per billion. That is an infinitesmal 0.0000001%. Yet its presence dominates the scent of grapefruit. While grapefruit oil is 95% d-limonene, that is not what we smell. d-Limonene, in any concentration, is experienced as a faint orange-like aroma. Amazing as it seems, that one molecule in a billion of the sulfur compound is so strong that it overcomes the d-limonene and is easily picked up and distinguished by our sensitive noses. (Strong odors are a characteristic of most sulfur compounds, which are also found in garlic and the oil of garlic.)

Check it out. If you have a bottle of grapefruit oil handy, take a wiff and experience a molecule or two of that sulfur compound. You can impress your friends by saying, “Hmmm . . . I believe there is a trace of 1-p-menthen-8-thiol in this oil.”

While all of the citrus rind oils (orange, lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime) are mainly composed of d-limonene, they each have different fragrances and different therapeutic properties determined by their minor and trace constituents. Grapefruit, for example, can dissolve fat tissue and can be used to assist in weight loss and reduce cellulite. However, this property is not due to its main ingredient, but due to its minor and trace compounds in conjunction with the d-limonene.

This is another illustration of why an essential oil needs to be harvested and produced as close to nature as possible without tampering with even the least of the ingredients.


The above article on grapefruit oil is an extract from a new book currently being written by David Stewart. Its title will be: AROMACHEMISTRY – THE SCIENCE OF ESSENTIAL OILS MADE SIMPLE. (Subtitle – God’s Love Made Manifest in Molecules). The book will be out some time during the late summer of 2004. The book is an outgrowth of Dr. Stewart’s five-hour Essential Oils Chemistry class taught at the 3-day CARE Intensives. Visit for CARE’s schedule of seminars.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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