3 DAY Intensive – New Vienna, Ohio
Attend This Training
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Instructor: Traci Schneider FCCI, LSH, CRTS
History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands 2 HRS
Applied Vitaflex 4 HRS
Raindrop Technique 8 HRS
Emotional Release 5 HRS
Chemistry of Essential Oils 6 HRS
This Intensive will provide practical applied aromatherapy skills for anyone choosing to learn about and integrate essential oils in to their daily lives or to empower the wellbeing of themselves, family, and friends. As well as for health professionals who desire to learn about and/or integrate essential oils into their practice.
Participants completing the training will:
~ Understand the fundamentals of aromatherapy
~ Learn the historical Biblical uses of healing oils plus for modern times
~ Understand the science and chemistry of essential oils
~ Learn to apply useful skills in Vitaflex for health balancing
~ Learn to do Raindrop Technique
~ Learn how essential oils can be used for emotional release
Raindrop originated in the 1980’s through the research and teaching of Dr. D. Gary Young. Raindrop is a powerful, non-invasive tool integrating the art of aromatic science with the technique of Vitaflex and gentle applications of Young Living Essential Oils on the feet and back. The intention of Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone at a cellular level bringing the body into structural and electrical balance, enabling the release of toxins wherever they may be. This may include those lodged in the mind and emotions.
Vitaflex is an ancient healing modality that was rediscovered by Stanley Burroughs in the late 1920’s. Vitaflex is a digital electrical stimulation that activates neuro-pathways, delivering benefits of the essential oils. The body has a self-regulating electrical system that Vitaflex stimulates. It is similar to reflexology.
Ancient Scripture is full of hundreds of references to “precious” oils: Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard, Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more. They were considered: “the best products of the land,” “the work of a skilled apothecary,” “most holy” and “treasured gifts.” This seminar will help clarify the valuable roles of essential oils in ancient and modern-day health care and show how our Creator intricately designed them.
During an Emotional Release session, essential oils and blends are both applied topically and inhaled. These blends are formulated for their potential properties in:
~ Balancing energies in the body and opening the subconscious mind,
~ Promoting emotional release of stored memories, and
~ Promoting positive beliefs in the mind.
Class Participants will acquire an understanding of how essential oils may facilitate clearing of emotional patterns through lecture, demonstration, and a “Break-Out” session. At the end of the Emotional Release Class you will be able understand how physical maladies may correlate with repressed emotions, to use essential oils to locate where emotional issues may be stored in the body, and learn a protocol aimed at releasing them for yourself and others.
Those that have little or no background in chemistry yet desire a basic understanding of essential oils, this class is for you. To you, who may even fear chemistry and avoided it in school, fear no more! This class is for you! And to you, who may have degrees in chemistry, even advanced degrees, this class is for you, too, because the unique composition and character of essential oils is not found in college textbooks, nor is it yet a part of the college curriculum of most university regimens. The properties of essential oils that can bring wellness cannot be explained solely by science, as we know it. I make this a FUN class!
At the end of the History of Anointing with Oils Class you will have sampled and experienced the most common 12 Oils of Sacred Scriptures and be able to identify scripture of the Old and New Testaments containing information on essential oils as well as their Biblical and modern applications.
Upon Completion of the Applied Vitaflex Class you will be able to perform 13 Vitaflex Procedures, to understand the basis for Vitaflex, and what benefits may be expected from their application.
At the end of the Raindrop Technique training, you will be able to perform the entire Raindrop protocol, understand its limits and precautions, and know its potential benefits. This class is part of the foundation for becoming a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist.
Upon Completion of the CARE Chemistry class, you will gain a scientific understanding of how the compounds of essential oils reach to cellular levels and how they can bring benefits to the various organs and tissues of the body.
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. CARE is also recognized by the Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB), the Spiritual Healing Licensing Board (SHLB), and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) organization.
Learn how to become a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist (CRTS), Licensed Spiritual Healer (LSH), Board Certified Raindrop Specialist (BCRS) or Certified CARE Instructor (CCI) and legally facilitate/teach Raindrop and Vitaflex. This 3-day workshop is just the first step to become certified!
All essential oils, handout notes, and mailed CARE Certificates acknowledging your participation in the course(s) taken.
Nails trimmed short and no nail polish!
Wear pants that are stretchy or able to have the legs pulled up/waste pulled down and a button-up shirt
2 sheets (one fitted and one flat, twin–size is best).
1 full-size bath towel and a hand towel.
A Bible for the History of Anointing class.
Notebook and pen for taking notes.
Bottled water and food for yourself and sharing.
If you would be willing to bring a massage table, please mention this when you register.
** Books you should get for the Emotional Release class;
“Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oil” by Carolyn L Mein (Amazon)
“Heal Your Body” by Louis L Hay (Amazon)
“Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” by Karol Truman (Amazon)
** Book you will want for Chemistry class;
“The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple” by Dr David Stewart (www.raindroptraining.com)
Other optional books, yet worth your investment and time to read;
“Healing Oils of the Bible” by Dr David Stewart (Amazon or www.raindroptraining.com)
“A More Excellent Way” by Dr Henry W Wright (Amazon)
“Healing Age of Enlightenment” by Stanley Burroughs (Amazon)
“Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique” by Dr David Stewart (www.raindroptraining.com)
“Chemistry of Essential Oils Made even Simpler” by Michelle M Truman, Ed.D
~ First Day
8:00A – 8:15 . . . Arrive
8:15 – 8:30 . . . Meet & Greet
8:30 – 9:00 . . . Intro to CARE
9:00 – 12:00P . . . Chemistry 1 (3 hrs)
12:00 — 1:00 . . . Lunch
1:00 – 3:00P . . . Chemistry 2 (3 hrs)
3:00 – 4:00 . . . Light Dinner
4:00 – 6:00 . . . History of Anointing and Laying on of Hands
~ Second Day
8:30A – 9:00 . . . Arrive
9:00 — 1:00P . . . Vitaflex (4 hrs)
1:00 – 2:00 . . . Lunch
2:00 — 6:00 . . . Raindrop 1 (4 hrs)
~ Third Day
7:30A – 8:00 . . . Arrive (tardy permitted up to 15 minutes)
8:00 — 12:00 . . . Raindrop 2 (4 hrs)
12:00 – 1:00 . . . Lunch
1:00 – 6:00 . . . Emotional Release (5 hrs)
CARE’s Published price for the whole program (Intensive) is $800.
Repeat students are $400.
Potluck for all meal, plan to shop and bring your favorite healthy, light options!
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