A Statistical Validation of Raindrop – Volume 1, Number 7

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A Statistical Validation of Raindrop A Statistical Validation of Raindrop

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

A Statistical Validation of Raindrop
By David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

Originally Posted August 2003

There is a small group of aromatherapists who oppose raindrop technique and the neat application of essential oils. They are mostly members of NAHA, the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists. Many of the opponents of raindrop also reside in England where oils are generally never applied neat because oils they are usually food or fragrance grade and do not meet therapeutic standards. The people opposed to raindrop technique are politically active. They approach professional organizations to get them to adopt policies against raindrop. They are also approaching insurance carriers to convince them that therapists who do raindrop should not be covered. They also plan to approach legislators to see if laws could be legislated against the practice of raindrop. All of their approaches are based on untruth, but untruth unopposed can prevail.

There is a good study in the form of a small book now available in excellent, professional format, quality paperback bine, with a high-gloss laminated cover, crisp type inside, etc., that soundly refutes all the negative claims these people have been making against raindrop. It is entitled A STATISTICAL VALIDATION OF RAINDROP TECHNIQUE. It was introduced at the recent Young Living Grand Convention in Salt Lake and is available from Essential Science Publishing (800) 336-6308 for a discount price of $7.95 per copy. (Regular price is $9.95).

The abstract of the book is given below:


During the past ten years, Raindrop Technique has become a widely used therapeutic protocol throughout the United States. Numerous anecdotal accounts relate the significant and substantive benefits generated by this procedure. Raindrop Technique has been used to ameliorate cases of viral infection, kyphosis, scoliosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other conditions.

As its popularity and usage have increased, a small group of aromatherapists has questioned the use of the procedure and its reliance on undiluted therapeutic-grade essential oils. So, in n effort to statistically validate the benefit (or lack thereof) of the Raindrop Technique, I circulated a questionnaire in late 2001 among several thousand aromatherapists, health practitioners, and users of essential oils to poll those who receive Raindrop and those who perform it. This study summarizes the experiences of more than 14,000 sessions of Raindrop.

Of the 422 adults who responded to the survey, 370 were female and 52 were male. They represented 39 states of the United States, 5 provinces of Canada, and 5 other countries. 265 were facilitators, 259 were both facilitators and receivers, 157 were receivers only. Among the 416 receivers, a total of 3,584 Raindrop procedures were experienced (mean value = 8.6 treatments each). Among the 265 facilitators, a total of 11,256 procedures were reported (mean value = 42.5 each). Receivers reported their Raindrop experiences to be Positive (97%), Pleasant (98%), Resulted in
healing (16%), Felt better afterwards (98%), Improved health (89%), and Improved emotional state (86%). 99.9% of receivers said they would receive Raindrop again.

The differences in the response rates among those who reported improved health vs. actual healing can be due to the subjects’ likely interpretation of the question. “Healing” implies a total resolution of a preexisting disease or health condition, whereas “improved health” merely indicates an improvement (whether slight or great) in health or preexisting condition.

46.2% identified themselves as licensed professionals. 27% were massage therapists (LMT, CMT, RMT). 11% were registered nurses while 1.5% were chiropractors. There was one M.D. and one D.O. who responded.

As for negative responses: 1 in 168 (67 incidences out 11,256 reported Raindrops) considered Raindrop to be unpleasant. 1 in 489 considered it a negative experience. Only 1 in 1,023 said they would not receive Raindrop again. Unpleasant experiences reported (in order of frequency) were: Burning sensation on skin, Skin rashes, Nausea, Headaches, Tiredness. Most identified these as symptoms of a detoxification process. All of these were reported as temporary, often followed by positive results including relief of various symptoms.

Perceived benefits reported (in order of frequency) were: Removed back pain, Stopped cold or flu, Euphoria, Felt energized, Relieved stress or anxiety, General reduction of pain. The study includes 74 brief commentaries by Raindrop facilitators and receivers that provide insights into the technique, its practice and outcomes, that cannot be discerned from numerical data alone.

This book is also available at http://www.RaindropTraining.com at the regular price (9.95). It is also available from CARE by phone (800) 758-8629 or via email, care@raindroptraining.com, at 10% discount for 10 copies, 20% discount for 20 copies.

Back Pain and Cancer: Why I Wrote “Healing Oils of the Bible”
By David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

In 1956 I suffered a back injury that caused me chronic and severe back pain for the next 43 years. In the fall of 1999, with after one application of essential oils, I was healed permanently overnight. But that was not my first encounter with aromatherapy.

My mother-in-law came to live with us in 1995. She was 85, She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and given six months to live. She was put on the hospice program. Her doctor prescribed prednisone as a palliative measure. Her reaction to the drug was extreme psychosis. Even though we took her off the medicine in less than a week, she was permanently brain damaged and could no longer make decisions for herself. It was up to my wife, Lee, to think for her.

Lee took her off all pharmaceuticals and put her on a high quality vitamin/supplement and an herbal tea. It was essiac tea, an Objibway Indian remedy said to cure cancer. She drank it daily. She began to gain weight. Her skin color pinked up and took on a healthy tone. She was gaining strength. Within two months all symptoms of cancer were gone. The hospice nurses who visited her regularly remarked, “She doesn’t look like a cancer patient any more.” Two physicians examined her and found no traces of the tumors of lymphoma that had been there. She was taken off
the hospice program. She lived four more years, disease free.

With her physical health restored, but her mind no longer rational, she began to moan and go on at all hours of the day and night. We realized she was dealing with many traumas in her past that had been emotionally repressed. These were things that her rational mind had prevented her from expressing all these years. Now, with her mental inhibitions gone, she could let them out, but she was no longer articulate in a rational way.

Knowing that traditional talk-therapy would not work, Lee sought to find a way to help her mother release her buried feelings that would not require rational participation on her part. She discovered aromatherapy. We learned that the molecules of essential oils penetrate to the emotional brain and awaken lost memories, facilitating the release of forgotten trauma.

Lee began diffusing various blends of oils in her mother’s room on a daily basis and applying them to her mother’s feet and other areas of the body. Her mother then began to work backwards in time—first with the passing of her husband in 1990, the death of her son in Viet Nam in 1968, the loss of her two-month-old baby in 1948, and back into her childhood where there were there had been many traumas and abuses experienced by her and her siblings. Then she was finished. Finally, there were no more issues to resolve. She had remained in our home all this time.

On a snowy January day in 1999, my wife and I both realized that she was probably going to leave that evening. We didn’t call a doctor. We decided to remain awake and stay near her bed, all night if necessary, to be present when she passed. As she slept peacefully that evening in our home, she slipped away peacefully about 9:00 pm, just as her oldest grandson (our oldest son) came into the house to say goodbye to his maw maw for the last time.

In the moments right after death, there was only peace in that room, and a sense that she was totally gone, completely passed into another world. She died of no physical cause. No disease. No hly baggage, free to join her maker. She was 89 years and four months of age.

A few months later we decided to look more into the healing power of essential oils. We had seen how they had facilitated the emotional clearing of Lee’s mother. But we had heard that oils were also effective on many diseases.

We took up the study of oils in earnest. We attended an essential oils convention in Utah in July and traveled to Toronto for a five-day hands-on workshop in September with Dr. Gary Young. In Canada we learned a method of applying oils on the feet and back that was said to have amazing healing capabilities. The procedure is called
“Raindrop Technique.” Nine different oils and blends of oils are applied with certain massage techniques. They include oils of oregano, thyme, basil, wintergreen, marjoram, cypress, and peppermint. Two blends are also used. One contains a mixture of oils of spruce, frankincense, rosewood, blue tansey, and sweet almond. The other blend contains lemongrass, vetiver, grape seed, vitamin E, and several other oils.

By that time my back problem, that had started in 1956, was to the point that, for years, I could not lift heavy loads. I could not even lean over a bathroom sink to brush my teeth without the possibility of throwing my spine out so much that I would require a visit to a chiropractor to find relief. I could not sleep more than three hours in a bed without waking in pain. Then I would get up, walk around, and then sit in a reclining chair to sleep a couple or hours, only to wake up again. For years my nights had been spent between a bed and a chair. I had received numerous chiropractic
adjustments during those 43 years and always got relief, but only temporary. The allopaths (MDs) could offer nothing but narcotics or surgery, which I refused. I lived daily with a nagging pain in my back that varied from bearable to unbearable, but never completely went away.

When we returned from Canada, trained in Raindrop Technique, I practiced on my wife and then she practiced on me. It was early October 1999 when I received my first raindrop. The procedure takes about an hour and is usually administered on a massage table. That very night I went to sleep and didn’t wake up the entire night for the first time in years. My back was pain free. I was healed completely and permanently. The miswritten codes in the DNA in the cells of my back muscles and spine that had caused them to spasm and misalign all those years, had been corrected for good.

That was four years ago. Ever since then, I have been able to carry heavy loads, move pianos and refrigerators, and do what strong men are supposed to do. I have the back of a young person again.

One of the first things I was given when I first became involved with essential oils was a list of Bible scriptures that mentioned them. So I got curious. I began to study scripture, as well as the biochemistry of the oils. In late Spring of 2000 I started doing public programs on the Healing Oils of the Bible, passing around the oils as I spoke. I witnessed many miracles at these programs. It was in doing these programs that the concept of a book evolved. It only took six months to actually write the book, which came out in July 2002, but it has taken all of my life to gather and assimilate what is contained there.

That is how and why I wrote the book. That is also why I train hundreds in raindrop technique throughout North America every year. I have experienced a miraculous healing through the vehicle of essential oils. I want everyone to have such miracles.

Healing Oils of the Bible can be purchased for $19.95 plus $6 shipping from CARE at (800) 758-8629 or care@raindroptraining.com. Also available at www.RaindropTraining.com.

For a booklet on Essiac Tea and how to use it to treat cancer, send
$3 + $1 s&h to Napsac, 12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, MO 63764.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

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