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From Branson to Taiwan – My Asian Odyssey – Volume 14, Number 1
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Raindrop Messenger
Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846
NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.
From Branson to Taiwan – My Asian Odyssey
Originally Posted Winter 2016
1. From Branson to Taiwan – My Asian Odyssey
~^~^~ by David Stewart, PhD
The year, 2015, was one of the busiest years of my life, with the last two months, November and December, the busiest time of all. Almost all of my time last year was spent focusing on Young Living and Essential Oils. During the first ten months, from January through October, While I loved the travel, the people, and the many presentations given, I have decided to slow down this year (2016). My wife, Lee, and I both celebrated our 78th Birthdays and our 53rd Wedding Anniversary last year. I have decided that it is time for me to slow down and spend more time with my wife and family. So I won’t be traveling and giving as many seminars and classes as I have in the past. Besides, I have ideas for at least two more books I want to write.
The first week of November 2015 Lee and I taught a 4-day CARE Intensive in Branson, Missouri. Then on November 12 I flew to Japan for a two-week tour of five cities giving lectures on the Chemistry of Essential Oils with a Japanese translator. One of the lectures given in all five cities was an “Introduction to the Chemistry of Essential Oils,” which is reproduced here in the next article.
My daughter, Lora Lee, accompanied me on the tour, since I am not as spry and mobile as I used to me. Her companionship was invaluable. She kept track of my complicated schedule and prevented me from getting lost in airports, etc. We did a lot of flying and traveling on high-speed trains while in Japan.
The Young Living office in Japan also generously provided a brief vacation for Lora Lee and I at Mount Fuji, the famous snow-capped volcanic mountain that is an icon for Japan. It towers more than 13,000 feet above sea level and stands out prominently among the other mountains surrounding it. Near its base are five beautiful lakes. We stayed in an authentic Japanese hotel with a beautiful view of the mountain out our window.
There was only one large room for us with a floor covered with bamboo matting to be walked on with bare feet, stocking feet, or slippers. We left our hard soled shoes in the foyer. The room was furnished with three low tables about 14 inches high, where you sat on the floor and stretched your legs underneath. Each evening a maid came in, pushed the tables to one side, and put down thick soft mats on which we slept. Each morning a table was prepared, especially for us, and set with more than a dozen little dishes of Japanese cuisine. Each evening they set supper in a special room for only the two of us, served by the same server who prepared breakfast, and who also arranged our sleeping mats each evening.
The hotel had a private hot tub attached to our room, but there were men’s and women’s public baths on the top floor with a view of the mountain. These large baths were naturally warm from the hot volcanic springs abounding in the area, and where people bathed and relaxed in their birthday suits. There were also smaller private baths for families where sexes could mix.
There were many fun and interesting things to do in the Mt. Fuji Area. We could have easily spent a week or more. We did spend a day vising a natural ice cave which has frozen ice formations the year round. We spent another day at a “Music Forest,” which featured music performers, and a concert of large music boxes, player pianos, and a player violin. A professional opera singer performed songs from a Verdi opera accompanied by a whole orchestra of mechanical instruments, music boxes, and the player violin. One music box was huge, 9 feet tall, and had been built to go on the Titanic, but its manufacture was not complete when the Titanic set sail, so it was saved from going down with the ship.
We also took a cable ride up one of the nearby mountains to enjoy a fantastic view, and also took a boat ride on one of the lakes. If you ever go to Japan, if you can do it, visit Mt. Fuji and plan to spend a week. You will be glad you did. It was an unforgettable experience, and we want to go back.
After two weeks lecturing and touring Japan, we flew to Singapore where I gave a program on “Quantum Physics and Essential Oils” to an overflow audience of over 600 Young Living Distributors. This program was followed the by a presentation on “Emotional Release with Essential Oils.” Both programs were present one after the other in a single evening, with a PowerPoint and projection screen.
Then we flew to Penang, Malaysia, to give the same two presentations. The next day we flew to Kota Kineabalu, which is on a large island close to the Philippines. We stayed at a beautiful sea side resort and had the best sea food (namely, raw oysters) I had ever tasted. We gave the same two presentations there to about 200 Young Living Distributors.
One evening in Tokyo, we attended a concert performance of the Munich Symphony Orchestra playing Shastacovitch’s 5th Symphony, and Beethoven’s 5th Piano Concerto (The Emporer). The concerto was performed by a young Japanese pianist who is blind, and had to be led onto the stage and taken to the piano. He gave a flawless and amazing performance despite the fact that he could not see the conductor, yet he stayed right with the orchestra with brilliant technique. We wondered how he could learn such a massive piece when he never saw the music, but had to learn it all by ear.
Then we flew to Kuala Lumpur, the capitol city of Malaysia, to give another evening’s program. Kuala Lumpur has the world’s tallest twin towers, which you often see in pictures. Lora Lee and I went to the top for a breathtaking view of the city. We had a similar experience in Tokyo in the Tokyo Tower, where we had a meal in a rotating restaurant with a spectacular view from the top. The towers in both Japan and Malaysia had great acquariums in their bottom floors where we could get close to huge fish like sharks and manta rays.
Then we flew to Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia is a nation of 1400 tropical islands on, and just south, of the equator. It used to be a Dutch Colony, and still has buildings built 300 years ago by the Dutch. Nana Lim, a CARE Instructor from Singapore, taught a CARE Intensive there for 21 participants. While the Indonesian language is Habasa, everyone there seems to know English, as well. A couple of the Indonesian students plan to become Certified CARE Instructors.
Indonesia is a Muslim country (and so is Malaysia). I was concerned a little about doing the “Healing Oils of the Bible” program in that environment, since Christians are persecuted, imprisoned, and even killed, in some Muslim countries, and public display of the Bible is prohibited. But these countries are not so extreme and I gave my usual program without modification.
One Muslim who attended my Bible Oils program in Jakarta was asked what she thought about attending a program based on the Christian/Jewish Bible. She simply said, “It is just history to me.” She was not offended and seemed to enjoy the program. Years ago when I was writing the book on Bible Oils, I searched the Koran and Hindu scriptures for references to essential oils so I could include them, but I found no oil references in these scriptures. It appears that, among the world’s scriptures, only the Old and New Testaments contain such a treasure of references to healing and anointing with oils.
Our last day in Jakarta, which was around December 12th, we were treated to a picnic by a lake with a group of Young Living Distributors and their families. There were hundreds of large gold fish in the lake to which we tossed fish food and where we could dangle our bare feet in the water while the fish nibbled on our toes.
Islamic Extremists of ISIS and Al Quaida are both active in Indonesia and Malaysia. While no violence occurred during our time in these countries, there had been bombings in Indonesia in the weeks before we were there. After we returned to the United States, the news reported in February that terrorist’s are organizing bombing attacks in Jakarta, Indonesia, and also in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are glad to be home, but are praying for our friends in these countries.
We then flew back to Singapore where I gave a program to a group of ladies on the “Everyday Oils” found in the Premium Start-up Kit. Over the next two days I proctored an Emotional Release and a Chemistry Observation Class. Then we flew to Taiwan where our son, Keith, and his Taiwanese wife, Shu-O, were visiting with Shu-O’s sister, Shu-Yun, who is a Young Living Distributor. We did an “Introduction to Essential Oils Meeting” for her to which some of her friends came. Keith’s two children, Kristopher and Isabel, ages 7 and 2, were also there.
And that, in a nutshell, was our Asian Odessy. Toward the end of our five weeks of Asian food, I began fantasizing about the hillbilly food in our small home-town cafe. We had had enough of shushi, raw fish, chicken feet, raw eggs, octopus, and other exotic fare, including cold marinated jelly fish and snails covered with black squid ink. We were glad to get back in the USA where we could order a Subway sandwich, a McDonald’s Hamburger, or a piece of Kentucky Fried chicken.
When I returned from the Far East, My Inbox greeted me with over 2,000 unanswered emails. Our arrival back home was on December 20th with all of the Christmas festivities in church and at home, with grandchildren and all. I was hoping to get the Fall issue of the “Raindrop Messenger” out before January 1st, but that was not possible. In January, a long-time good friend in Califoria died unexpectedly for which we traveled to Los Angeles for the Memorial Service. By the end of January I had almost caught up with the backlog of emails and keeping up with the 60-80 emails per day that were still coming in. Then on January 30 my daughter, Lora Lee, and I embarked on a cruise of the Western Gulf of Mexico spending time on land in Honduras, Beliz, and Mexico where we played with parrots, monkeys, and dolphins, and climbed to the top of a 130 foot high Mayan Pyramid.
So these are the reasons the Fall 2015 “Raindrop Messenger” did not get published and mailed out last Fall, and why the current issue, the Winter 2016 “Raindrop Messenger” is being released on Leap Year Day, February 29, instead of in January. The next issue will be the Spring 2016 issue, which should be broadcast in mid-April, right on schedule. Hopefully that issue, and the rest of the issues for 2016, will all be on time, even though I have a number of seminars to teach between now and the Young Living Convention, June 20-26.
We will be teaching a 4-day CARE Intensive in Louisiana in March and another one in Mississippi in April, as well as 1-day seminars in Missouri and Southern California. Lee and I then fly to Hawaii the week of May 6-14 to relax and enjoy the 2016 Young Living Diamond Reward Trip. We can’t miss that!!
~^~by David Stewart, PhD
(A presentation given in Japan in November 2015, in Osaka, Ngoya, Nagaoka, Sendai, and Tokyo)
Essential Oils are complex fluids that circulate throughout living plants to maintain and sustain their life. They are analogous to the blood that circulates throughout our bodies to maintain and sustain our lives. Essential oils are the life blood of the plant. That is why they are called, “Essential.” They are also called “Essential” because they represent “The Essence” of the plant.
Essential oils all come from plants, and are almost all extracted by steam distillation, although a few, like the citrus oils, are cold pressed from the rinds. Oils like Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copaiba come from the resin tapped from the tree, but are usually purified through distillation. Some oils, like Bergamot, are produced by vacuum distillation, rather than by steam.
Other non-distilled essential oils include the few that must be removed from the plant by chemical solvents, because the key constituents are too fragile to tolerate the heat and pressure of distillation. Only a very few oils require this. Examples of solvent extracted oils are Jasmine Flower, Orange Blossom (Neroli), and Onycha (Styrax benzoin). Solvent extracted oils are called “Absolutes,” and always contain traces of the solvents used. Therefore, solvent extracted oils can never be totally pure, but can still have useful therapeutic applications.
Onycha oil, for example, is one of the most effective natural antiseptics in the world. It is non-irritating, and promotes rapid healing. Dissolved in ethyl alcohol, it is called “Tincture of Benzoin,” For more than a hundred years, until the 1940’s, tincture of benzoin was used in hospitals, all over the world, as the disinfectant and antibacterial agent of choice. It is actually more effective than the antibacterial solutions and chemical agents used by hospitals today, but it more expensive and less available than the ones synthesized in laboratories.
Essential oils are mixtures of innumerable compounds, which can number in the hundreds for even a single species. Thus far, scientists have not been able to sufficiently analyze even one species of essential oil to totally reveal its complete composition. However, they do know that all of the constituents of an essential oil dissolve or mix with other oils, and are referred to as “lipid soluble.”
Essential oil compositions are complex. Scientists estimate that it would take more than a thousand years of constant chemical analyses, by teams of chemists, to determine the complete compositions of all the essential oils we know of today. For example, at least 100 different compounds have been identified in Orange Oil. However, even more have been detected, but not yet identified.
Because distillation is limited to extracting only the smallest molecules, leaving the larger ones behind, the molecules of essential oils are of very small molecular size and weight, all less than 500 atomic mass units (amu), and most less than 250 amu. Because of their tiny size, light weight, and lipid solubility, essential oil molecules are able to penetrate our skin, enter our body organs, and pass through the blood-brain barrier.
Therapeutic grade essential oils all have natural electromagnetic frequencies in the megahertz range, which are within the band of radio wave frequencies, but lower in frequency than microwaves and visible light.
A megahertz is a million cycles per second. Therefore, therapeutic aromatherapy is a form of “Vibrational Medicine,” which recognizes that all tissues and organs, as well as the human body as a whole, exist, not only in visible, palpable physical forms, but also possess subtle electromagnetic counterparts, or “energy fields,” unseen by the physical eye. Most physical conditions and diseases begin to form, and first manifest, in our energy fields, before they manifest in our physical bodies.
Vibrational Medicine addresses and applies various therapeutic procedures, such as essential oils, to restore a healthy state to our electromagnetic fields, of which our physical bodies are but reflections. This approach can not only bring about the disappearance of a physical malady, already appearing in the body, but can even prevent a condition from manifesting physically while it is only incipient in the energy field, but not yet expressing in visible form in the physical body.
Traditionally trained physicians recognize and measure these energy fields today for diagnostic purposes, as in Electrocardiograms (ECGs) for the heart, Electroencephalograms (EECs) for the brain, and Electrogastrograms (EGGs) for the intestinal tract. However, they have not yet to learn how to access these fields for prevention, treatment, therapy, and healing. Applying essential oils interacts with our energy fields therapeutically for healing, adjustment, and correction, which is a modality that is beyond, and more advanced, than traditional medical practice today.
Once taken in, essential oil molecules can reach every tissue, organ, and human body-part, whether inhaled, applied topically to the skin, taken orally, or by any other route. Once absorbed, the molecules of an essential oil can migrate to any and every part of the body. You can verify this, yourself, by having someone apply Peppermint Oil on the soles of your feet, and then see how long it takes before the molecules move all the way through your body and reach your mouth where you can taste it on your tongue.
By their natural frequencies, once absorbed, specific oils will tend to migrate to the body parts, or organs, that resonate with their own frequencies. Hence, some oils move toward muscles, joints, and bones, while others are attracted to the digestive tract, the lymphatic system, or to the heart and circulatory system. Meanwhile, other molecules may migrate to the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, the thyroid gland, the reproductive organs, or the nervous system, including the brain.
True therapeutic grade essential oils, properly obtained from nature, also possess a consciousness and intelligence to send their molecules to the places in one’s body that need them, and to perform the beneficial actions required to bring a person back into homeostatic balance. “Homeostasis” is a state of bodily and mental health where all systems are functioning in wellness and harmony, without disease or malfunction.
Essential oils possess “Homeostatic Intelligence” which enables them to know what is good and beneficial for the individual, and what is not good. For example, an oil, like Cypress, which has the capability to thin blood, will not do so if your blood does not need thinning. By contrast, commercial blood thinners, like Heparin or Patent drugs like Coumadin®, Plavix®, and Xarelto®, are robots that are programmed to thin your blood whether your system needs it or not.
Another example of intelligence manifested by essential oils is in their antimicrobial actions against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Most essential oils possess some antimicrobial properties. The principal ones are oils such as Oregano, Rosemary, Basil, Marjoram, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, and many others, including the blend called “Thieves.”. However, all bacteria are not bad. Some are actually essential in our bodies to facilitate such functions as the digestion and assimilation of food, and for protection from overgrowths of intestinal fungi, such as Candida albicans. These helpful bacteria, which live in our intestinal tract, are called “Friendly Flora,” and we need them for a long healthy life.
Antibacterial agents, such as antibiotics made by drug manufacturing companies, destroy all bacteria, thus robbing our bodies of the good bacteria. This is one reason people who have been on a lengthy antibiotic regimen often have to deal with an increased internal population of the fungus, Candida albicans, in the weeks, or months, following.
In contrast to commercial drugs prescribed to treat internal bacterial infections, Essential oils know and recognize the difference between the “good guys” and the “bad guys.” They selectively kill the bad bacteria, but protect and nourish the good microbes. It takes intelligence to do that, and essential oils have that intelligence. Drugs don’t.
Receiving an anointing of essential oils is commonly followed by the relief of troubling symptoms and, in some cases, a complete healing and remission. This may be after a period of time, like hours or days, but sometimes the healing takes place almost immediately, in a fashion that seems like a miracle.
While the ways essential oils work to bring about healing, and support our wellness, are many, there is one particular etiology that explains the many near instantaneous healings that have been observed and experienced by essential oil users. This is the so called “PMS” phenomena.
There are more than 30 generic classifications of the compounds found in essential oils, but three of them are of particular interest in explaining near instantaneous recoveries. This is the “PMS Trio,“ the hypothesis of which is discussed in my book, The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple, as well as in some other books, such as Healing Oils of the Bible.
Phenols, Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes are three prevalent classes of compounds found in essential oils. Virtually every species of essential oils contain some Monoterpenes, and most contain some Phenols and/or Sesquiterpenes. The PMS Hypothesis gets its name from the first letters of these three chemical classes of compounds, where we have “P” from Phenols, “M” from Monoterpenes, and “S” from Sesquiterpenes. Here is how they work in partnership to bring a body back into homeostasis and wellness:
Our bodies are composed of an estimated 100 Trillion cells. Each cell has a nucleus of DNA that is intelligent and has the job description for its particular cell. There are tens of thousands of specific jobs to be carried out daily for your body to work properly. To understand how this multitude of separately intelligent cells can work together in cooperation and harmony, liken these 100 trillion cells to 100 trillion employees in a huge corporation.
If you ran a company with even 50 employees, your company would not work productively and efficiently if each of the 50 employees did not have some idea of what the other 49 employees were doing, and how their positions and assignments serve and fit into the whole. The only way a group of employees can function productively, smoothly, and in harmony is to have regular communication channels open between everyone.
A few years ago, I worked for a small company who had about 100 employees in several departments. The first thing very morning we all met briefly, and each leader in each department would report what they were planning to do that day so that we all could see how each task fit in with the overall objectives to be accomplished. Thus, all company functions were coordinated to avoid duplication and confusion of duties, so that they would all contribute productively toward the company mission.
Each cell in your body has an estimated memory of six gigabytes. That is a lot of potential memory, and your body has it. The cells of your body communicate with one another in several ways, which are discussed in my chemistry book. A principal way of communication is through hormones, cytokines, or ligands, which are chemical messengers sent from one organ or body part to another. Along with the information a ligand or hormone carries, it is also assigned a frequency that draws it to the body part intended to receive the data or instructions that it contains.
Thus, if your hypothalamus in your brain wants to send a message to your liver, it makes and releases a stream of molecules containing the intended message which, when released into the body, or blood stream, will be drawn to the liver. In this way, when you see and smell a pizza ready to eat, the hypothalamus sends a message to the liver, and also to the pancreas and stomach, to prepare the chemical juices needed to digest that pizza.
All of the cells of our body have a surface membrane that encloses the cell. That membrane has hundreds of portals, called “Receptor Sites,” through which messages, in the form of coded chemicals, like hormones, can pass through to communicate to the inner intelligence of the cell. If the receptor sites of a cell are plugged by pollutants acquired from impure foods we eat, the chemicals in our drinks, the contaminated air we breath, or the pharmaceutical drugs we may taken, the intended message does not get through and the intended organ, or body part, cannot do its proper job for lack of the vital information.
Phenolic compounds in essential oils clean receptor sites, and enable them to receive the information they need from other parts of the body, in order to function properly, in harmony with, and acknowledgement of, every other body part. Therefore, the first step, in restoring and maintaining health, is cleansing and detoxification. Phenols do that. While Alcohols and Ketones are two other classes of compounds that can also cleanse receptor sites to restore intra-cellular communication, Phenols are the most effective.
After the Phenols have cleansed and reopened the receptor sites, the next step is to deal with any garbled information in the nucleus of the cell. Now that the portals through the cell membrane have been cleared by the Phenols, the Sesquiterpenes can enter and do their work. Sesquiterpenes are like the utility programs you have on your computer that clear out viruses, remove bad files, and erase extraneous programs so that your computer can return to normal functionality. If the DNA codes are not clearly intelligible, the cell becomes confused as to its daily job description, and will malfunction.
When the Phenols have restored intracellular communication and the Sesquiterpenes have cleaned out the cell’s computer, which is the DNA, what is needed next is to restore proper programming. Only then can the cell resume its God-intended purpose and function normally to support health and vitality. This is when Monoterpenes play their part in the PMS Paradigm.
Many believe that we are made in the “Image of God,” which is considered to be perfect. But where is that perfect image when we are manifesting maladies and imperfections in our physical bodies?
The electromagnetic field around our physical bodies is a template from which our bodies were formed, from the time we started developing in the womb, to the adults that we are today. It is always there, and always has been there, from the moment we were conceived and began to grow as an embryo and fetus in the womb. Without that field, we could not have a visible body and experience physical existence.
Essential oils work, not only as agents of chemistry and physics on the material plane, they also work as electromagnetic agents in our subtle energy fields. God’s perfection is stored in your energy field, and Monoterpenes can reach into your field and pull that image of perfection back into the physical cells. Man-made drugs cannot do this. This attribute of essential oils puts them into a category beyond, and above, patent medicines, or any drug made by human beings. Essential oils are created by the same Supreme intelligence that created and gave life to the plants, and that same intelligence is imbued in the oils.
By the PMS Protocol, Phenols clean our Receptors, Sesquiterpenes restore the proper functions of the DNA, and Moneterpenes reprogram our cells in the ways they are meant to function, as our Creator designed them. When these three PMS processes are complete, the physical problem, manifesting as a condition, malfunction, or disease, is gone. In its place is perfect health, “God‘s image restored.” Once you have received an assortment of these three types of oil compounds in or on your body, all three of these processes, at a cellular level, can take place, and may do so in a matter of minutes or seconds to bring about, what seems to be, an “instant” or “near instant” healing.
However, not all healings from anointing with oils are instant. In most cases, the regaining of health takes place over time, requiring repeated applications of the oils. This can be over hours, days, or even weeks. The application of the three types of oils may have to be repeated over a period of time, but the process is the same. Once the PMS process is initiated, maintained, and completed, the person is back on the road of health, wellness, and vitality.
The Judo-Christian Bible contains many stories of healing, initiated by the laying on of hands and the application of essential oils. Some healings related there were miraculous and instantaneous. But the majority of Biblical healings were not immediate. They took place over time with continued applications of the oils, nursing care, and adjustments in life style over periods of days, weeks, or even months. But healing took place, nevertheless, whether instant or over time, initiated by prayer and anointing with hands applying oils.
A very important aspect of healing with essential oils, by the touch of the hands, is prayer, which always accompanied the anointings of the Bible. Healers know from experience, that essential oils work better with Prayer, and Prayer works better with essential oils. It has been shown, and measured experimentally, that the fundamental frequencies of essential oils are actually increased by Prayer.
Through the Laws of Quantum Physics we are coming to understand how the mind interacts with matter. We know scientifically that our thoughts and feelings affect electron behavior, and the motions of other sub-atomic particles as well. Even molecular shape and molecular frequency can be altered by our minds. The types of cells to which a molecule is attracted, and the messages they carry, are determined by frequencies. The passage of molecules through cellular receptor sites, with the messages they carry, depends on the shape of the molecule. This is analogous to how the shape of a key determines which locks it will fit and can open.
Since our minds can alter molecular shape and frequency, we can mentally change the properties of an oil, so its molecules will go to places in our bodies they ordinarily would not go, pass through receptor sites they ordinarily could not pass, and address issues they would ordinarily not address.
This is why you can sometimes receive the results you want with the essential oils you have on hand, even though you don’t have the “right oil” normally used for that purpose. The actions of essential oils are guided by our intentions and by our strongly held beliefs. That is why the anointer and the anointed both need to be in accord in their desires for the purpose and outcome of a particular anointing. That is why faith is a factor in how well an essential oil will work, and why oils work better on some people, than on others.
We have all probably observed that the same essential oil can have different effects on different people. We normally explain that by noting that the bodily chemistries of different people vary, and the chemical response to an oil will depend, not only on the chemistry of the oil, but also the chemistry of the receiver. But the ways essential oils administer their benefits is not all about chemistry.
From Quantum Physics we know that the properties of an essential oil are not completely fixed, but actually exist as a packet of probabilities, a bottle of possibilities, or a set of potentials, that are un-manifested until applied. An oil will never manifest all of its potential possibilities in a given application. While the innate chemistry of an oil delineates its possibilities, quantum physics, through the desire and intent of the receiver and the anointer, determines which possibilities will manifest in a given application.
However, this presentation is not intended to fully present the Quantum Physics of essential oils, but only to mention how the principles of Quantum Physics can be used to explain how essential oils work. Quantum Physics is briefly mentioned in my book on “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple,” but for a little deeper discussion on Quantum Physics and Essential Oils, I have another presentation that focuses only on that, and there is also a small booklet available entitled, “Quantum Physics, Essential Oils, & the Mind-Body Connection,” available at But we digress . .
Getting back to the PMS Paradigm, most single oils do not contain an effective quantity of all three types of PMS compounds, which are, namely, Phenols, Sesquiterpenes, and Monoterpenes. Many oils are dominant in one of the PMS compound classes, and sometimes two, but rarely all three. This is why blends, or combinations of several oils applied together, or in a sequence, are usually required to initiate the PMS Healing Process. My Chemistry book has tabulated tables of essential oils rich in each of the individual PMS compounds. From that data you can choose the combinations of oils you need to perform a PMS Anointing, and facilitate a healing or a homeostatic adjustment.
The reason every PMS healing is not instantaneous is because of unresolved emotional issues in the mind and heart of the receiver. Most of the time, the person seeking to be healed is unconscious of the deep personal issues, from the past, that are the roots of their malady or illness. These issues are harbored in the subconscious mind of which we are not conscious or aware.
To be well again, we have to be emotionally ready to be well, and some people are not ready for health and recovery. It may take a while for them to recognize and clear out the emotional, spiritual, and mental barriers, that were part of why they got sick in the first place, and which have to be resolved to make way for health. In order to accomplish this, these subconscious unresolved traumas need to be accessed by the conscious mind. When recalled to consciousness, they can be identified and dealt with in a positive way that releases them permanently. This clears the way for the physical malady, that was caused by the buried emotion, to simply disappear.
But this is getting us into the topic of “Emotional Releasing With Essential Oils,” which is much too large of a subject to get into today. Suffice it to say, that essential oils are perfect for accessing our disturbing, forgotten, sub-conscious memories of the past. They are one of the most effective means for resolving past traumas known. Emotionally releasing with essential oils has been understood and practiced for more than 3,000 years, since ancient Egyptian times, at least.
Their ability for resurrecting and resolving forgotten emotional traumas is another feature of essential oils that sets them apart, and into a different category, than pharmaceuticals, which have no similar abilities. There are a number of books available on this, and there are seminars, in many places, that are given each year to train interested persons in these emotional freedom techniques. The CARE website,, is one internet location where several good emotional releasing books may be found, such as “Feelings Buried Alive,” and “A More Perfect Way,” or “Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils.” That website also has a calendar of seminars that include training in emotional releasing with essential oils. . . But lets get back to PMS healing.
Let me tell you of an experience I had with an instantaneous healing through the PMS process. Back in 1999, I participated in a training for Raindrop Technique with Gary Young in Toronto, Canada. Raindrop Technique is a hands-on procedure that anoints a person‘s feet and back with 8 or 9 different essential oils. The process takes about an hour.
I had suffered a back injury while working as a farm laborer back in 1956. In September 1999, when we went to Toronto, Canada, to learn Raindrop, I had been suffering from daily back pain for 43 years. I couldn’t lift heavy loads, had to be careful how I bent over, and couldn’t sleep in a bed more than a couple of hours without the pain waking me up. The first Raindrop Session I ever experienced was a week after the training in Toronto with my wife, Lee.
It was evening when she applied the Raindrop oils to me. It took about an hour. Afterwards, I immediately went to bed, and for the first time in 43 years I slept through the night, painlessly, and got up the next morning completely healed from my back injury. That was 17 years ago and the pain has never come back. I can now lift heavy boxes and help carry heavy loads. I had regained the back of a young man. I had been instantly and permanently healed with one Raindrop Session. How could such a miracle happen?
It turns out that Raindrop Technique is a PMS Anointing. There are eight oils used: Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress and Peppermint with one optional oil blend, AromaSeiz. When you analyze all of these oils, you find a perfect PMS combination of Phenols, Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes. So as a team of oils, they clean the cellular receptor sites, delete any bad files in the DNA, and reprogram God’s image of perfect health. My miraculous, instantaneous, and permanent recovery, from over 40 years of chronic back pain, was due to the PMS Anointing I received from my wife, with one application of the Oils, 17 years ago.
During the 43 years of back pain, I visited chiropractors for relief, but treatments never lasted. External techniques, such as massage, manipulation, and spinal adjustment, do not reach into the cellular receptor sites, nor into the nucleus of DNA, nor into one‘s energy field surrounding the body. But essential oils do all of that. Through their penetrating powers, and homeostatic intelligence, essential oils reopen blocked receptor sites, penetrate to the DNA, and draw electromagnetic energy from the body’s field into the cell to bring it into alignment with God’s plan for health and perfection.
Through my wife’s anointing hands, and the blessings of her healing intentions, the oils she applied addressed my problem at the source. And most amazingly, the oils were able to accomplish the healing of my back in minutes, almost instantly, and the corrections made were permanent.
All that we are saying is predicated on the exclusive use of “pure, genuine, therapeutic grade of essential oils.” If you use impure and adulterated oils, you won’t get the healing results you seek. So let’s define what we mean:
A pure, genuine, therapeutic grade essential oil is defined as one that is specially distilled from plants that are grown and gathered wild in clean environments, or cultivated organically. Plants must be from the proper botanical genus, species, chemo-type, and cultivar. No chemical fertilizers are added to the soil, and crop cultivation is free of herbicides and pesticides. Plants, with few exceptions, must be extracted by steam distillation at minimum temperatures and pressures, as was done in ancient times. No chemical solvents are to be used in the extraction process. Moreover, the distillation, condensation, and separation should be performed entirely in clean vessels constructed of relatively inert materials, such as food-grade stainless steel or glass.
The essential oil must be distilled using low-pressure, low-temperature steam, for the proper length of time, to ensure that a complete essential oil is extracted, and that there is no significant loss or exclusion from the oil of the lighter fractions (such as monoterpenes, esters, and phenols) or of the heavier fractions (such as sesquiterpenes or diterpenes).
Finally, a therapeutic-grade essential oil should be bottled as it comes from the still, with none of its natural constituents removed and with nothing added. The container and its lid, or seal, must be non-reactive, air-tight, and a shield from light, such as with bottles of brown, amber, or dark blue glass.
While there are international standards for perfume and food grade oils, as yet, there are no standards for therapeutic grade essential oils set by any government agency in North America, nor in by any other country in the world. The standards detailed in the above definition are those applied to the oils produced, purchased, and distributed by Young Living Essential Oils, Inc. They were originated, developed, and established by Gary Young. They are the highest standards in the world. When another brand of oil says that their oils are “therapeutic grade,” you need to know their definition of the word.
The vast majority of oils sold in the world as “essential oils” are neither pure, genuine, nor therapeutic. Most aromatic oils are produced for fragrance or flavor, with no therapeutic properties intended. Others are advertised to possess therapeutic properties, when, in fact they do not. Others are labeled as “Pure,“ when, in fact, they are not. This is deliberate fraud, and it is rampant in the essential oil business.
However, it is not dishonest to produce an oil specifically for perfume or food flavoring, and market it as such in a truthful manner. But if a food or fragrance grade oil is advertised or promoted as if it had healing abilities that it does not possess, that is deliberate deception and fraud.
It is a lot less expensive to produce an essential oil intended for scents for perfumes and personal or household cleaning products, like shampoos, deodorants, shaving creams, body lotions, detergents, dish-washing liquids, etc. It is also less expensive to produce an oil for taste only, like the peppermint, wintergreen, cinnamon, clove, or spearmint that flavors candies, chewing gums, toothpaste, or mouthwashes, etc.
The vast majority of the compounds in essential oils have no smell or taste detectable by humans. The scent or flavor of an oil is almost entirely determined and dominated by only 5 or 6 of the compounds in the oil. If those 5 or 6 ingredients are there, it does not matter to food and fragrance companies if most of the one-hundred, or more, other compounds are missing, even though the missing compounds would be necessary for therapeutic applications. Furthermore, if one or two of the key compounds for taste or aroma are found missing after the plants have been distilled, the producer can add synthetic versions of those compounds to make it taste or smell like previous batches, achieving the constancy they desire for their usage.
Food and fragrance grade oils, and other essential oils, to which synthetic compounds have been added, usually have little or no therapeutic value. The lifeless synthetic agents added to an oil will poison, dilute, and compromise their energetic life force, causing the oils to lose the intelligent consciousness that would have enabled them to bestow healing benefits. Adulterated oils cannot be therapeutic, at least not to the same level as pure oils produced specifically for purposes of healing and health maintenance.
The extraordinary effort it takes to plant, grow, harvest, distill, and package a therapeutic grade of oil that preserves all of the essential compounds, including the trace compounds, is too costly and unnecessary for oils intended for fragrance or flavor only.
Another characteristic of essential oils produced for food and fragrance, only, is that every batch that is bottled for the market is consistently, but superficially, the same from crop to crop, year to year. Perfumers want their branded products to retain the same scent every time. Their customers demand it. Otherwise buyers who have become used to a certain fragrance will be inclined to stop purchasing that brand if it does not always deliver the same olfactory sensation. The same thing goes for flavorings. You wouldn’t want your favorite brand of breath mints, or mouth wash, to taste differently with every new purchase of the same brand. Consistency is of key importance to these industries.
However, companies that are selling a certain taste or smell must manipulate the oils they use by adding synthetics, or by removing certain constituents, so that flavors and aromas their products don’t vary from year to year. Such adulteration and manipulation of a natural oil reduces, or destroys, any therapeutic properties that may have been present. In some cases, such adulteration can even produce an oil that, when attempted for a therapeutic application, is actually harmful and toxic.
True therapeutic grade oils are not consistent from year to year, and can never be. Their taste, aroma, and chemical composition is never exactly the same from batch to batch, because, among other things, no two growing seasons are quite the same from year to year. The exact chemistry of an essential oil varies with each season, location, and distillation.
Essential oils are like fine wines. Since the weather, temperatures, cloud cover, sunshine, wind, and rainfall patterns are different each year, the chemistry of the grapes and the wine for each year is unique. This is why vintners put dates on their bottles to document the vintage, because the wine, even from the same vineyard and winery, varies in taste and bouquet from year to year, and individual customers develop preferences for the wine of certain years, over others.
Therefore, it is impossible to produce therapeutic grade essential oils that are identical from year to year, and location to location. Annual variations can be slight, or they can be great, but they will always be, and the resultant oils, of each season and place, respond with variations in composition, accordingly, in ways that can neither be controlled, nor predicted.
So when you receive a bottle of Young Living oil that smells different from the same species you bought from Young Living last year, be glad. Such variations are proof that Young Living does not manipulate its oils to make them appear the same every time, as a flavor or fragrance company would do.
One reason for variations in essential oils is because they are not constant or fixed in their compositions during their life of service within the live plant. While providing their necessary functions to the living plant, they are dynamically active and adaptable on a daily basis. They constantly adjust to the plant’s needs throughout the growing season, and even hour by hour during the day. This means that the stage of growth, and even the time of day when harvesting takes place, affects the final composition of the oil.
Such variations in oil composition, during the daily life of the plant, are analogous to the variations in our own blood composition from morning, to noon, to evening, to sleep-time, as it adjusts to our variable levels of activity throughout a 24-hour period.
An example of how the diurnal variations in oils adapt, from day to night, is Jasmine. In order to capture the best and most therapeutic oil, Jasmine flowers must be harvested at night, in the dark. This is because their aroma is meant to attract night-flying insects, which they need for their pollination and the continuation of their species. The scent, meant to appeal to insects at night, is turned off during the day when the blossoms need to rest.
The principal variations in essential chemistry are due to many factors, other than the internal adjustments to the daily needs of the plant. Most of these factors are environmental, and outside of the plant. When the same plant species is grown in different geographic locations, the oil it produces from each environment will be tailored to the conditions of that location.
These are factors such as soil type, latitude, altitude, humidity, rainfall, sunshine, wind patterns, and farming methods. These factors vary from place to place around the world, which one would expect. But they are not completely the same, from year to year, even in the same geographic location.
Another factor creating variations in oil chemistry, besides the time of day, is the season of harvest, whether spring, summer, winter, or fall, and whether harvested before the plants bloom, during bloom, or after bloom. The same plant will also produce different oils depending on which part, or parts, of the plant are distilled. Is it the whole plant? Or is it just the stems, leaves, flowers, roots, wood, bark, or resin only? Or is it a combination of several plant parts, like flowers and leaves, roots and stems, or the wood and the bark, combined?
Harvesting a plant in precisely the same way from season to season and location to location, is impossible. There are too many variables that cannot be controlled, or even identified.
In contrast to natural processes, pharmaceuticals are produced under well controlled laboratory conditions. Therefore, manufactured drugs can be totally consistent in their composition from run to run and year to year. This consistency is what medical practitioners desire and expect. However, consistency of compositions with essential oils is neither possible, nor even desirable. There are benefits to the natural variations in natural products.
Not all variations in essential oils from the same species in different growing conditions are slight. Some species produce significantly different chemistries, with contrasting dominant characteristics, depending on environmental and harvesting conditions. These variations in chemistry from the same species from different environments are called “Chemotypes,” abbreviated “CT.” Chemotypes occur only with plant species that are adaptable to a variety of environments and growing conditions.
Some plants are not adaptable to different environments. They have no chemo types, because they flourish in only one specific type of climate and soil. For example, Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) and Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) are not adaptable. They grow only in areas of the world with a specific climate, temperature, and humidity range, with restricted soil types. These two species of oils require a specific type of hot desert where rainfall is rare, but humidity can be high, and where there is little or no real soil, but a bedrock of limestone. These conditions are met inn only a few geographic locations, such as in Yemen and Oman on the southern end of the Arabian Penensula.
However, members of the mint family (Lamiaceae) are vary adaptable and grow from the arctic to the equator, from sea level to mountain top, from semi-desert conditions to rain-forest, in poor soils and rich. Members of the mint family include many species you may know, but did not think of as “mints.” Mints are all members of the Lamiaceae family of plants, and include: Basil, Catnip, Clary Sage, Hyssop, Lavender, Marjoram, Mellissa, Oregano, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Spearmint, and Thyme. More essential oils come from members of the Mint Family, than from any other. Almost all of the Raindrop oils are mints, with Wintergreen and Cypress being the exceptions. Wintergreen has a “minty” taste and fragrance, but it is not a mint. Wintergreen is a member of the “Heather” family (Ericaceae).
When an essential oil is available in more than one chemotype, it is important for them to be labeled as such. For example, depending on what continent and latitude it is grown, the dominant compound in Basil Oil (Ocimum basilicum) can be Fenchol, Eugenol, Linalol, or Methylchavicol. Different chemo types have different aromas and different therapeutic properties. The chemotype of Basil used in Raindrop Technique is Methylchavicol. On a properly identified bottle of Basil for use in Raindrop, it should give the common name (Basil), the genus (Ocimum), the species (basilicum), and the chemo type (methylchavicol). On a complete label it should be printed as follows:
Ocimum basilicum
CT Methylchavicol
One of the most adaptable plants with the most variable essential oil is Thyme (Thymus vulgare). It produces at least nine different chemo types. These are determined by environmental factors and harvest times such as whether cultivated in valleys or hill-tops, whether harvested in the fall or the spring, whether in equatorial, temperate, or arctic latitudes, whether harvested before, during, or after blooming, and whether grown at sea level or in high altitudes, etc.
The following nine chemotypes of Thyme oil are available, where the dominant compound is one of the following: Thymol, Carvacrol, Linalol, Thujanol, alpha-Termineol, Geraniol, 1,8 Cineole, p-Cymene, or Phenol. Each chemotype of Thyme has its specific application. Thymus vulgaris CT Thymol is the chemotype used for Raindrop Technique. Thymus vulgaris CT Linalol is a mild version of Thyme, and can be used in Raindrop when the receiver is especially sensitive to the Thymol chemotype. However, Thymol is important in Raindrop as a strong detoxifying compound, while Linalol is only mildly detoxifying. When acquiring a bottle of this oil species, you need to make sure you have the right Thyme.
Therefore, when applying essential oils, for many of them it is important to know, not only the genus and species, but also the chemotype.
When antibiotics were first discovered and used between 1922 and 1944, they were called “Wonder Drugs,” because of their unprecedented effectiveness against so many bacterial infections. The first such drug was Penicillin, discovered and developed in the United States. Countless American and Allied soldiers’ lives were saved with Penicillin from infected battle wounds during WWII. Penicillin is one reason the Allies won the European conflict, since Germany and Italy did not have such a drug at that time.
However, there is a fatal flaw in antibiotic therapy, which makes it obsolete and ineffective in time. Sooner or later, bacteria eventually become resistant to antibiotics, rendering them ineffective. As long as pharmaceutical companies can continue creating and developing new, different, and stronger antibiotics, then hospitals and physicians can continue to apply antibiotic therapies effectively. But the time has now come when drug companies have run out of choices in making stronger antibiotics and other antibacterial agents. The most powerful antibiotics today are also capable of killing the patient, not just killing the dangerous bacteria.
Furthermore, there are more than 20 species of pathogenic bacteria that are immune to all antibiotics that exist and available today. Two of the most powerful antibiotics today are Vancomycin and Methicillin, both of which are toxic enough to cause the death of patients that receive them. For the last 40 years or so, bacteria have become resistant to both of these antibiotics. Hence, if someone contracts an infection of Vancomycin Resistant or Methicillin Resistant bacteria, there is no effective treatment modern medicine has to offer. It usually means that the afflicted patient will have to live with that infection for the rest of their life, and will eventually probably die from it. Such infections are most often acquired in hospitals, since it was in hospitals where the bacteria gained its resistance, because of the frequent use of antibiotics in hospital settings.
The most commonly mentioned type of antibiotic resistant bacteria are called “MRSA,” which stands for “Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureas.” While pharmaceutical medicine has no remedy for MRSA infections, essential oils do provide a remedy that works. Two essential oils are proven 100% effective for MRSA. They are Lemongrass and the Young Living blend named, “RC.”
My son, Anthony, used to be a full-time pastor and regularly visited his ailing church members when they were hospitalized. He inadvertently carried some MRSA bacteria home from the hospital, and two of his children, at separate times, picked up infections in one or two of their fingers. The infections manifested as open lesions that would not heal, over a period of weeks, with applications of the usual antibacterial and antiseptic medicines. Finally, when taken to a doctor for laboratory tests to diagnose the type of infection, it was found that the infections were MRSA. The physician had no effective remedy to offer.
My son then poured a small amount of both Lemongrass and RC Oil in a little shot glass and had his children hold their infected fingers in the oils for a few minutes. Less than a week later, the infections all cleared up and disappeared completely.
It was man-made antibiotics, and synthetic antibacterial disinfectants, that created the resistant strains of bacteria we have today. Meanwhile the antibiotics still effective today, in limited situations, are becoming less and less efficacious with time. Eventually, medical experts predict that antibiotics will be a treatment of the past. They are saying that many surgical procedures, that have been safe to perform because antibiotics were available to prevent serious, life-threatening infections, will no longer be possible. Perhaps the availability and use of essential oils will then be recognized by the medical community at large, for their antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties.
I can see the day, in the future, when essential oils, herbs, and other natural therapeutic substances, will replace drugs and other manufactured medicine, and the whole system of health care, as we know it today, will be transformed and made better.
The reason bacteria were able to adapt and develop immunity to antibiotics, which are synthesized in laboratories, is because of two reasons: 1. Man-made antibacterial agents are relatively simple, and
2. They are of consistent composition, never varying from batch to batch. They mostly consist of one or two active ingredients that never vary in their synthesis. Thus, with repeated applications of the same antibiotics, or common antibacterial substances, the intelligence of the bacteria figured them out and adapted accordingly.
Some antibiotics are still effective today, against certain types of bacteria, but the time will come when even these will no longer work. While it has taken less than 100 years for antibiotic medicine to run its course of effectiveness, inevitably becoming useless and ineffective, the antibacterial effectiveness of essential oils is still as strong today as it was thousands years ago. We have oils from ancient Egyptian tombs that are just as anti-bacterial now as they were in ancient times.
How is it that essential oils maintain their effectiveness over great spans of time, to which bacteria never become resistant, while man-made medicines do not remain effective over time, and to which bacteria inevitably develop resistance? The differences are two-fold:
1. Man-made medicines are simple, while essential oils are extremely complex; and
2. Man-made medicines are of consistent composition from year to year, always exactly the same, while essential oils vary, never twice the same.
The complexity of essential oils is so great that, to date, no essential oil has been totally analyzed with all of its compounds identified. For example, over 200 compounds have been identified in Lavender Oil, but more have been detected, and yet remain unidentified. Such complexity is beyond the capability of bacteria to figure out and develop resistant.
But even if a species of bacteria did crack the complex formula of a given oil, the next year’s crop would be slightly different and the bacteria would have start over in its attempt to adapt and become immune. Because essential oil composition is: 1. complex, and 2. variable — bacterial adaptation for resistance will never be possible. The effectiveness of man-made medicines is temporary, lasting only a few decades, or a century, perhaps, while the effectiveness of God’s remedies, as provided by the living plants of nature, and that he created for our benefit, is permanent, lasting for eons.
The molecules of essential oils fit our bodies, organs, and receptor sites so perfectly, and with such benefits, it is my conclusion that a benevolent God deliberately crafted the compositions of essential oils with us in mind. That is why the subtitle of my chemistry book is: “God’s Love Manifest in Molecules.”
My wife, Lee, and I recently experienced a demonstration of the benevolence of God’s essential oils when she was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer in April of 2014. The cancer had already metastasized to her lungs, liver, and lymphatic system. The medical doctors who had ordered the diagnostic tests, prognosticated that she would probably only live another 5 or 6 months, even with treatment, but even so, they urged her to travel to a surgical hospital, have an immediate masectomy, and begin intensive chemotherapy.
Upon leaving the doctor’s office, Lee secluded herself in a scenic wooded park, prayed about it, and decided to go against all medical advice, and rely on prayer and essential oils for her survival and recovery. Within a few days after her diagnosis, we boarded an airplane and flew to the Nova Vita Clinic in Ecuador. There she received essential oils constantly, 24 hours a day–intravenously, orally, and topically–for ten weeks.
In September, 2014, five months after the fatal prognosis she had received from medical doctors, at the time they had predicted she would probably be dead, she was tested and found cancer-free. That was more than a year-and-a-half ago, at this time, and she is still cancer-free, has regained her former strength, and is alive, well, optimistic, and vibrantly active.
A complete description of Lee’s experience, with all of the details of what she received in Ecuador, is given in a long article that is found by going to and accessing the archives of the newsletter called, “The Raindrop Messenger.” Go back to the Fall issue of 2014 where you’ll find the article that tells her complete story of the pathway she chose to follow for her healing.
~^~^~by Shawn Peterson, PhD(c), MBA, & Tonya Peterson, PhD(c), MBA
(with Forewords by David Stewart, PhD)
Shawn and Tonya Peterson are a couple who are both about to complete their PhDs. They have been working on a project to review the current clinical research on essential oils published in peer-review journals over the past five years or less. They have spent several years in this Heculean effort already, which, when completed, will make a set of several volumes. They have completed the first two volumes. The first volume covers all of the Raindrop oils and Bible oils, including oils used in the “Healing Oils of the Bible Program.” Volume Two includes all of the oils of the Young Living Premium Start-Up Kit, which includes the oils for everyday use in home and office. Reader-Friendly abstracts of recent research articles for each species are given.
Vol. 1 Includes: Oreganno, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Cassia, Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Myrrh, Myrtls, Ohycha, Rose of Sharon (Cistus), Spikenard, Bergamot, Calamus, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus globulus, Lavende, Lemon, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Spearmkint, Spruce, and Ylang Ylang.
Vol. 2 Includes: Frankincense, Lemon, Lavender, Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), Peppermint, Copaiba, Rose, Bergamot, Manderin, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, German Chamoile, Coriander, Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavandin, Rosemary, Myrtle, Helchrysum, Wintergreen, Clove, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Copaaiba, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Lime, Ocotea, Ginger, Anise, Fennel, Taragon, Patchouli, Juniper, Pine, and Spruce, including blends of these oils.
These new and timely Volumes, by Tonya and Shawn Peterson, are an invaluable, and most needed, Resource. they come at a time when government agencies in the United States are placing increasing restrictions on what can be said about the healing properties of essential oils, and other natural remedies. We believe that the recently growing levels of restriction, by regulatory agencies, against claims for the benefits of natural medicines, is founded and fueled by the pharmaceutical industry who is beginning feel the financial effects of an ever-growing interest, by an educated public, in seeking non-drug remedies.
However, although speech is now considerably restricted by governmental agencies in describing the benefits of essential oils, these regulatory authorities have stated that claims can be made for essential oils if backed by legitimate science which must be made known when claims are made. What the authors have done in these Volumes is to summarize the world-wide clinical research on essential oils, over the last five years (2010-2015), that can be quoted in compliance with the regulations of the government, when stated in the right manner and context. These agencies include the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This means that those who want to educate others on the benefits of essential oils may do so with the proper use of this book.
When speaking to others about the therapeutic properties of essential oils, one can validate their teaching by showing a copy of this book to say that “recent scientific studies have found (name of oil) to be (list of therapeutic properties verified by science mentioned in the abstracts of this book). As an example, from the studies abstracted in this book, one could say something like “Scientific studies summarized in this book found Frankincense oil to be anti-tumoral, immunostimulant, anti-depressant, and muscle relaxing, etc.” These are statements one could not legally make without mentioning the actual scientific studies that validate such claims.
Descriptive terms that are currently forbidden by US Federal Agencies, when applied to essential oils, can now be used by proper and appropriate application of the contents of these books. Some of the currently disallowed descriptors of essential oils, that could not otherwise be used legally, include the following: Antitumoral, Antiseptic, Antidepressant, Antioxident, Antifungal, Antiparasitic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Anticonvulsant, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial. Other terms otherwise disallowed, when applied to essential oils, can now be used in conjunction with these volumes. These are terms such as Immunostimulant, Muscle relaxing, Vasodilating, White blood cell or Microcirculation supporting, and/or applications such as for Acne, Pain Relief, Memory improvement, Reduction of blood fat, and Cholesterol reducing, as well as applications for Digestive and Gallbladder disorders.
The research summarized in these volumes was carried out in more than 40 countries and territories around the world. These include projects in Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Crete, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, South Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States.
The types of institutions where the research was accomplished are also given for each paper. The majority of the facilities were in Universities, but many of the projects were in medical facilities, industrial laboratories, or government research facilities. Over 250 scientists were involved in the more than 150 studies summarized in these two books. Only three of the researchers were affiliated with companies that sold essential oils.
Personally, I learned a lot from these books that I did not know before. Among other things, I gained a much greater appreciation of Lemon Oil and its many effective uses, of which I had been unaware. Lemon oil is one of the most versatile of all the oils, while being one of the least expensive. I will be using a lot more Lemon oil as a result of reading these books.
If you promote essential oils for their benefits and want to stay compliant with government regulations on what can be said and not said, you need to have a copies of both of these manuals to carry with you whenever, to whomever, and wherever you speak. Or if you just want to learn more about the research that supports the therapeutic uses of essential oils, you need these volumes. You will discover uses you did not know of that may just be what you, or your friends and family, may need.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment, Tonya and Shawn. You are creating a resource that will help a lot of people, all over the world, for a long time. We look forward to the completion of the rest of your monumental set of volumes, which should occupy a prominent place on the bookshelves of everyone who uses essential oils. I have heard that your next project is to complete the coverage of all of the oils mentioned in the “Essential Oils Desk Reference.” We anxiously await the publication of your Volume 3.
Meanwhile, visit or call (800) 758-8629 to order your copies of the two volumes of “Current Essential Oil Research,” Vols 1&2. (CEOR 1&2). They are $24.95 each, or $49.90 for both of them (plus shipping).
Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846
NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.
The Care Calendar
Topics covered in the Raindrop Messenger:
- 10 Reasons to Learn Raindrop
- 3 Day Intensive
- Acid Reflux
- Advanced Bible Oils
- Allergy Season
- Allopathy
- Ancient secrets of essential oils
- Annual CCI Summit
- Anointing
- Aroma Life
- Aromatherapist
- Aromatherapy
- Aromatherapy Certification
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- Biblical Oils
- Birch Oil
- Black Widow
- Blue Chamomile
- Blue Spruce
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- CARE Summit 2025
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- CCI Summit
- CCI Summit 2024
- Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
- Chakras
- Charging for Raindrop
- Chemistry
- Chemistry of Essential Oils
- Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple
- Chemotypes
- cleanses
- Clover
- Connection
- Continuing Education Credit
- Dangers Of Prescription Drugs
- Detoxifiers
- Developing Gratitude
- Do All You Can
- Earthquakes
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- Essiac tea
- Exodus Supplement
- Feelings Kit
- Flu
- Focus
- Frankincense
- Garlic
- Gary Young
- German Chamomile
- Ginger
- Goals
- god's love
- Gold
- Gold Frankincense Myrrh
- Grand Fir
- Grapefruit
- Growth
- Habits
- Harmonies Melodies & Symphonies with Essential Oils
- Heal Your Body
- Healing
- Healing Oils Of The Bible
- Helichrysum
- History of Anointing Oils
- Holy Anointing Oil
- Holy Incense
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- Homeostatic Intelligence
- Institute for Energy Wellness Studies
- Integrated Aromatic Science Practitioner
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- Juniper
- laughter
- Lavender
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- Lee Stewart
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- lemongrass
- linen
- Liver
- Look Ahead.
- Lora Lee
- Love
- Lyme Disease
- Mind-Body Connection
- Mint
- Myrrh
- Myrtle Oil
- Natural
- Natural Molecules
- Neuro-Auricular Technique
- never give up
- new age
- Ningxia
- Ningxia Red
- Non-Nutritive
- Nova Vita
- Ocotea Oil
- Oils of ancient scripture
- Onycha
- Oregano
- Oregano oil
- Overcoming Diabetes
- patchouly
- Peruvian Chocolate
- Pest Control
- pheromones
- phosphoric acid
- Photoxicity
- Pine
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- Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
- Quantum Physics
- Raindrop
- Raindrop certification
- Raindrop Classes
- Raindrop instructors
- Raindrop teachers
- Raindrop Technique
- Raindrop Technique Training
- Raindrop Training
- Raindrop Without a License
- RC Blend
- Relationship
- ringing in the ears
- Rose Essential Oil
- Rose Oil
- Safe Insect Repellants
- scar-b-gone
- Science Of Essential Oils Made Simple
- Sensitivities to Essential Oils
- sick building syndrome
- Stay Positive
- staying healthy
- Success
- Supervisor Training
- Synthetic Compounds
- tansy
- Tea Tree
- The Blood Brain Barrier
- the Ecuador Clinic
- the Mind-Body Connection
- The Quantum Connection
- Therapeutic Grade
- Thieves Household Cleaner
- Thieves Oil
- Thyme
- Thyme Oil
- Tinnitus
- Tonya Peterson
- Transformation
- Transformation Oil Blend
- Twelve Questions to Ask Those Who Invite You to Join Another Company
- unresolved emotions
- valor blend
- Vitaflex
- water
- Wealth and Spirituality
- Wintergreen
- Wolfberries
- Ylang Ylang
- Young Living business
- Young Living Essential Oils
- Young Living Oils and Products