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Beating the Flu Without Drugs and Antibiotics – Volume 1, Number 11
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Raindrop Messenger
Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846
NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.
Beating the Flu Without Drugs and Antibiotics
By Vicki Opfer
Originally Posted December 2003
The flu struck early this year here in Colorado. A couple of weeks ago, on the news, two schools were being interviewed. The representative of the first one said that they were seeing 20 new cases a day. The second, the University of Denver where my son, Chris, attends, said that they were seeing 50 new cases a day. Meanwhile, Chris’s girlfriend, Rebecca, came down with it, as did my daughter, Jessica’s boyfriend, Adam.
Usually, when the kids start to become sick, I figure that extra sleep, extra water, and Vitagreen will handle almost anything… I figure that when someone gets sick, they’ve worn themselves out, and their immune system is weak, so sleep helps that. They’re also usually dehydrated, because as they’re racing around, wearing themselves out, they don’t drink enough water and the body becomes toxic because it’s not flushing correctly. And the Vitagreen not only offers a wonderful level of stamina, but also balances blood pH, which, when someone is sick, is almost always too acidic… but I knew that this situation was more serious than that… So when my two children, Chris and Jessica, both started getting sick, we became (as Dr. Daniel Penoel says) Aromatic Warriors.
Vicki Opfer’s Protocol for Protection from the Flu Chris and Jessica used the following:
- Exodus Supplement capsules – 3 capsules, once or twice a day.
- Longevity Supplement capsules – one every 4 – 5 hours for a couple of days, and then one or two a day for awhile
- Super C Tablets 2 – 4 tablets twice a day. (Linus Pauling said that we need 10,000 units of vitamin C a day to maintain health. Most of us are lucky to get a couple of hundred… When we get sick, or have allergy symptoms, we start taking at least 1,000 mg of C twice a day – morning and evening. It’s water soluble so it does not get stored in the body, and that’s why we have to take it about every 12 hours for it to be effective.
- A capsule filled with Thieves with 3 drops of oregano dropped into the capsule before closing it. I might make up a capsule like this for them once or twice a day. NOTE: Gel capsules are obtainable in most health food stores. A 00 size capsule holds 18-20 drops of oil. HOWEVER! If someone has never taken an oil internally, they have to start with NO MORE than 3 – 4 drops and work their way up, just to make SURE that their body tolerates it well. If it heats up in the stomach, drink milk or olive oil, NOT WATER.
- Thieves Lozenges – They took these off and on during the day. This will be THE product of the season – please make sure to have several of these on hand this year – they’re amazing. When you start having a sore throat and take one, two, or three of these in succession, the sore throat simply goes away. If you’re coughing, and use one, the cough stops immediately. They also seem to work for 8 out of 10 headaches, offering relief within a few minutes, in most cases.
No Flue for Jessica, Chris or Vicki
So Jessica, Chris, and I never did catch the flu, even though we had several people who we were spending a lot of time with, who did have it… What a relief! Who has time to be sick, these days?
The following may also be helpful (remember – use what you have):
- RC and Raven – rub on the chest and back, and take deep inhalations.
- ImmuPower – rubbed on the spine and feet
- Lavender – rubbed on the chest, or in the bath – it’s a natural antihistamine
- Frankincense – to support the immune system – rubbed on the feet, spine, or chest
- Thieves – rubbed on the feet
Keep Your pH around 7.0 – Anything less is Acid And please remember that viruses have a thin band of pH in which they can survive, so if you can change the pH of your body, even slightly, the virus may just go away.
If you eat a normal American diet which contain meat, bread, pasta, cheese,and sugar, you’re probably quite acidic as these are all acid forming foods. In this case, you would begin to eat vegetables and fruits, and not have anything made with flour, sugar, or dairy products. You could eat salads, vegetables – steamed, fruit salad, and a little light protein now and then like chicken or fish. (You can have a little meat – but consider it a side dish – not the main event of the meal…) Vegetable soup is wonderful.
If you are a vegetarian, just reduce the amounts of grains and dairy foods for a few days.
The Survival Instincts of a Virus And if you do come down with the flu, I have one other very interesting thing to share with you. Viruses have the ability to communicate with other viruses. This system is not understood, but it has been observed and noted in college biology books. When someone has a virus, the colony of virus will not readily die off in the body until it has infected another person, to insure the survival of the virus. So, unfortunately, what I have to tell you is that if you stay home, by yourself, and take really good care of yourself, drinking water, using oils, etc., you may stay sick longer than if you take a trip to the mall…
And if you DO get the flu, by using oils and supplements, you will probably be able to shorten the duration of the illness, which is also a wonderful thing…
And lastly, by all means, drink more water, get more sleep, and take your Vitagreen every day!
The Antibiotic Crisis by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.
The following extract is taken from Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt, 1999, Frog, Ltd. North Atlantic Books Berkeley CA. ISBN 1-883319-62-2. Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., is Director of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, P.O. Box 6723, San Rafael, California, 94903 (415) 479-9121. He offers courses on aromatherapy in San Rafael as well as by correspondence. His books are available through bookstores and at This excerpt is in Chapter 5, pp. 72-74.
“There is conclusive evidence on the destructive consequences of the overuse of antibiotics (and also how to avoid it). Antibiotic pressure on an organism can be a cofactor in immune deficiency conditions. Antibiotics were originally prescribed to fight bacterial diseases. But once these drugs became major moneymakers, their marketing took on a life of its own. Economic interests dictates finding more uses for a product that is already selling well, because sales increase without new development costs. Research to find additional uses for products is eagerly sponsored and eventually research and sales create a new reality. Unaware of the link to mass destruction of their immune systems, an unsuspecting generation upped its antibiotic intake.
“Antibiotics taken by small children often create the diseases they aim to cure. Premature antibiotic use during the onset of a childhood disease will deprive the immune system of the opportunities to interact with the pathogen. An inactivated immune system does not learn to recognize intruding microorganisms, nor does it learn to build antibodies. The result? A child will quickly relapse with the same disease and the cycle repeats. A reoccurring disease becomes chronic and leads to an overall debilitation of the body.
“Another potentially even greater problem is the seemingly unstoppable advance of resistant bacteria. Bacteria, resistant to most or all of the known antibiotics, are menacing hospitals and their patients. The development of these “super germs” was brought on by the reckless use of antibiotics in the meat industry as well as their over prescription by doctors. In his sanely radical book, Spontaneous Healing, (1995, Alfred Knoph) Andrew Weil comments: ‘Doctors must bear much of the responsibility for getting us into our growing predicament with aggressive bacteria; by over prescribing and mis-prescribing antibiotics, they have brought on the coming catastrophe.’
“Antibiotics are still widely prescribed by doctors for viral conditions such as the common cold or the flu despite the fact that they are not effective in these cases. The depth of the conditioning becomes obvious when antibiotics display placebo effects.
“Workers in an office struggle with the flu for a week or two and, at some point, a few take antibiotics with the following results.
“Outcome 1: No obvious differences are observed between those who take the antibiotics and those who don’t. The flu comes and goes.”
“Outcome 2: Some of those who took antibiotics recover quickly. A typical belief is that the antibiotics ultimately cured the flu.
“Outcome 2 is extremely puzzling. Influenza is a viral infection and antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Still, these individuals claim that they worked. There are two possible explanations: 1. The immune status of some individuals is so compromised from antibiotics overuse or other causes that a flu virus will automatically trigger bacterial secondary infections of such severity that relief from an accompanying symptoms is perceived as the antibiotics being effective against the flu itself. 2. Our deep conditioning to believe in the effectiveness of antibiotics triggers improvement. The antibiotics were a placebo!”
“The antibiotics crisis is an example of the fact that commerce is not concerned about the consequences it creates for human life. All aspects of modern existence are penetrated by the goal to maximize profits. Sadly, this has been most successful in medicine.”
“Approximately two decades ago the projections for worldwide sales of pharmaceuticals for the year 2000 were estimated to reach about $250 billion. This number was a gross under- estimation; the health -care industry currently grosses almost a thousand billion dollars and the biggest-selling pharmaceutical drugs each generate one billion dollars annually in the United States alone. Potential pharmacological breakthroughs generate corresponding changes in stock prices and make headlines in the business sections. The profit motive permeates the medical world completely.”
“As a result, diseases are essentially classified according to the availability of drugs, which are the only form of therapy that can be produced on an industrial scale. The drug companies have an ideal partner in scientific medicine, which ignores (for the most part) social and psychological causes of disease. The mechanic “physician” is offered a tool that can be reproduced without limit.”
Editor’s Note: There are many Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, that seem to support the immune system during a Virus or Bacterial attack. These include: Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Ledum (Ledum groenlandicum), Lemon (Citrus limon), Mountain Savory (Satureja Montana), Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Oregano (Oreganum compactum), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris CT thymol), Roselina (Melaleuca ericifolia), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenon), Spearmint (Mentha spicata), and Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternafolia). The following blends are also supportive of immune function: Thieves, Immuppower, and Exodus II.
May the Immupower be With You by David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.
A few weeks ago, I woke up with a ragingly painful sore throat. It felt like strep throat, from which I have suffered before. In my past experiences, I would have been laid up in bed for several days with lingering effects hanging on for weeks. This time I decided I was too busy to be sick. I knew that this time I had the weapons on hand to repel the invaders.
I immediately got out of bed, took a small glass with a tablespoon of water, and put in 5-6 drops of Immupower Oil blend. I swirled it around in my mouth to allow the oil molecules to penetrate directly into my blood stream through the permeable lining of my mouth, then gargled is as long as I could, and then swallowed it. I then repeated this two more times. I was determined not to be sick.
Results: Within minutes the pain disappeared as did all symptoms of my sore throat. I never got sick at all from this microbal attack at all. Within minutes the enemy had surrendered, succumbed, and taken flight. Thanks to IMMUPOWER!
Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846
NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.
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