2025 Advanced Bible Oils Returning Student


Advanced Bible Oils is required for all new CCIs who have not yet taken this class. CIs are welcome to attend and fulfill this requirement before becoming a CCI. This class is also open to the public upon registration. It is recommended that participants have previously completed CARE’s History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands before attending this class. Repeat students of Advanced Bible Oils may attend at half price.

SKU: 2025-Advanced-Bible-Oils-1 Category: Tag:
Brand: Care International - Marble Hill Missouri - USA


Advanced Bible Oils is a wonderful in-depth review of essential oils and practices of the ancient Hebrews and early Christians in scripture. We will also discuss the history of the Bible and learn how to study scripture in such a way that it will enrich your experience. As part of this class we will go through the entire History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands (HAL; formerly known as Healing Oils of the Bible) class as presented by CARE along with Q and A. The primary focus of this class is to educate CARE Instructors on how to teach HAL, but there is much more information presented that is useful to anyone who has an interest in the Bible and essential oils.

Advanced Bible Oils is required for all new CCIs who have not yet taken this class. CARE Interns (CIs) are welcome to attend and fulfill this requirement before becoming a CCI. This class is also open to the public upon registration. It is recommended, but not required, that participants complete CARE’s History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands before attending.

Repeat students of Advanced Bible Oils may attend at half price.

Advanced Bible Oils is approved for 8 CE Hours through NCBTMB.

Additional information


Anthony Stewart, FCCI
Executive Director of CARE International

Pre-Class Assignments

1. Obtain a personal copy and read the book, Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart.

2. Obtain a personal copy and view the DVD, Healing Oils of the Bible.

3. Choose at least three books from the Bible to read and study from beginning to end. Please make sure that you read at least one book from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and one book from the New Testament. 4. You may choose either part of the Bible for the third book. While studying, take notes on the following: (1) References to oils or plants, if any; (2) Verses that are difficult to understand, or of interest to you; (3) References that may connect to other books of the Bible, if any (e.g., Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:8-12).

4. OPTIONAL: Obtain a personal copy and read the book, Healing: God’s Forgotten Gift, and fill out the blanks for students to answer (if this book is available, or if you already have a copy).

5. OPTIONAL: Obtain a personal copy and view the DVD, Healing: God’s Forgotten Gift, for both leader and student (if this DVD set is available, or if you already have a copy).

Things to Bring to Class

1. Your copy of the book Healing Oils of the Bible.

2. Your copy of the book Healing: God’s Forgotten Gift (if available).

3. A copy of the Bible.

4. A bottle of your favorite Biblical oil with which you want to be anointed.

5. A notebook and pen.

Workshop Content

Part of the class’s intent is to introduce unusual situations in which you may find yourself when teaching HAL. For example, you may have attendees who are not of a Judeo-Christian heritage, and who do not consider the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and/or the New Testament their scriptures, which can be challenging. A brief description of many religions will be given along with what to expect. We will also look at the rich history of the Bible, and how it developed over the millennia into its present form, among many other fascinating topics!