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Marie Koepke

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Marie Koepke

Marie Koepke
Marie Koepke – A Step in Thyme Reflexology & ARomatherapy
Email Address
Phone Number
(970) 531-3528
345 Zerex St Unit 4 PO Box 393, Fraser, CO 80442
A little about me
Marie Koepke has been teaching for CARE as a Certified CARE Instructor since 2004. ​Currently, a Lifetime C.A.R.E. Instructor, teaching applied aromatherapy classes in chemistry, Raindrop Technique, Basic VitaFlex, Emotional Releasing and Biblical Oils through out the USA. She has had advance training in both Chemistry and Emotional Release with Essential Oils, with Dr. David Stewart and special training in Ecuador with Dr. Gary Young on Raindrop Technique in May 2007. She has also had advance training in Vibrational Raindrop Technique (Aromatherapy & Tuning Forks) with Dr. Christi Bonds-Garrett.She has experience with animal raindrop taken classes with Candace Hoke and applies the raindrop technique with all of her animals. In addition to teaching for CARE she is a Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist by the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB). She also holds a certificate in Facial Reflexology by the International Facial Reflex Therapy (Sorensistem method) and is a hands-on instructor for Facial Reflexology. A Registered Nurse who’s specialty was Surgical ICU /Open Heart/Trauma and Emergency Room nursing. Currently she has her own practice in the high altitude of the Colorado Rockies where she has a private practice in Reflexology & Aromatherapy. As an active member with Young Living Essential Oils she assists her team members in a healthy, active lifestyle with the use of essential oils. To join her team of oilers click on this URL
Certified CARE Instructor Member
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