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What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the application of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Oils may be applied to stimulate healing in both humans and animals. They may also be applied to maintain existing health, promoting wellness and optimal well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Essential Oils are extracts from the plant fluids that maintain plant life. These fluids and resins move through the plant’s circulatory system in the leaves, stems, roots, and flowers, carrying nutrition to the plant cells and carrying waste products out, just as human blood functions in the body. Because essential oils are composed of the tiniest of organic molecules they can pass through cell walls and membranes delivering therapeutic benefits, not only to the plants that create them, but to people as well. They are God’s natural medicine and have been recognized and used by humans for over 5,000 years that we know of. Essential oils are mentioned over 500 times in the Bible and were used by Moses, Aaron, Mary and Joseph. Jesus also received and used them, teaching his disciples to anoint the sick with oil and heal them. (Mark 6:12-13).

Aromatherapists apply essential oils in several ways. They can be inhaled, where the molecules of oil enter the blood stream via the lungs and travel to the organs and tissues of the body where they can administer their benefits. In some cases they can also be taken orally. Most commonly they are rubbed directly on the skin, usually the feet or the back, and are often diluted with a natural carrier oil, such as olive, almond, or grape seed. In all cases, the small essential oil molecules penetrate into the body and assist in obtaining a balance that can lead to strength and health.

	 CARE's Education Programs The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education

Carrier oils, which are used to dilute the powerfully concentrated essential oils, are the fatty oils we like to eat. Corn, Peanut, and Olive oils are examples. Food oils are not essential oils. They are produced in the seeds of plants where they stay and do not circulate. They do not circulate because they are composed of large molecules that cannot easily penetrate tissues. Neither are they aromatic. God created the food oils, not only for us to eat as humans, but also as food for the young, germinating plant. Plants have to create their own food. In order to do so they must have roots, stems and leaves. But when a seed is first planted, there are no roots, stems and leaves. So God provided a drop of fatty oil in the seed to nourish the budding plant until it can capture the sunlight and rain and make its own food.

Raindrop technique is a method of applying a variety of essential oils to the feet and back that may bring many benefits to the receiver.

The essential oils used in aromatherapy have many advantages over many other modes of healing, such as pharmaceuticals. To learn more about the benefits of essential oils and how they can enrich your life, check out the books, videos, and training seminars offered by CARE.

The Certified CARE Instructor Program Outlined

The Certified CARE Instructor Program is a structured curriculum that provides education to those desiring to learn basic therapeutic application and theory of essential oils. Through a combination of course work, practice, and practice teaching, students may acquire the knowledge and skill to become Certified Trainers and members of the CARE Faculty, authorized to teach and certify others in the name of CARE according to CARE policies.

  • Aromatherapy Defined

  • Raindrop Defined

  • Privileges of the Certified CARE Instructor (CCI)

  • Responsibilities of the Certified CARE Instructor

  • The CCI Curriculum

  • Required Texts and Videos

  • Applying for CCI Certification

  • Fees & Dues Associated with the CCI Program

  • Register for a CARE Intensive or other CARE Seminar

CCI Certification is a teaching credential associated with the Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education. The CCI Program was developed to train individuals to become Raindrop practitioners and teachers in the faculty of CARE. However, it is not necessary to be certified to perform Raindrop Technique and anyone is welcome to take the formal classes in the CCI Program for the information and training they provide regardless of whether they have any intention of completing the full CCI Program.

The information contained on this website is drawn primarily from the Official CCI Handbook and is updated as new printings of the Handbook are issued.

If you are interested in becoming a Certified CARE Instructor and a member of the CARE faculty, please explore the information contained on this website thoroughly. If you desire additional information or clarification regarding the CCI Program, please contact us.

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The Raindrop Messenger is the official newsletter of CARE., The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education.

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