Karen Birdsall
Karen Birdsall
Name Karen Birdsall
Designations FCCI, LMT, BCTMB,
Email Address ksbirdsall59@gmail.com
Phone Number 913-449-5064
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Karen Birdsall
Address 27233 Tonganoxie Road Leavenworth, KS 66048
A little about me My journey through life has been to try as much as I can and celebrate the failures as much as the successes. I feel massage school was the hardest thing I have done in my life. Many fails came into play and I wondered if I was on the right path. With perseverance and faith, I made it through all those tough classes. Failure is where I learn. Painful as it may have seemed at the time, my job is to be present with it to become who God designed me to be. Not to become who others think I should be. Finding comfort in being me, weaknesses and strengths, has taken years and I am grateful of the process. My journey through CARE has been met with some failures and many more successes. I don’t believe for a minute I would be where I am if it weren’t for encouragement from my friends, family and the good which CARE provides in all that they do. Becoming an FCCI was indeed a full score of hard work and worth every minute of it. As an instructor I have met so many people of greatness! It warms my heart observing these souls work so hard to learn a new skill and envision how they will use it as they continue on in their life. I found this quote and have saved it for many years because I am so good at avoiding some forms of work and wonder where the magic is. “The magic that you are looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.” ~Unknown