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Certified CARE Instructor (CCI) Curriculum
The CARE Certification and Training Program was developed to train individuals to become Raindrop Facilitators and Teachers. However, it is not necessary to be certified to do and teach raindrop. Most people take the CARE training classes for the skills and information they provide without ever completing the rest of the requirements for certification. CARE Classes are open to the public with no pre-requisites. One does not need to have any prior experience or training in massage, aromatherapy, or any other healing modality. Anyone is welcome to take CARE’s formal 25-hour course curriculum in whole or in part regardless of whether they intend to complete the full CCI Program or not.
A Certified CARE Instructor (CCI) is a member of the CARE Faculty and is authorized to teach courses in Bible Oils (History of Anointing & Laying on of Hands), Raindrop Technique, and Applied Vitaflex in the name of CARE for CARE credit. Upon fulfilling certain other requirements beyond the basic certification, CCIs may also be authorized to teach classes on Emotional Release with Oils and Introductory Essential Oil Chemistry on behalf of CARE. “CCI” is a teaching credential.
There are 23 requirements toward becoming a CCI. Upon completion of the first 14, you become a CCA (CARE Class Assistant). Upon completing the first 21 requirements, you become a CARE Intern or CI. Upon successfully teaching your Internship Class as a CI, in the presence of a Supervising CCI, you become a CCI or Certified CARE Instructor.
The information on CCI requirements given below is an outline and does not include all of the details. For complete information on the CARE Certification Program you need to obtain a copy of the Certified CARE Instructors Handbook (CCI Handbook). They may be purchased from CARE via the Books and DVDs portion of this web site.
CCI requirements fall into seven categories as follows:
- Formal In-Class Requirements
- Return Demonstration and Oral Exam
- More Non-Classroom Practice
- CARE Class Assistant Teaching
- Scriptural Oils Class
- Required Read Materials
- Required DVDs
- Be an Active YLEO Distributor
- Agree to Abide by CARE Principles
- Written Final Exam
- Application for Internship Approval
- Non-Credit Teaching Practice
- CCI Internship Teaching
Formal In-Class Requirements
Requirement 1
Participate in at least one CARE Hands-on Seminar on Applied Vitaflex.
4 hrs credit
Requirement 2
Participate in one (8-hour) CARE Raindrop Technique Hands-On Training Seminars, RD I and RD II. (Note: Vitaflex is pre-requisite to taking Raindrop.)
8 hrs credit
Requirement 3
Participate in one (5-hour) CARE Emotional Release Demonstration Class. (It is recommended that one take the Raindrop class before taking the CARE Emotional Release Class, but this is not required.)
5 hrs credit
Requirement 4
Attend one (2-hour) History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands program.
(No prerequisites)
2 hrs credit
Requirement 5
Participate in (6-hour) of CARE Essential Oil Chemistry.
(No prerequisites)
6 hrs credit
Comment to Those Who Have Received YLEO Training:
Young Living Essential Oils, Inc. (YLEO) has offered excellent training in vitaflex, raindrop, essential oil chemistry, and emotional release, which we highly recommend. However, such training does not count for CARE credit toward becoming a Certified CARE Instructor. People who have taken YLEO training courses, Levels I and II, find that also taking the CARE Classes greatly enhances their skill, knowledge, and understanding. CARE Classes are limited in size to no more than 10 students per teacher and usually have an even fewer students per teacher. Thus, CARE Classes offer a great deal of personal one-on-one instruction and training not possible in very large groups. CARE Classes also offer a considerable amount of information, as well as additional skills, not included in YLEO classes.
Purchase, Study, and Practice with CARE DVDs
Requirement 6
Obtain, View, Study, and Practice With CARE DVD/Videos of Applied Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique. Following the completion of the CARE Vitaflex and Raindrop Classes as a CCI Candidate you must have or obtain copies of the CARE DVD/Videos on Vitaflex and Raindrop . You must watch them, take notes on them, and practice doing the techniques as they play until you have the techniques and the information well in mind. The CARE Raindrop DVD/Video is complete with nothing omitted for doing a complete Raindrop. It is paced so that those learning the technique can play the video and do an actual Raindrop along with the video. See Req. 17 for a listing of the Vitaflex and Raindrop video/DVDs. Verification of your completing this requirement is by yourself signing it off. We trust you.
6 hours credit
Non-Classroom Practicums
Requirement 7
Practice Vitaflex (with or without oils) on 10 different people as presented in the CARE Vitaflex Seminar, as seen on the CARE Vitaflex Video, and as given in the CARE Vitaflex Notes given in the CARE Class.
(Also see Req. 9)
10 hours credit
Requirement 8
Practice the full Raindrop Technique 15 times on at least 10 different people. Have each sign off on the certification check list.
(Also see Req. 10)
15 hours credit
Non-Classroom Teaching
Requirement 9
Teach six people the Vitaflex techniques (in six sessions) as presented in the CARE Vitaflex Seminar, given in the CARE Class Notes, and demonstrated on the CARE Vitaflex video.
6 hrs credit
Requirement 10
Teach six people the Raindrop Technique (in six sessions) as presented in the CARE Raindrop Seminar, given in the CARE Class Notes, and demonstrated on the CARE Raindrop video.
6 hrs credit
Return Demonstration and Oral Exam
Requirement 11
CCI Candidates shall make an appointment with a Supervising CCI to demonstrate their ability to perform the basic Vitaflex techniques and a complete Raindrop Technique as taught in the CARE Seminars and demonstrated on the CARE videos. Before taking the Return Demonstration and Oral Exam, the CCI Candidate must have completed requirements 1 thru 10.
To locate a Supervising CCI nearest your area, consult the online Directory of Certified CARE Instructors or contact CARE. There is customarily a non-refundable fee for this hands-on exam, payable to the examining CCI.
The decision on pass/fail for the exam is made by the examining CCI. If the student does not pass, they will be instructed as to their deficiencies and given an opportunity to reschedule another exam. The examiner’s fee is non-refundable and must be paid each time the exam is taken.
Upon successful completion of the Return Demonstration and Oral Exam, the CCI Candidate becomes a CCA or “CARE Class Assistant.” CCAs may assist other CCIs in teaching CARE Classes, including assisting in a 3 or 4-day CARE 25-hour Intensive.
4 hrs credit
More Non-Classroom Practice
Requirement 12
Non-Classroom Practicums of Vitaflex (2nd Set) Details of Req. 12 are the same as for Req. 7 except, instead of 10 Vitaflex practicums, only 6 are necessary. The reason for some additional Vitaflex practice at this point in your journey toward certification is this: Now you have passed your Return Demo (Req. 11) and have been critiqued, corrected, and tweaked in your techniques to make sure that your Vitaflex performance is in greater harmony with the CARE manner of practice. It has been said that “Practice makes perfect.” But this is not always true. “Only perfect practice makes perfect.” Now that you have been tested and have passed the exam, your practice should be better and more nearly perfect, so you will be more ready for the remaining requirements (such as Reqs. 14, 22, and 23). In this requirement, as in Req. 7, you are to practice Vitaflex correctly on at least six (6) different people as taught at a CARE Vitaflex class and as seen on the CARE Vitaflex Video/DVD. Have each person receiving your practice sign off on your certification check list. Some of these can be the same ones you practiced on for Req. 7. Oils are optional except for the Ear Vitaflex. If you wish, you may use your notes.
6 hours credit
Requirement 13
Non-Classroom Practicums of Raindrop (2nd Set) The details of this requirement are the same as for Req. 8, except instead of 15 Raindrop practicums only 10 are necessary to meet this requirement. The reason for more Raindrop practice at this point, as you move toward certification, is this: Now you have passed your Return Demo (Req. 11) and have been critiqued, corrected, and tweaked in your techniques to make sure that your Raindrop performance is in greater conformance with the version of Raindrop as taught by CARE. This is your opportunity to do ten (10) more practice Raindrop sessions to perfect your technique. If appropriate, you may charge your clients for these sessions. However, there may be state laws prohibiting charging for sessions such this.
10 hours credit
CARE Class Assistant Teaching
Requirement 14
Assist Teaching Vitaflex and Raindrop Techniques in a CARE Intensive. To be eligible to do the Assistantship Class, the Candidate must have completed all previous Reqs. 1 – 13. The CCA Candidate must arrange their Assistantship Class with an SCCI, FCCI, or LCCI. This shall be at least 60 days before the CARE Intensive date chosen and agreed upon with the selected Supervisor. The date of the chosen class must be no less than 30 days after successfully completing the Return Demo (Req. 11). In order to find and choose a class to assist, visit the CARE website at for a current calendar of CARE Intensives. Or you may choose a specific Supervising CARE Instructor and work with their schedule of planned classes.
12 hours credit
Scriptural Oils Class
Requirement 15
Do one History of Anointing & Laying On of Hands Program with at least three people present. Three persons present must sign your requirement check list. This can be done as a public program or as an informal presentation in a home with a few friends and relatives in the living room or around a kitchen table.
2 hours credit
Required Reading
Requirement 16
Requirement 16 specifies that students in the CCI Program must own personal copies of the following texts (couples may share):
Certified Care Instructor’s Handbook
published by CARE, Marble Hill, MO. Paperback.
Complete information on how to become a Certified CARE Instructor and receive training in Basic Aromatherapy, Raindrop, Vitaflex, Essential Oil Chemistry, Emotional Release, and History of Anointing & Laying On of Hands.
The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by David Stewart, PhD. D.N.M.
First edition, CARE Publications, Marble Hill, MO.
Hardback 896 pp.ISBN 0-934426-99-6.
Whether you have a background in chemistry or not, you will understand and enjoy this book. It will enlighten and entertain you while demonstrating, by the chemistry of essential oils, that God’s power and divine nature can be seen through the things he has made. (Romans 1:20) Based on both science and scripture, this book reveals the harmony between the two. Dr. Stewart describes the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world to explain how oils bring healing. Containing analyses of more than 100 essential oils cross indexed by more than 40 tables containing more than 600 compounds, this is the most comprehensive chemistry book on essential oils ever compiled, and the easiest to use and comprehend.
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
by Karol Truman, published by Olympus Distributing, St. George, Utah.
ISBN 0-911207-02-3
Excellent resource for personal growth. Clearly explains the connection between buried emotions and physical disease. Practical techniques for getting in touch with one’s emotions and healing one’s problems.
Healing for the Age of Enlightenment
by Stanley Burroughs, 2nd printing, published by Burroughs Books, Reno, Nevada. paperback.
ISBN 0-9639262-1-7
Stanley Burroughs brought Vitaflex from Tibet and India to the U.S. This is the definitive English text on the topic. Everyone who wants to learn Vitaflex should own a personal copy of this book. Also discusses lemonade cleansing diet and color therapy.
Healing Oils of the Bible
by Dr. David Stewart, published by CARE Publications, Marble Hill, MO. paperback 324 pp.ISBN 0-934426-98-8
Over 500 Biblical references to essential oils, aromatic plants, and/or their uses. Book is both scriptural and scientific. Healing is a sacred art, not a secular science. Contains notes on how you can do a Bible Oils Program in your community.
Heal Your Body
by Louise Hay
Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California.
Quality paperback. ISBN 0–937611–35–2
This small insightful book is packed with useful information. It lists hundreds of diseases and conditions from A to Z, correlates them with specific emotions, and provides an affirmation to facilitate healing. Includes a table of each and every vertebra with corresponding mental or emotional states so that when your back goes out at a specific place, you can deal with it spiritually. A simple, quick, and effective reference to keep on hand.
A Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique, by Dr. David Stewart, CARE Publications, Marble Hill, MO.
A landmark body of data and research. The first study ever published on Raindrop Technique. Many testimonials. Presents pros and cons as well as suggestions to prevent problems. Clearly demonstrates that Raindrop Technique is both safe and effective.
Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
by Carolyn Mein, Vision Ware Press, Rancho Santa Fe, California. ISBN 0-9661381-3-9
Many charts and tables on finding specific locations that emotions can be stored in the body. How to release them with essential oils and heal the physical conditions they may cause.
Every CCI Candidate is required to own a good general aromatherapy reference on the applications and chemistry of essential oils. There are two books we recommend and either of them will suffice to fulfil this requirement.
They are as follows:
REFERENCE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS (RGEO). (Any Edition okay) by Connie and Alan Higley, Abundant Health Publishing. Coil Bound. ISBN 0-9706583-0-3
ESSENTIAL OILS DESK REFERENCE (EODR) (Any Edition okay) edited by Brian Manwaring, Essential Science Publishing, Hardcover, ISBN 0-943685-39-7
Both of these are definitive references on applied aromatherapy and contain essentially the same material. Each book has some unique information not found in the others, but 70-80% of the material in each of these books overlaps with the other two. You really only need one of them. Suitable for health care professionals and the public at large. Practical info on use of essential oils that anyone can study, understand, and apply. A treasure trove of useful knowledge for personal and family health. Currently available in thier 8th and 3rd editions, respectively. Any edition, however old, of either of these publications will suffice to fulfill the CCI requirement. Both are available through CARE and this website at this time.
Recommended Texts (But Not Required)
Advanced Aromatherapy (1998)
by Kurt Schnaubelt, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont. Paperback 138 pages.
ISBN 0-89281-743-7
A More Excellent Way (2002)
by Pastor Henry Wright, Pleasant Valley Publications, Thomason, Georgia. Paperback 303 pages.
ISBN 0-9678059-1-0
This is one of the best books available on healing by dealing with the spiritual/emotional roots of disease. Solidly based on New and Old Testament scripture, Pastor Wright has resurrected the miraculous healing techniques of Christ’s disciples and early Christians and makes them applicable and useable for us today.
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals (1999)
by Shirley and Len Price, 2nd edition, published by Churchill Livingstone, NY, paperback. 391 pp.
ISBN 0-443-06210-2
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism & the Foundation of Life (1985)
by Robert Decker & Gary Selden. William Morrow, New York. paperbk. 324 pp.
ISBN 0-688-06971-1
Electromagnetic Pollution: Hidden Stress to Your System (2000)
by Sabina DeVita, Wellness Institute, Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Paperback 84 pp. ISBN 0-934425-94-5
Effects on people of radio waves, microwaves, computer radiation, and other EM fields in our environment. Explains symptoms of EM pollution you may have experienced and gives practical information on protecting one’s self.
Medical Aromatherapy (1999)
by Kurt Schnaubelt, distributed by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California. Paperback 296 pp.
ISBN 0-883319-69-2
Molecules of Emotion: Science of Mind/Body Medicine (1999) by Candace Pert, Simon & Shuster, New York. Paperback 368 pp. ISBN 0-684-84634-9
Easy-to-understand narrative by a Director of the National Institutes of Health on how cells communicate by sending molecules as messengers back and forth. Solid science enjoyably spoken in understandable English.
Structure and Function of the Body (2000)
11th edition, by Gary Thibodeau and Kevin Patton, Mosby Health Sciences Publications, St. Louis, Missouri. Paperback full color printing throughout. 552 pp.
ISBN 0-323-01081-4
Required DVD’s
Requirement 17
Requirement 17 specifies that students in the CCI Program must own personal copies of the following videos (couples may share). Note that there are two versions of Raindrop available on video. Both are required for CCI Certification.
Raindrop Technique (RDDD) (2002) as taught by Dr. Gary Young in Dallas in 2000. Everything you need to know to do raindrop–theory and practice. Paced so you can practice along with the DVD. Includes 12 pages of notes.
120 minutes.
Emotional Release with Essential Oils (ERD) (2005) Emotional Release with Essential Oils includes a lecture by Dr. David Stewart, which is a normal part of every CARE Class on emotional release and was actually filmed during such a class. The lecture includes the science, theory, and art of emotional releasing along with a review of various useful resources and how to use them.
The lecture is followed by an actual demonstration by Dr. Stewart on a class volunteer. Includes 18 pages of detailed notes. While primarily intended to prepare raindrop practitioners to deal with unexpected, spontaneous releases by their clients during a raindrop session, The DVD plus the notes comprises an excellent introduction to the process of emotional releasing assisted by a facilitator as well as emotional releasing yourself without a facilitator. 140 minutes.
Applied Vitaflex (AVD) (2002) demonstrated by Dr. David Stewart Theory and practice of Vitaflex s used in Raindrop and ten other applications for immune, circulatory, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, skeletal, and respiratory systems, as well as the sense of hearing. Includes ten pages of notes. 120 minutes.
Healing Oils of the Bible (HOBD) presented by Dr. David Stewart. This is a Bible Oils program you can do. In this DVD, Dr. Stewart shows you how and includes 20 pages of written notes as well. A Great Program for church, home, or community, large groups or small.
120 minutes
For Ordering Information on these books and DVDs visit CARE’s online Books and DVDs. Secure Credit Card payments and Mail Order options are available.
Be an Active YLEO Brand Partner
Requirement 18
All CCIs and CCI Candidates must be active Brand Partners of Young Living. This is to ensure that only good quality therapeutic grade oils are used in performing Raindrop Technique. The YLEO Member Number should be entered on the Candidate’s check list along with the name of sponsor and upline. (This information is available by calling YLEO)
Agree to Abide by CARE Principles
Requirement 19
All CCI Candidates must sign a statement with CARE agreeing to honor and comply with CARE policies and procedures as contained in the CCI Handbook.
Written Final Exam
Requirement 20
Written Take-home, Open-Book Final Exam. CCI Candidates may obtain a copy of the exam from CARE any time after they have started taking the CARE Classes. It may be downloaded from the CARE website: If this does not work for you, contact CARE and a copy will be sent to you.
Completed exams are to be submitted to CARE when applying for certification approval and not before. (See Req. 21). The material in the exam is taken from the required texts and DVDs specified in Reqs. 6, 16 & 17, as well as from the written materials distributed in CARE Classes.
The exam’s purpose is to guide you through the resources to help you focus on the important points and assimilate them. The exam will also help you generate a set of well-organized notes to use as a resource in your teaching. Hence, part of your grade will be based on neatness and how well the notes will serve as a reference for you.
A passing grade is 97% or better. If you score less than 97%, the missed questions will be noted and you will be asked to resubmit correct answers for those questions until you pass. While this requirement earns 38 hours of CARE credit, expect to spend more than 38 hours to complete the exam.
38 hrs credit
Application for Internship Approval
Requirement 21
Upon completion of all requirements listed above, the CCI Candidate may apply for CARE Intern status by submitting the following items to CARE.
Please allow 40 days for processing:
- Completed Certification Check List. (If you have several of these partially completed but with everything fulfilled by combining the forms, submit all of them stapled together as a unit.)
- Your Completed Final Exam. If not passing, you will be notified of questions for which to resubmit answers until you pass.
- $175 One-Time CI Application Fee, to grade exam, issue the CI Certificate, and process the application.
Make checks to CARE.
Non-Credit Teaching Practice
Requirement 22
Teach Non-Credit Basic Set for Practice Before organizing your Internship Class, which is a real CARE Class for CARE Credit for which students pay, you must do one practice session for no credit following the class outlines in the CARE Instructors Manual. Arrange for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 people to take the practice seminar in Raindrop and Vitaflex. There should be little or no charge for the class, and the students coming need to be informed that for you this is practice and for them this is for information and training only, no credit.
The class is to be structured exactly as you will structure your Internship Class (Req. 23), a Basic Set including 4 hours of Vitaflex and 8 hours of Raindrop. This will have to be over a two-day period. Don’t try to do it all in one day. This will be unobserved and on your own, but evaluation forms must be mailed to CARE for every student taking the class, along with their addresses, emails and phones. These will go on file as verification that you fulfilled this requirement. This requirement is intended to help you prepare for the real thing in Req. 23 where you can accept up to 10 students and do the class as a stand-alone seminar or as part of a full CARE Intensive in with your Mentoring SCCI.
12 hours credit
CCI Internship Teaching
Requirement 23
Teach One Basic Set of Official CARE Classes, in the presence of a CARE Supervisor (following the outlines in the CARE Instructors Manual). There must be a minimum of 5 attending students (10 maximum) who will be asked to complete evaluation forms to be collected by the Observing SCCI. Copies or the evaluation forms and Examining SCCI report are to be received by CARE. The role of the attending SCCI will be as an observer and not as an assistant. However, the Observing SCCI may find it necessary to make corrections to things you say or demonstrate to make sure the students receive proper and correct training and information, since, for the students, this will be taken for CARE credit toward certification. If the Observing SCCI has to step in too much to keep the teaching up to CARE Standards, this will be deemed as a failing performance and another CARE Internship class will need to be scheduled in order to pass Req. 23.
12 hours credit