CARE Advanced Emotional Release


Anthony Stewart FCCI

Details of Dates and Location are available on the regular CARE Calendar. Please refer to the regular CARE Calendar to obtain these details. Details are posted only a few months before the event. Typically, this class is in Clarksville, MO in April, however there may be a different location or date in the future. Check the CARE Calendar for current details.

Workshop Fee:

The fee for this workshop is $800 payable to CARE. Those who have taken the ER Workshop before may retake it for half price ($400). Register with credit card by phone at CARE (800) 758-8629 or mail checks to CARE ER Workshop, 12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, MO 63764.

Limited Enrollment:

Pre-Registration Required. Registrations are not considered complete until payment is made. Checks or Credit Cards okay. This seminar is always on a weekend, Thursday through Sunday. You may want to plan on arriving Wednesday to settle in and become acclimated to the location and surrounding area. Plan to depart on Sunday afternoon. Beginning Class time is noon on Thursday, with class adjournment at noon on Sunday. If you plan to fly into the St. Louis Airport, it is a one-hour thirty-minute drive from the airport to Clarksville. However, see regular CARE Calendar for updated and current location information.

Eligibility, ER-Authorization:

Requirements and Pre-Class Assignments

While this workshop is intended for CARE Instructors desiring to be authorized to teach Emotional Release for CARE, anyone who has taken the five-hour CARE class normally offered during a CARE Intensive is eligible to take this class for the information and training. Taking this workshop alone does not authorize anyone to teach Emotional Release in the name of CARE. Requirements to become an ER-Authorized CARE Instructor are on pp. 22-23 of the CCI Handbook. CCIs, CIs, and anyone who has taken the CARE Emotional Release Class (5 hours) is eligible to take this class.


You must own a copy of the following books and bring them to the workshop:

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Heal Your Body

Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.

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Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman – This amazing book is a must-read for anyone desiring to clear out emotional issues from their past, that have been buried within and never fully resolved.

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Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils

Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils “Releasing Patterns With Essential Oils” is a practical, step-by-step guide providing a natural remedy for emotional cleansing. It offers over 160 pages including charts, diagrams, and easy-to-follow instructions. Join the thousands of people who have removed the emotional roadblocks to a happier life!

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Molecules of Emotion

Molecules of Emotion by Dr. Candace B. Pert  – Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health? Are our bodies and minds distinct from each other or do they function together as parts of an interconnected system?
In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert provides startling and decisive answers to these and other challenging questions that scientists and philosophers have pondered for centuries.
Her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body, is not only provocative, it is revolutionary. By establishing the biomolecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in a clear and accessible way, Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feelings, and the connection between our minds and our bodies — body-minds — in ways we could never possibly have imagined before.
Molecules of Emotion is a landmark work, full of insight and wisdom and possessing that rare power to change the way we see the world and ourselves.

Easy-to-understand narrative by a Director of the National Institutes of Health on how cells communicate by sending molecules as messengers back and forth. Solid science enjoyably spoken in understandable English.

Simon & Shuster, New York. (1999) Paperback 368 pp.



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A More Excellent Way

A More Excellent Way, Be in Health: Spiritual Roots of Disease, Pathways to Wholeness – by Rev. Henry Wright Pastor Wright has one of the most successful Christian healing ministries in the world. In his work, he finds the causes of sickness to be spiritual and emotional.

You must own a copy of these books and bring them to the workshop
 as well as a copy of the CARE Emotional Release DVD

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Emotional Release DVD

Emotional Release with Essential Oils includes a lecture by Dr. David Stewart, which is a normal part of every CARE Class on emotional release and was actually filmed during such a class. The lecture includes the science, theory, and art of emotional releasing along with a review of various useful resources and how to use them.

The lecture is followed by an actual demonstration by Dr. Stewart on a class volunteer. Includes 18 pages of detailed notes. While primarily intended to prepare raindrop practitioners to deal with unexpected, spontaneous releases by their clients during a raindrop session, the video plus the notes comprises an excellent introduction to the process of emotional releasing assisted by a facilitator as well as emotional releasing yourself without a facilitator.

140 minutes. DVD format.


Participants in the Emotional Release Workshop will be required to participate in the following assignments:

  • Assignment 1

    Familiarity with the CCI handbook. There will be a short quiz on the ER portions of the handbook.

  • Assignment 2

    Familiarity with ER class notes Part I. Students will be required to make a short presentation on Part 1 of the ER class notes.

    1. Principle Purpose
    2. Theory and Philosophy
    3. How and Why Oils Work for ER
    4. Oils to have on hand.

    Be prepared to present on all topics. All participants will be required to give a brief verbal report on one of the four sections mentioned above. Be prepared to report on any one of them. You will not be told which topic you will be reporting on until you arrive at the location, so be prepared.

  • Assignment 3

    Book Reports. All participants will be required to give a brief verbal report on one of the five books mentioned above. Be prepared to report on any one of them, but submit your first, second, and third choices to Patty Caldera ( prior to the seminar dates. You will not be told which book you will be reporting on until you arrive at the location. Be prepared for talking about at least three of the above titles plus one of the five additional titles given below.

    There are five other books, you are not required to own, but you may choose to report on, and are all relevant to emotional releasing, if you wish:

    1. The Genie in your Genes by Dawson Church;
    2. Hands of Life by Julie Motz
    3. The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
    4. Snake Oils: The Art of Healing by Becca Stevens
    5. What’s Your Body Telling You? By Steve Sisgold.

    All of these books are available at We recommend that you read and be prepared to report on at least one of these optional last five books in addition to at least three of the first five listed above, which are all required.

  • Assignment 4

    Self Releasing. Practice at least one session at home on yourself with self-releasing of personal issues using the CARE Emotional Release Notes along with the books by Hay, Mein, and Truman. Be prepared to report on your experience in class. It would be wise to register early, not only to be assured of a place, but also to complete the assignments sufficiently in advance to be adequately prepared by class time.

The Raindrop Messenger

In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

The articles published in The Raindrop Messenger and in this archive are not copyrighted. You are  encouraged to copy them, reprint them, and share them with friends. We would appreciate acknowledgment of their source by a statement to the effect.

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The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

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CARE International Inc
12923 BCR 800
Marble Hill, MO 63764

Toll Free (800) 758-8629
Fax (573) 755-0365

Open 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
Monday - Friday

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