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CCI Certification


Applying for CCI Certification

Upon completion of all course requirements, the CCI Candidate may apply for CCI status by submitting these three items to CARE.

  • Completed Certification Check List.:

    It is permissible to submit several partially completed checklists stapled together as a unit so long as the combined document contains all items on the Check List.

  • A Completed Final Exam.:

    Anyone who does not pass the exam will receive a list of the questions missed and may resubmit the answers to those questions until a passing grade is achieved.

  • A One-Time CCI Application Fee of $175:

    This fee does not include the applicant’s first year of membership on the CARE faculty.

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There is a two-year time limit for completing the CCI Certification process. Taking several of the CARE courses more than two years apart will require the candidate to retake those courses that fall outside the two year limit and comply with the requirements found in the most current CCI Handbook.

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  • A letter of confirmation as an Intern from CARE acknowledging your 140 hours of earned CARE Credit, provisionally appointing you to the CARE Faculty and authorizing you to act in the capacity of a CARE Intern.

  • Your graded Final Exam.

  • An invoice for the remaining year’s dues as an active member of the CARE Faculty which is payable upon receipt.

  • A handsome Certificate of CARE Internship, suitable for framing, including the colorful CARE Logo, and good for one year.

  • A listing on the CARE Faculty Registry website, as a CARE Intern, which includes receiving referrals for clients looking for a Raindrop facilitator in your area.

  • A CARE Packet containing the CARE Logo, sets of original notes to duplicate for your classes, and other items you will need in preparing for and teaching your Internship Class.

  • A copy of the latest CCI Handbook which will be the requirements and guidelines under which you fall upon becoming a CI.

Other rights and privileges of Certified CARE Instructors are detailed more fully in the Privileges portion of this website.

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There may be a need to change CARE policies or CCI requirements from time to time. When such changes are necessary, CCIs will be notified. When such changes result in a revision of the CCI Handbook, persons in the process of certification will be judged for certification by requirements that were in effect on the date they took their first Raindrop Seminar. (For the exception to this provision, see Time Limit for Certification Process.)

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The term of an active CCI shall be five years from the date of certification. The one-time Certification Application Fee (See Requirement 21) is only for grading the Final Exam and processing the application and does not apply toward annual dues. Annual Dues in the amount of $240 are due at the first of every year and secures the CCI the right to receive all of the materials, services, updates and on-going communications provided by CARE. Active CCIs are entitled to have the seminars they organize for CARE credit listed and publicized in the CARE Calendar.

At the end of the first year (and the beginning of the second), CCIs will be required to renew their membership in CARE to remain as an active Certified Instructor and member of the CARE Faculty. CCIs will be notified in advance of their annual renewal date. The annual renewal fee shall be $240, and will go to help defer the costs of maintaining CARE¹s Caring Communications.

At the end of the second, third, and fourth years, CCIs will again be required to renew their membership in CARE to remain as an active Certified Trainer and member of the CARE Faculty. CCIs will be notified in advance of their annual renewal date. The annual renewal fee shall be $240, and will go to help defer the costs of maintaining CARE’s Caring Communications.

Before the end of the fifth year, CCIs will be required to fulfill certain continuing education requirements, to be determined by CARE, as a condition for reissuing another three-year certificate. Details of the Continuing Education will be outlined in future editions of the handbook and on this website.

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An “active” or “current” CCI is one whose certificate has not expired, whose annual fees are current, and who has fulfilled the continuing education requirements for the third year as outlined by CARE. Only “active” or “current” CCIs are entitled to the rights and privileges outlined on this website and in the CCI Handbook.

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CCI status may be revoked by CARE for non-performance or non-compliance with the CCI Responsibilities as outlined in the CCI Handbook and on this website. Such revocation will be issued only with prior warnings and with sufficient time for the offending CCI to amend any infringements. CARE hopes that this provision will never be exercised, but reserves the right to do so if deemed necessary to protect the integrity and reputation of CARE and its other CCI members.

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