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12 Oils of Ancient Scripture – Volume 5, Number 2

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12 Oils of Ancient Scripture - Volume 5, Number 2 - These powerful oils are excellent for supporting all of our body systems, as well as offering a variety of emotional and spiritual benefits.

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

12 Oils of Ancient Scripture
by David Stewart, PhD, DNM

Originally Posted March – April 2007

1. 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture: Young Living’s Best Bargain

The “12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit” is the best bargain on the Young Living price list. While most of Young Living’s kit prices reflect a small savings over the cost of the individual oils, the “12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit” will save you more than $100 over the cost of the oils purchased individually.

But wait. There’s more. You also receive two rare Biblical oils at no additional cost: Cassia and Onycha. Neither of these oils are available from Young Living individually. Onycha is a wonderful healing oil. (Visit the archives of this newsletter and read the article entitled “The Miracle of Onycha,” V4N1 Jan-Feb 2006.) Cassia is among the most antimicrobial of all oils yet one of the sweetest in flavor and fragrance. Cassia also supports the cardiovascular system. Neither Onycha nor Cassia are available from Young Living except as part of the Scriptural Oils Kit. Scriptural oils are dear to Gary Young’s heart. This kit is his gift to all of us.

The price of the entire kit is just a few dollars over the combined price of three oils purchased individually: Sandalwood, Galbanum and Rose of Sharon. Essentially, you are getting the rest of the oils for FREE: Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Myrtle, and Spikenard with Cassia and Onycha as an added bonus!

Cost Breakdown for the 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit

You save $100 off the cost of the individually priced oils by buying the kit as follows: The Kit Contains 5ml bottles of the following: 1. Aloes (Sandalwood), 2. Cassia, 3. Cedarwood, 4. Cypress, 5. Frankincense, 6. Galbanum, 7. Hyssop, 8. Myrrh, 9. Myrtle, 10. Onycha, 11. Rose of Sharon (Cistus), and 12. Spikenard. YLEO Product Code 3143. Price $157.50

Cost Breakdown for Oils Purchased Individually:
(Distributor Cost of 5ml of each oil)

Aloes (Sandalwood) . . . $59.75
Frankincense . . . . . . $23.25
Myrrh. . . . . . . . . . $16.58
Rose of Sharon (Cistus). $49.75
Hyssop . . . . . . . . . $19.75
Myrtle . . . . . . . . . $ 5.58
Galbanum . . . . . . . . $44.75
Cypress. . . . . . . . . $ 5.25
Cedarwood. . . . . . . . $ 3.25
Spikenard. . . . . . . . $29.75
Cassia . .not sold individually
Onycha . .not sold individually

Total cost of oils purchased separately would be $257.66, while the Cost of kit is only $157.50 Your savings is $100.16, plus Cassia and Onycha at no additional charge and which Young Living does not sell individually. So actually, you are saving more than $100 if you had to purchase Cassia and Onycha separately which, if available, would be worth at least another $60-70. Young Living’s “12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit” is a true blessing and truly a generous gift from Gary and the company.

2. Do a Bible Oils Program Using the Scriptural Oils Kit

Hundreds of Young Living Distributors are offering a Bible Oils program to their downline as well as to their communities and churches using the “12 Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit” as the basis for the program. Sometimes the program is offered free as a community service or for business building purposes. Other times a nominal fee is charged for the class where children and teens are usually admitted free. A Bible oils program is an excellent way to introduce new people to essential oils. Such a program documents their scriptural validity, establishes the antiquity and history of their usage, offers an explanation of how and why they work, and provides many practical applications. By passing them around during the presentation, participants get to experience them first hand and, in some cases, even experience a healing.

The class, often entitled, “Healing Oils of the Bible,” normally takes 2-3 hours. Complete instructions on how you can offer this class are given in the book, “Healing Oils of the Bible.” There is also a 2-hour DVD (also VHS) of Dr. David Stewart presenting such a program. Both the book and DVD are available on the internet by visiting the CARE Website at They are also available from CARE by phone at 800-758-8629.

It is not difficult to teach such a class. Anyone can do it. It is always well received. If you are shy about public speaking, an alternative way to present such a program is to simply play the DVD on a large screen. Many church groups have done this as they pass around the oils of the Bible mentioned in the video.

Also available is an attractive, colorful brochure entitled “12 Oils of Ancient Scripture” that is ideal to hand out when you give a class on scriptural oils. These brochures are available from Sound Concepts, (800) 524-4195, Sound Concepts works closely with Young Living in all of its publications of literature, CDs, and other promotional materials. Sound Concepts has a variety of useful materials for promoting and education others about Young Living products. The “Ancient Scripture” brochure has a space on the back for you to stamp or place a sticker with your name and contact information along with our YLEO Member number.

As an additional resource, there is a new book entitled “Scriptural Essence: Temple Secrets Revealed” by Janet McBride. Janet is a Messianic Jewess. This means that she adheres to Jewish traditions but also accepts Jesus Christ as the long-awaited Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. A scholar in both Hebrew and Greek, Janet has discovered secrets concerning essential oils in the Bible heretofore never revealed.

Among Janet’s many unique discoveries, she found that a Hebrew word in the Bible had long been misunderstood and mistranslated that actually refers to lavender oil more than 20 times. There is also a substance called, “Scarlet,” mentioned several times in the Book of Leviticus, but not previously understood as being an essential oil. She has also discovered a scriptural basis for women working from the home in a networking business, which her book points out was actually done in Biblical times. She also reveals the symbolism of the Jewish menorah as representing the seven chakras with the heart at its center. Even muscle testing is described in the Old Testament, but never recognized as such until Janet’s insightful book.

“Scriptural Essence” is available on the internet on the CARE Website given above. If you are interested in using and teaching about the oils of the Bible, “Scriptural Essence” is an essential addition to your Biblical references. It contains a wealth of information not found in any other source.

3. Spiritual & Emotional Uses of Twelve Scriptural Oils
Originally written by Judy DeRuvo in June 2001

1. ALOES/SANDALWOOD – (Santalum album)

Sandalwood has been used in India for thousands of years as an enhancement to meditation and prayer. It quiets the mental chatter that can distract us in meditation. It allows the mind to move into the deepest states of meditation and connects us with the great cosmic prayer, the infinite meditation.

Sandalwood affects Chakra energy in so many different ways because it is a very complex oil with many different actions at the subtle level. One of its greatest virtues lies in linking the Kundalini energy at the Base Chakra with the Crown Chakra. Its scent invokes a feeling of exotic sensuality and spiritual wholeness at the same time – divine sensuality. Sandalwood aligns all the chakras and subtle bodies allowing a person to be totally in their body and learn to feel all the subtle energy around them.

Sandalwood helps to keep you grounded, close to your divine essence, helps through periods of fear, and allows you to surrender to divine will.

It helps reprogram the brain and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. It is a builder of the entire endocrine system. It is very high in substances that are similar to the male hormone (androgen). It is the regulator of the uterus.

Sesquiterpene content is 90%. Sesquiterpenes have the ability to pull oxygen out of food and air. Thus, they increase oxygen in the body as well as the brain. Increased oxygen to the brain stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands and the amygdala.

It is believed that the “aloes” of the Bible was fragrant sandalwood. “And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight.” (John 19:39)

2. CASSIA – (Cinnamomum cassia)

Similar to Cinnamon, but it smells sweeter and more pleasant. It enhances circulation and supports the heart and empowers the will. It also supports the sacral chakra, especially during menopause. It is a good oil to use if you wake up in the morning and feel sluggish.

Cassia energetically works to free the memories of enslavement held deep in the unconscious. It also assists us in remembering the reasons for a rebellious nature and distaste for authority that derive from lifetimes of being a slave, indentured servant, or powerless.

Cassia has 90% phenol propenoids. Phenol propenoids increase frequency, which increases spirituality. Cassia was a key ingredient in temple incense in ancient times. (Other oils with phenol propenoids are clove 90%, basil 75%, cinnamon 73%, nutmeg 7.5%.)

According to Dr. Young, a recent study shows that extracts of this herb can stimulate T-lymphocyte activity and immuno-globulin production by B cells, which are the key elements of immune function. Caution – Cassia oil can be irritating to the skin. Use on the bottom of the feet.

Cassia was a key ingredient in the temple incense (Exodus 30:24). Its euphoric properties are praised in Psalms: “All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.” (Psalms 45:8)

3. CEDARWOOD – (Cedrus atlantica)

Steadiness and balance is the message of the spirit of cedarwood. It is the spirit of integrity, of stability, of solidarity in all things. It has qualities that are often needed when the spirit is weakened by living too much, loving too hard, and being unable to forgive. It encourages the strength we need to continue on our pathway, and urges us to hold fast to our dreams, helping to bring our hopes to reality.

Inhaling cedarwood oil relaxes an over-analytic mind. Use cedarwood oil before and after business meetings to generate greater clarity, to quickly perceive the core issue or to get to the point. Cedarwood has a purifying energy that helps to release emotional toxins lodged in the subtle bodies. Cedarwood oil aligns the heart chakra of the mental body to the physical and allows the experience of just being. Cedarwood oil stimulates memories of feeling true spiritual love and generates feelings of being! totally secure and protected by that love.

Cedarwood has been used since time immemorial in civilizations as diverse as Egypt and Tibet. It is still actively used in Tibetan medicine and as a meditation aid by Tibetan Buddhists and others. It is thought to enhance spirituality and strengthen our connection with the Divine. Cedarwood was used in the construction of temples to symbolize this.

Cedarwood oil is a powerful mucolytic (i.e. it breaks up catarrh) and we can see parallels in its subtle uses: helping us to cut through the “mental catarrh” that can clog our minds just as surely as the physical variety clogs our noses.

The “Cedar” which Native American Indians use in purification ceremonies (smudging) is in fact a form of Juniper. It can be used as an underarm deodorant and has a scent that men like. This oil is most effective with ADD children, helping to stabilize Beta/Theta waves. Its sesquiterpene content is 98%.

From the mighty “Cedars of Lebanon” came the fragrant and long-lasting wood used to build Solomon’s temple. “And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall.” (1 Kings 4:33) Oil of cedarwood is also mentioned four times in Leviticus, Chapter 14, as a cleansing ritual applied to the right ear, right thumb, and right big toe – all release points for various stored emotions and compulsive behavior.

4. CYPRESS – (Cupressus sempervirens)

Cypress oil is helpful in times of transition such as career changes, moving home, menopause and major spiritual decisions. Cypress also helps with painful transitions such as bereavement or the ending of close relationships. Cypress has frequencies that are in transition between the physical and spiritual (etheric plane), which is why it can be used to give strength and comfort at the time of death.

Cypress helps reestablish the ability to flow with life without the anxiety of deciding what the next step is or how it will unfold. It offers strength and energetic protection to those who are vulnerable and insecure or who have lost their purpose. It can be used to move on from a situation.

Using Cypress oil on the spleen point under the left rib cage clears blockages in energy flow and supports better assimilation of food. Cypress oil massaged into the abdominal and colon area releases stagnant energy and beliefs in that area.

Energetically, Cypress oil disconnects spleen energy attachments. Cords and attachments are created between people through over-empathizing. This is often the case for healers and will deplete the healer’s energy. Also, many emotional caretakers are empathetic. Making people feel better is all they know how to do, not realizing the spiritual and karmic implications of their actions. Many people are unconscious empathic receivers and they take on other people’s realities and ailments without realizing what they are doing.

Sympathetic and compassionate people must make a conscious effort to practice Divine Right Use of their empathy. When Divine Right Use is in effect, empathic abilities can provide very important diagnostic information about the energy denied or repressed in the unconscious mind or emotional body. Divine Right use employs appropriate empathizing energy and stays connected only as long as needed for interpreting information and then it consciously and fully disengages. It is up to the individual needing healing to decide how or how not to act upon the knowledge an empathetic person imparts. This keeps the empathic receiver from forming undesirable bonds

Cypress is good for anything in excess. It is very grounding. It is a balancer of the female system and is often combined with clary sage for hot flashes and is used to reduce or inhibit ovarian cysts.

Cypress is good for aiding with the natural flow of things. Good with the transition of dying and with grieving.

This oil is extracted from the cypress tree, which has wood so durable that the cypress doors of St. Peter’s in Rome show no sign of decay even after 1,200 years. “He heweth him down cedars, and taketh the cypress and the oak, which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest.” (Isaiah 44:14)

5. FRANKINCENSE – (Boswellia carteri)

Sometimes called olibanum. This sweet protector of the heavens operates far beyond the auric field, in the light realms. It is adaptogenic—-it will adapt to a person’s spiritual state of being. Holding the wisdom of the ages, it waits for what is asked of it, and can do all that may be required. If it encounters malevolent energies attached to a person, it has the authority and power to assist in the removal of all that is unwanted.

In the cases of spiritual shock or loss, when the spirit can step out of the body, Frankincense can gently ease us back to our earthly home.

Frankincense helps each of us connect to that part of ourselves which is eternal and divine. It is one of the most ancient of the incenses, having been in use for at least 3,000 years.

Frankincense increases oxygenation, which increases the life force in the physical body. Frankincense has the ability to deep! en and slow the breath and this helps to bring the body and mind into a meditative state. It helps break ties with the past, especially when they block personal growth. Use it in baths with the conscious intention of “washing away” any old ties which feel like a hindrance.

An important oil for anointing the dying and keeping the soul connected to its divine essence. It is excellent for the Sixth Chakra, assisting in altering perception of truth and promoting clairvoyance. The Crown and Heart Chakras also expand as new realities are perceived. The light body enlarges as new realities and dimensions are experienced.

It can help with memory. It opens the 3rd Eye for connection. It can be used for tumors, along with Lavender and BrainPower. Helps clear away brain fogs. Frankincense has a sesquiterpene level of 8-11%.

The Hebrew word for frankincense, levonah (sometimes translated as “incense”), is mentioned in the Bible 22 times and referenced indirectly another 59 times. “Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense with all powders of the merchant?” (Song of Solomon 3:6)

6. GALBANUM – (Ferula gummosa)

This oil allows for the shedding of old ideas and outdated behavior and attitudes, resulting in total surrender to the Creator. It sheds light on life’s purpose and on the inner self. This oil may unveil sadness, wrongdoing, untruthfulness and crimes against the soul. It communicates with the deeper layers of self allowing for a gradual unfolding of truth. It is used to balance extreme or intense emotions. Galbanum has a sesquiterpene level of 11%. This oil is the main ingredient in the blend “Gathering” because it aligns the brain with a person’s spiritual purpose. Galbanum was a favorite oil of Moses.

Testimonial by N.H., Reiki practitioner and Massage therapist: “I put Galbanum on my hands when I was doing a long distance Reiki session. I became very aware of the physical presence of the person I was working on. I could feel her liver, spleen, and lungs very clearly, as if the person was actually in the room with me. This has happened on a few different occasions. Something about Galbanum oil is very deep and very ancient.”

It helps to maintain focus. It pulls energies together. It maintains group consciousness. It is surrendering oil. This oil has a pungent, balsamic odor. “And the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each there shall be a like weight.” (Exodus 30:34)

7. HYSSOP – (Hyssopus officinalis)

Hyssop has a very long history as a cleansing herb. Both the Egyptians and the Hebrews used it. Use it to cleanse any area in which you are planning to meditate, pray or give a healing. Purging old beliefs that do not serve spiritual growth calms the internal struggle of conflicting realities and the emotional, mental, physical and etheric bodies begin to release the density of fear.

Hyssop clears the density around the aura caused by mental chatter. Hyssop is a protective herb of the heavens. It is touched with the love and protection of the Divine.

Hyssop oil initiates Divine self-acceptance and attracts the gaiety and mirth that are lost when carrying the burdens of guilt and duty. Hyssop expands lung energy by releasing guilt. Energetically Hyssop oil allows discovery of intense fears held in the unconscious mind by releasing stress held in the nervous system and allowing realization of how fe! ars have constricted nerves over time. Hyssop teaches you to be gentler with Self and not be so stern and rigid. It lessens the drive behind convictions and permits the energy to ease into relaxation. This is a good oil for “Type A” personalities, as it leads them to understanding they are the cause of their own internal pressure. When they comprehend the root of their need to be perfect, self-acceptance and compassionate tolerance are stimulated. Hyssop helps you comprehend that errors are part of learning the process and there are no mistakes. Errors are recognized as true blessings in the perfection of Divine Right Timing.

Add Hyssop oil to a spray water bottle to clear a room of charged emotion or depression. It also transmutes dense thought forms that are vibrating in a room.

Rubbing Hyssop oil on the shoulders helps reduce the tension from carrying emotional burdens. Using Hyssop on the lung reflex points of the hands and feet helps break up congestion produced by inwardly grieving. Massaging with deep pressure into the colon reflex points of the hands and feet helps release stagnated energy from the colon and purges toxins from the physical body.

It helps to rid of past conditionings. It clears dense thought forms. It clears the aura and energy fields. It clears inward grieving. It breaks up blockages from the heart and lower chakras up to the throat to clear heart to throat.

While there is some dispute among scholars as to the exact species of Biblical hyssop, an antiseptic or cleansing property is clearly implied because it was employed in many purification rites, both physical and spiritual. When King David acknowledged his offenses (adultery and murder) he cried out in repentence, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psalms 51:7)

Caution – People with epilepsy or high blood pressure should consult a health care professional before using Hyssop oil.

8. MYRRH – (Commiphora myrrha)

Myrrh oil helps a person disengage from the mass consciousness conditioning. Social norms drain a person’s spontaneous energy, obstructing the joy of being in the moment. Extended use of Myrrh oil empowers a person to develop their norms guided by Source.

Using Myrrh helps with issues of trust. Intent coupled with the oil’s gentle energy encourages looking at the fears that created the mistrust, and enables a person to admit to his loss of faith. Once resistance is acknowledged, trust in Self can begin rebuilding. Constraining emotions causes a very dense and weary feeling. People believe that denying heart feelings protects them but it only achieves keeping them in a state of separation and furthers the spell of illusion.
These denied emotions create walls of armor around the aura, which block the physical body’s ability to receive replenishing Pranic energy. Dense walls around the aura make it feel uncomfortable to be in the body. Myrrh energy generates a feeling of being enveloped in a shield of love that reflects all harmful influences and lets the heart stay open.

Massage the neck with Myrrh oil to reduce the need for control and release issues of not trusting.

Myrrh goes back at least 4,000 years. Use it as a meditation aid and before any healing session. It strengthens the Base Chakra. Myrrh is particularly valuable for people who feel “stuck” emotionally or spiritually and want to move forward in their lives.

Myrrh is used to maintain and support the state of grace. It is good for people who are afraid to speak up about their emotions. The oil creates confidence and awareness. It moves fluids and so it is good for weight loss. Its centering properties make it an excellent inhalation for compulsive eaters, in part because it connects them with the real issues and does not allow them to hide behind their food! .

This oil helps us to realize that we need to let go of o ur wounds, forgive and move forward. Energetically it helps overcome the martyr’s burden of suffering and sorrow. It is an excellent oil for the healer who carries the pain of those she works to heal. This fragrance enables the letting go of the need to stand up for the just against the unjust. Myrrh has a sesquiterpene level of 62%.

Queen Esther was massaged with oil of myrrh for six months in preparation for her marriage to the king (Esther 2:12). Myrrh was used in burial (John 19:39). It was the main ingredient of the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:23). It was also highly regarded by David and Solomon, “I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, and aloes and cinnamon.” (Proverbs 7:17)

9. MYRTLE – (Myrtus communis)

The fragrance of myrtle allows entrance to the pure and absolute, where ego has no entrance, where all is One and One becomes all. Its spirit is truth, forgiveness, and divine love that embrace all living beings. Myrtle oil balances the inner male and female traits and achieves harmony by resolving internal conflict and confusion.

In ancient times the Myrtle tree embodied the Sumerian Mother of Heaven, Marienna. The Goddess Aphrodite also was represented by this tree. Myrtle oil helps us understand the impermanent nature of matter. Once we understand this it resolves the conflict between the Soul’s immortality and the personality’s impatience.

Myrtle represents Divine feminine energy. In the Bible, Queen Esther’s Hebrew name was Hadassah which means “myrtle.” (Esther 2:7) Esther was her Persian name.

This oil is helpful with allergies because it helps us gain insight into the something or someone that we are irritated with.

Myrtle has been researched by Daniel Penoel, MD, for normalizing hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries. It balances hypothyroidism. It is also a liver stimulant and may release anger.

Myrtle branches are still used by the Jews for the Feast of Tabernacles. “Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths, as it is written.” (Nehemiah 8:15)

10. ONYCHA – (Styrax benzoin)

No matter what touches the spirit, the soul must be allowed to speak, to be able to penetrate to the core of being. This resin is the holder of the energies and fire of sunlight. It opens the heart and mind to receive gifts that have been denied. It allows the spirit to receive from the soul in feeling, in knowing, in just being.

Onycha can be a pathway to understanding when all is confusion. It can assist in making choices with the heart. It can help guide us home to the inner sanctum of the soul.

Onycha tells us not to dismiss things that are difficult, but to hear the messages of the soul and be guided by them. It gives us peace and understanding on the pathway to inner enlightenment. It is a good oil for spiritual protection.

Patricia Davis, “I use Benzoin (onycha) to help people who are sad and lonely, depressed or anxious…We might perhaps see here an echo of its former use to ‘cast out devils’, for what are the devils of our time, if not such psychological states as these.” Onycha is a great comforter and acts like a shield against outside events and disturbances. It is beneficial to an irritated nervous system and balances the hormonal system.

Onycha was an ingredient in the holy anointing oil of the Bible. And the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each there shall be a like weight. And you shall make it a pefume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy.” (Exodus 30:34-35)

11. ROSE OF SHARON/CISTUS – (Cistus ladanifer)

Also called Rock Rose or labdanum. This is a fragrance of prophecy, visions and all quests for truth. Rose of Sharon cannot provide answers, nor can it speak, but it stimulates the eternal knowledge that is intrinsic to all human beings. Rose of Sharon brings awareness that the universal spirit can be glimpsed and absorbed into our very being, although the complete merging with God must remain just out of reach while we fulfill our role here on earth.

Not a true rose (Rosa damascena) the beautiful blooms of this plant have a soft honey-like scent and are thought to be the flowers of a shrub that grows wild on the Plains of Sharon just west of Jerusalem. “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valley.” (Song of Solomon 2:1)

12. SPIKENARD – (Nardostachys jatamansi)

Known as Jatamansi in India, it is one of the best oils for calming the nerves. It is grounding and settles an out-of-balance mind. It is a post-digestive oil in India. (One drop taken near the end of the meal calms the stomach.) It is a stimulant to the male hormonal system bringing courage and power. It helps people feel in charge of their lives.

In preparation for the departure of the spirit to the heavens, spikenard allows us to release our fears of the unknown and have the courage to step forward. Spikenard helps to reconcile all that has happened to us in this lifetime upon the earth, and to make peace with those who have hurt us. It is a fragrance of forgiveness. Its purpose is to release the past from the shackles of our own making, those that relentlessly bind us to repeating actions that affect the freedom of the spirit.

This is the oil that Mary Magdeline anointed Jesus’ feet in early in his ministry (Luke 7:36-38). It is the same oil Mary, the sister of Lazarus, applied to Jesus feet again six days before he was crucified (John 12:1-3) Some of the disciples weren’t happy with her action, as the oil was very costly. Jesus responded to them, saying, “Let her alone: against the day of My burying has she kept this.” (John 12:4-8). Perhaps the anointing was to prepare Jesus for his coming death, or to support him in forgiving all the injustices that had been done to him, or perhaps it was to bolster his courage to complete the life of which he knew the ending.

A very expensive oil, spikenard was sealed in alabaster boxes. “And being in Bethany; in the house of Simon the leper; as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard, very precious, and she brake the box, and poured it on his head.” (Mark 14:3)

The following resources were used to compile this article:

  1. The Bible, Authorized King James Version
  2. Notes from Young Living Level ll Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2000.
  3. Vibrational Healing, Deborah Eidson Frog Ltd., 2000.
  4. The Fragrant Heavens, Valerie Ann Wormwood, New World Library, 1999.
  5. Subtle Aromatherapy, Patricia Davis, Saffron Walden, 1991.
  6. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy, Dr. Light Miller, N.D., Lotus Press, 1995.
  7. Meditations & Rituals Using Aromatherapy, Gill Farrer-Halls, Sterling Publishing Co., 2001.
  8. Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, Gabriel Mojay, Healing Arts Press, 1997.

Judy DeRuvo is a Young Living Gold Distributor and Abundance Team Group Leader. 

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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