What People Say About CARE’s Training Seminars

Wonderful Program. Presenters are beautiful people. Down to earth and full of love and compassion. The chemistry was the most connected and flowing presentation I’ve had. The many handouts are much appreciated as I know they will be most helpful on our journeys.

Connie Adams

“Excellent mixture of theory and practical training with both a professional and a caring attitude and approach. I thoroughly enjoyed the program and I look forward to helping my family and friends with these techniques.”

Marg Campbell

Enlightening, profound, and life changing.

Douglas Emery

I had no idea it was going to be such a spiritual experience. The program is thorough and relaxed. The instruction shows sensitivity to the needs of the group, as well as to the individual, while maintaining a comprehensive and informative presentation. The Instructor makes the complex simple.

John Maeder

The class was wonderful. The people were wonderful. The information is great. I learned valuable information in this seminar. I am so glad that I came. And your chemistry class was the most fun chemistry class I have ever been to! A wonderful balance of intellect and heart.

Denise Lane

I was very pleased with the course, although it was VERY intensive. Even so, I wouldn’t have missed any of it and wish it could have gone on and on.

Katrina Woodfin

I attended the C.A.R.E. Seminar in Anaheim and want to say that if you have the opportunity to go to a C.A.R.E training class, GO! Even the five hours of chemistry was fun . . . well, maybe ‘fun’ isn’t he right word, but it was certainly interesting and understandable. There were about twenty of us in the class with the Instructor and three facilitators to help us all along the way. Let me just say that the nearly one-on-one attention makes all the difference. If you haven’t seen the course description, we covered raindrop, vitaflex, essential oil chemistry, and so much more. The Instructor truly has a gift for sharing and teaching and I feel very fortunate to have been able to learn from him.


Robin Skov

This program offered the best chemistry that I have come across. The Instructor takes the essential oil chemistry and turns it into common ‘scents’ helping us to understand why these amazing oils can do what they do. The entire program is an excellent comprehensive integration of experience and theory and a wonderful foundation for the best of what therapeutic essential oils offer!

Marilee Tolen


Notes and handouts were great. A great opportunity to learn techniques and practice them. Very informative. Easy format to learn. Very relaxed atmosphere. Wonderful!

Patricia Springer


This was not just another seminar. It was a true learning experience. I have been doing oils for nine years, but never really understood the chemistry of them before now. The CARE Instructor is very knowledgeable and a master teacher who can reach both the novice and the well-informed. I recommend CARE’s seminars to anyone who has the desire to deepen their understanding of the workings of essential oils.

Joy Linsley

Ambassador Master Star

I believe I was divinely inspired to attend this seminar at the last minute and wasn’t sure why until I arrived . . .There was power in the form of healing love. I was deeply affected by this seminar.

Michael Schreiber


Thank you for caring enough about the well-being of others to do this program. The seminar helped clarify many puzzles in my thought processes. Your message is very powerful. I have no doubt that you were sent from God.

Brenda Beard

It was amazing. I came to the seminar with shoulder pain from a surgery three months ago that had been fairly severe. When I left, after the Raindrop and Emotional Release Classes, my pain had decreased significantly. Thank you. I highly recommend that the CARE Intensive be taken in its entirety to get the full benefit.

Julie Stulz

It’s a great program. Lots of information, training, upbeatness, and very spiritual. I plan to pass on information to friends and get them to come to a CARE Seminar.

Betsy Pentecost

The program is excellent! The amount of care, devotion, and attention to detail is so apparent in every phase of the program. Thank you very much!

Nina Lockwood

The workshop was a remarkable and profound experience for me professionally, emotionally and spiritually. Every aspect of the program enriched my understanding of essential oils and their Divine potential application in my life and the lives of others.

Lori Thorell

I can think of no way to improve this course. It is the best workshop I have ever attended. I feel I have gotten more than my money’s worth.

Steve H. Potts

At last it all makes sense! CARE training provides the missing link between Chemistry, Spirituality, and Healing. The instructor brings science and spirituality together in the warmest way. If anyone has ever wondered how to make sense of the big picture – Please do the CARE training and spread the word.

Coral Waters

This was an excellent experience. The information was given in a fun way. The assistants were so helpful. The tidbits of information were given in a loving way.

Carol Spangard

I attended C.A.R.E. seminar in Portland, Oregon. It was a great experience. The entire program was excellent, very informative. I am a chemist as well as a hairdresser and I think the Instructor did a great job teaching and explaining chemistry. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in having a good foundation for understanding the oils.

Jaleh Ghanei

This was a very worthwhile and comprehensive program I would recommend everyone take. It was a very informative, organized and thorough workshop . . . and Fun! I teach oils myself and the pieces of information I was missing was the chemistry. David and Lee Stewart have put a lot of time, effort, hard work, and love into the CARE program.(This seminar) was worth every cent, and then some. They didn’t charge enough for all the info they gave to us. Your program brought an even clearer picture to my already considerable knowledge of essential oils. I was very impressed with the entire program. I would love to repeat your class when you come to my area again.

Roxanna Weddle

This was my first experience with CARE. I really didn’t have any idea the impact this week-end in Atlanta would have on my understanding and appreciation of the oils. This course has enhanced my awareness of the sacredness of what we do for ourselves and others with the oils, whether we are using raindrop technique, emotional release or, in my case, as a reflexologist. My thanks to the CARE Instructors for following the vision and call of God to make this knowledge available to use in a way that makes us hunger for more of the oils and more of God.

Deborah P. Stethen

This has been the most complete and best presented workshop I’ve had the pleasure of participating in. The mood set by the presenter was so mind opening and heart accepting! Words are not enough to express my appreciation for what you have given and blessed me with this weekend.

Jorge Brown

CARE Training is phenomenal. This is a great support for anyone interested in helping others (and themselves). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Hanya Mendrin

The CARE Instructors are fantastic teachers of the hands-on vitaflex and raindrop techniques. They made the chemistry easy to relate to the oils, which greatly helped my understanding.(It was) a very exciting and pleasant learning experience.

Perry Mueller


If you have been considering attending a CARE seminar, think no more. Just go! Truly a wonderful experience. A wealth of information. Because of the seminar, and of the Instructor’s ability to communicate on all levels, I have a deeper understanding and appreciation for the oils. The workshop is very organized and is run on time. There are never more than ten students per teacher so you receive individual attention. Again, if you have been thinking about attending, Go! You will not only be glad you attended, you will receive a blessing you deserve.

William Jowell

Very uplifting and exhilarating for me. I am so happy I came. Excellent hands-on training. Very efficient and thorough. It provided me with a lot of confidence in my knowledge and practice. I highly recommend this program.

Heather Lasante


The intensive workshop was well paced. The Instructor was totally knowledgeable in all areas of the program. I recommend the program to anyone seriously interested in increasing their knowledge of essential oils.

Colleen H. Rowe


Excellent!!! Enjoyed it all and feel VERY confident to do the Raindrop and Vitaflex after experiencing this workshop. Thank You.

Paula Ryan

Thank you so much for bringing the raindrop training to Australia. I absolutely loved the course. It was a turning point for me. I hope that you can come back to Australia ASAP.

Sonya Vassallo

I appreciated the very professional, yet very personal approach demonstrated by both CARE Instructors. It was a truly awesome experience for me. Just wish I could afford a steady diet of this! Thank you, CARE! for all you stand for and for bringing this information to us.

Twyla Skov

This seminar was most valuable. It tied things together with the Bible and helped me understand how we can use the oils now. This has been one of the best investments in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding I have ever made.

Mark D. Corny

The CARE Instructors complimented each other so well. God has his hands on these two anointed and heavenly blessed servants. They are inspirational. The chemistry of essential oils was made so understandable and relevant. I have attended many training classes and seminars, but I have never received such a thorough understanding of the topic. The vitaflex, raindrop and emotional releases classes were so effective. I have the confidence I will be very capable to perform these techniques immediately. It is so refreshing to study under a man who loves God and is not afraid to express his beliefs. The entire event was more than amazing. I have taken many, many classes, but have never (and I do mean never) experienced anything like what I experienced in the CARE Seminar. I was truly blessed and I am still telling my clients about what I took part in that week-end. Thank-you, thank-you a million times. Keep up the GOD work!

Michelle Turner

This program was phenomenal. It was put together with much knowledge, skill, organization, care, love and humor. A definite asset in our healing ministry with God’s natural oils. All topics were excellent. Indeed, a delightful seminar!

Cynthia Haynes

This is the best program of this kind I have attended. I greatly appreciate CARE’s commitment to quality, consistency, and professionalism. A warm and supportive atmosphere was always present as well. Thank you for your great work.

Sandra Parkins

I have taken YLEO’s Level I and Level II trainings and the CARE Intensive greatly clarified the information I had already received. Chemistry has never come easily to me. After this chemistry class, I have a clearer vision. Thanks.

Lea Nelson

This is the second time I have taken CARE Classes and it continues to get better. The magnitude of information is incredible. I feel like I could repeat and repeat.

Carol Garvey

This program gave me the ability to explain the Biblical connections of healing and the oils even to those who are not religious without having to ‘turn them off’ in the process. Thank you for your clarity.

Sherry LaMarche

My husband and I had a great time, met many wonderful warm people, learned a great deal, and are ready to go out and help people to help themselves.

Barb and Cecil Newton

The depth of the material covered provides the missing link in understanding the oils and how to use them effectively. I feel very grateful to CARE for their research, study, organization, and ability to teach to the benefit of those of us who wish to promote greater health and well-being. Thank you so much!

Leslie Vornholt

The staff was most loving and gave us information from a heart of love and we all responded because you touched our emotions and we loved you! I was especially touched during the raindrop technique and released a great deal. What a weekend! Thank you!

Eileen Bowe

I received a healing from a painful shoulder and left arm three days after the CARE seminar … where I had received raindrop. I am very excited by what the oils do for people.

Meg Huelskamp

The presentation was professional, informative, interesting, and fun. All of the facilitators were exceedingly helpful. It was a pleasure to share this learning experience with a room full of dedicated healers.

Donna Greenman

The Instructor’s passion, compassion, and knowledge certainly came through during this workshop. I believe Dr. Stewart, the CARE Founder, is a pioneer. I am thankful he has taken the initiative to provide a certification program for raindrop technique through CARE.

Sherri Vanhorn

We very much enjoyed our special weekend. We came away so enlightened with more education and a great sense of being on the track God wants us to be!

Boyd and Judy Estep

Because of the love and CARE I experienced at this seminar, I felt safe enough to release some issues I have held for many years! As a result, I was healed of asthma, which at the time had become life threatening. It is so incredible to take a deep breath of air and feel it travel all the way to the bottom of my lungs for the first time in longer than I can remember. I am so grateful to God for bringing me to this seminar and confirming His love for me.

Niki Moman

We traveled a long way (from England to California) for the CARE program. The whole seminar was very interesting and enlightening. The Instructor had an excellent knowledge of essential oils and raindrop technique which he shared with his students very well. It has been very rewarding and we are looking forward to introducing the vitaflex and raindrop to the U.K. We have no suggestions for improvement of this seminar. It was excellent, very enjoyable and well worth every mile traveled!

Susan D. Duerden

Massage Therapist and Owner of a SPA

I enjoyed (the presenter’s) sense of humor. It helped to keep the atmosphere relaxed, especially during chemistry. Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment. I am just now reading The Raindrop Study and already see ways I can utilize it to help people trying to decide if the technique would be beneficial. God Bless all you do.

Barbara Vissers

I have been to many alternative health seminars and this one was awesome! What a fantastic weekend I just had! Every cell in my body is still feeling that peace and richness of joy and love I experienced at the workshop. I thank you forever.

Mary Hurst

We learned much more from you than from other essential oil training seminars we have attended. The small group was very compatible and we were able to get all the one-on-one instruction we needed. I have never been interested in chemistry, but you opened my eyes to the wonders of God’s creations.

Barbara Tea

Truly beautiful training. Very pure, sincere presenters who are very knowledgeable and have a talent to present the info to the class.

Iveta Dervay

Excellent balance between lecture and hands-on. Excellent teachers and facilitators. Thank you for helping me understand more about how essential oils work! I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend.

Barbara Swafford

I am totally grateful for this beautiful weekend seminar. It has been genuinely love filled, inspirational, informational, and healing on so many levels. I feel I have found a way I have been looking for.

Pam Hoadley

If something seems to compel you to go to a CARE Seminar, don’t let anything deter you from doing so. You will learn a lot, but more importantly, you will be surrounded and uplifted by the spirituality, conrage, and love of all around you. I can think of nothing that could improve this seminar.

Shirley L. Steward

As a Muslim woman, I was very comfortable and at peace with the Bible scriptures used in the Healing Oils of the Bible class. They are so very much the same in the Holy Quran. I feel confident that I have the tools I need to both continue to self-heal as well as to help others find their path to becoming whole in mind, body, and spirit. Raindrop and Emotional Release are so very effective. I am excited to use what I have learned. I am grateful to Almighty God Allaah for guiding me to these classes, and to the instructor and to CARE. I got so much more than I expected and I am very grateful. Thank you for respecting that my belief system is different and for realizing that our chosen belief systems are really the same. This is the beginning of a long healthy loving relationship. Amen. Thank you.

Taalibah Qatadah As-Sidding

A weekend to remember forever! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your spirits with us all. You are both so caring and compassionate!

Helen Jacobs

I enjoyed the seminar immensely. To receive raindrop and vitaflex in a small group is the best. We had one helper per four people and that made it well worth the price. Also, this allowed time to give the treatments and also receive one, which is more than what you will get at other programs.

Caroline Rogers

This program (CARE) has been a wonderful experience for me, much more than I bargained for. Excellent teaching. The Instructor made learning a pleasure and a lot of fun, especially chemistry. Knowledge is power and when you learn the function of the body enhanced by oils, it is very powerful in your healing. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to make a quantum leap on their journey!

Jane Adams

It is with great gratitude and thanksgiving that God gifted me with the experience of a CARE seminar. The synergy of both CARE Instructors was divine. To say I am overwhelmed and overawed is understated. Then add in the symbiotic relationships of the other three teaching assistants, and we were all specially blessed. The limited class size and number of teachers was most indulgent. In all my experience in the past three years, which has been rather extensive in many trainings, the CARE program has captured my heart because of your leadership and unreservedly and unashamedly embracing the word of God. The atmosphere of peace, safety, confidentiality, and trust was so pervasive and prevailing for healing. While we were credited with 23 hours, we received many more hours than that. Your love is both infectious and contagious.

Maureen Welting

Excellent program and pacing. Enjoyed the essential oils chemistry. I had fun

Jan Lei Iwata


No where have I been able to learn as much about how the oils work as in this seminar. This class was worth the cost and the effort! It was enlightening, loving and filled with comradery.

Mary Ann Lenich

This is a wonderful program. (The Instructor) made chemistry come alive! During the emotional release program I felt God’s presence and the electricity in that room was almost overwhelming. God bless you in all you do.

Joanne Schwarm

This workshop has been the most rewarding learning experience since my introduction to essential oils. The wealth of material and wonderful personal experiences and knowledge shared was beyond my expectations. In these times of despair, I feel blessed to be a part of such a God-centered healing organization as CARE.

Aziyza Shabazz

I am a formally trained aromatherapist and found this seminar to be phenomenal! Very thorough. It clarified many things for me. I learned a lot and with so much love and care! You really get your money’s worth. I would encourage anyone to go to this seminar.

Candy Lewis

This program is a labor of love for all, the presenters and the facilitators. Excellent teaching. Chemistry made easy. Loving atmosphere. I can’t think of any way it could have been better.

Janet Luttrell

Met many wonderful people. All were helpful and knowledgeable. The Biblical references were very affirming and learning how the receptor sites are unlocked by the oils was very helpful.

Dolores Daldegan

I enjoyed the chemistry. It really brought understanding to support the power of the oils. I also enjoyed the Bible program. I had not smelled most of those oils and really enjoyed experiencing them. I feel this program is a must for anyone who wants to educate themselves and others about the power of essential oils.

Dora Vaughn

This program has been so inspiring, both professionally and personally. The teachings were given and received with such love. An unforgettable experience.

Karen Russell

I learned so much!. The seminar presenters were clear and concise and related well with the class participants. The Instructor clearly loves to teach and love his subjects. I would highly recommend taking this very informative class.

Nancy Robinson

“I went through college chemistry and was lost from day one, but with the CARE chemistry class, I caught on within the first half hour and feel confident that the knowledge can and will be retained and understood when reading the material that has been so lovingly prepared.

Kimber Lindeman

Absolutely fascinating program. You will come away much more knowledgeable and with a genuine desire to improve the world be it one person at a time.

Carol Kelsey


I felt among family here. So much feels like a man stranded on an island, but here we bonded on levels we don’t even fully comprehend. Words don’t begin to express what I have experienced. Joyous Blessings to all of us.

Beverly B. Pilkington

This is a wonderful class! We loved all that was covered. It is so good for people who are new to the oils as well as those who are not. CARE has such a great mission–bringing true healing back to this planet. That is something we choose to be a part of!

Kim and Steve Trexler

This was a very special session, a very special group, and a very special people running it. I felt so close to each and everyone of them. Very informative and enlightening. It makes you want to get out there and tackle the world.

Becky Carroll

I was very pleased with the seminar. I now feel that I really want to go further with the oils than ever before. I have been hanging back. But you got through to me when you said “People came to Jesus to get healed.” I want to do a seminar in our church. (I believe) the Lord has blessed both of the instructors and I pray that many others will continue to be blessed as I have been. I am excited about coming to take the class all over again. I thank you more than I can say.

Betty Egly

What an amazing weekend! After three days in the company of these teachers and students I can’t wait to go out and tell people that the oils really do work!

Linda Hodge

The best and easiest chemistry class I have ever had. Great use of personal experiences. Informative, Interesting, and entertaining.

Gaye O'Donnell


The CARE classes were most informative, thought-provoking, and enlightening. It was a time of learning the power of touch, positive thinking, and the power of prayer. I had very little chemistry during school days and was not looking forward to that part of the class. But by the second session on chemistry, the Instructor had explained things well enough that even I could honestly say, “I sure wish he had one more chemistry class. Then I’d get it all.” In teaching vitaflex and raindrop, they were careful to see that we did everything correctly, gently directing us and cheering us on. I would take the classes again to learn even more or just for the pure pleasure of it. It was a very spiritually uplifting time for my husband and I as we learned together. I highly recommend the CARE classes.

Cynthia Kropf

Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus used simple illustrations based on material familiar to common people. This is the best learning tool we could ask for. The Instructor also uses many easy-to-understand illustrations throughout the entire course, enabling us to understand even complex science with more ease. It is refreshing to experience the benefits of simplicity.

Holly Young


“After ten years of doing raindrop—this seminar helped my technique 100%. So many bits of information and technique clicked for me. Thank you.”

Dolores Candelaria

I have been to many workshops and intensives and have not experienced such purity, love and Divine energy in the facilitators. Thank you! Thank you! Many Blessings!

Linda Gale

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for such a wonderful program. Not only have I learned a great deal of new skills, I have grown as a spiritual being. All this in just three days! Thank you.

Kim McMahon

I am a massage therapist and take a lot of continuing education courses as a requirement for my license. The CARE Program is the best I have taken. I learned so much about how and why the oils work and now I understand the science behind it. I am glad to have a standard protocol for raindrop. I have been doing raindrop for over a year, but nevef felt sure of my work. What a difference a weekend makes. With this protocol I felt nurtured and cared for. Even though when I received it was the first raindrop my classmates had performed, it was the most powerful I had ever experienced. I felt so calm, relaxed and whole. And when we measured at the end, I had grown 1 1/4 inches! I can’t wait to get back to my office and start work on my clients.

Leslie Knee


I was the only male participant in this particular workshop and I would like for men to be more involved in this type of training. The understanding and participation of all who attended made this an incredible time for me. Highly recommended. Life changing.

Steve J. Ford

I am still pumped up from my fabulous weekend with you folks in New Jersey! This is the best workshop I have attended to date. The tremendous amount of hands-on helped my technique. The weekend really boosted my confidence. The Instructor was genuine and passionate with a sincere drive to impart his knowledge and experience with oils. I am still feeling so much joy! I thank you CARE again for being so giving. CARE’s pure intentions truly set the tone for a fulfilling weekend.

Maria Malic

As an R.N. with extensive psychiatric nursing experience and a licensed massage therapist, I have been exposed to a lot educationally and experientially, but this CARE Seminar was one of the most comprehensive educational and experiential experiences I have ever come across. I hope this information can reach the masses as it is absolutely life transforming. Both Instructors were gifted and talented presenters.

Darlene S. Plyler


Despite multiple degrees and years of training, I have always disliked (and resisted) chemistry class. The Instructor offered simple, yet clear, instruction that allowed the essential oil chemistry to ‘click.’ A deeper level of understanding has now arisen within me about the chemistry of life and the interconnectedness of sound, color, and molecules. My attitude has shifted from ‘resistance’ to ‘inspired.’ I now realize that, just like music, chemistry is an elegant art!

Beth Coleman

The program is inspiring. I gained so much information, guidance, direction and hands-on experience. I have been very rewarded for attending. I feel such warmth and caring from the facilitators and felt safe to venture into a new area for me. I felt such power I just can’t see where this seminar could be improved upon. Thank you very much.

Eunice Rockenfelder

A fantastic weekend! Everything was excellent – No Exceptions! The instructor was a joy to listen to. I was hanging on every word, including the Chemistry Sessions!

Kirsten Gonzalez


Get ready for Certification.

Want to Know More?

The Raindrop Messenger is the official newsletter of CARE., The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education.

The Raindrop Messenger

In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

The articles published in The Raindrop Messenger and in this archive are not copyrighted. You are  encouraged to copy them, reprint them, and share them with friends. We would appreciate acknowledgment of their source by a statement to the effect.

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The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

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