For the last 100 years, since genes were discovered, the medical world, and most of the public, have come to believe that genes invariably determine our physical characteristics, our mental attributes, and our predispositions to disease or health which we can do nothing about. We have been taught that “we can’t change our genes” and, therefore, our lives, our destinies and our health are predetermined beyond our control. For example, Doctors may tell us that if “cancer, depression, or diabetes runs in the family,” then it is probably “genetic” and we can expect to suffer the same. To believe something is “genetic” has been used to absolve us of any responsibility in contracting a malady or fixing it and to absolve health care givers of any responsibility to heal us. This philosophy is called “Genetic Determinism.”
However, during the last 50 years scientists have discovered that genetic determinism is wrong. While true to a degree in that our genes do play a major part in our destinies of who we are, our state of wellness, and what we can accomplish — the truth is that genes are just programs and are controlled from the outside, not from within. Certain undesirable programs may be in our DNA, but we don’t have to run them and we can turn them off if we choose. We don’t have to let them control us. Furthermore, the same genetic program in our DNA can run in different ways, some for good and some for bad, depending on environmental factors including our feelings and intent. For example, the expressions of or genes are subject to prayer.
The new science of “Epigenetics” teaches us how to alter and control the expressions of our genes. This book teaches us to rule our genes instead of allowing our genes to rule us. Essential oils can’t change the physical structure of your DNA, but they can cause your genetic programs to manifest differently and positively. With over 100,000 copies in print, “The Genie in Your Genes” was awarded recognition as a “Best Health Book” by USA Book News and as “A Book of the Year in Psychology,” by Foreword Magazine. This book is the latest science made practical for the general public in our time.
Energy Psychology Press, Santa Rosa, California, 395 pages, paperback, 6×9, Indexed