CARE International Enterprises, Inc., is a separate independent entity with no legal or formal relationship to Young Living Essential Oils, Inc (YLEO). Anyone may participate in a CARE seminar or purchase CARE books and videos whether associated with YLEO, a distributor of YLEO products, or not.
However, in order to complete the process toward becoming a Certified CARE Instructor, and act in the official capacity of a CCI, only pure therapeutic grade essential oils may be used. Most oils sold in the United States are perfume or food grade and not suitable for therapeutic purposes. Furthermore, many brands purporting to be therapeutic grade are improperly distilled (and thus lack key constituents), were refined (certain components removed) or contain synthetics, dilutants, and other adulterants.
According to Dr. Herve Casabianca (Ph.D.), Chairman of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Committee on Essential Oil Standards (a European agency whose acronym is AFNOR), there is only one company in North America who regularly sends samples to the AFNOR laboratory in France for testing to be measured against the international standards for therapeutic quality, and that is Young Living Essential Oils, Inc.
“Therefore,” says Dr. Casabianca, “Young Living oils are the only therapeutic grade oils, of which I am aware, produced and/or marketed by an American company.”
Since the potential benefits of Raindrop Technique depend on the quality of the oils applied, CARE requires that CCIs use only Young Living oils when practicing or teaching in the name of CARE. (See Requirement 14.) If other brands of verifiably therapeutic grade oils become available, that requirement may be modified in the future. CARE training programs are open to everyone whether associated with YLEO or not, and CCI certification is available to all Young Living members regardless of upline affiliation.