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Additional CARE Trainings

in Chemistry, Emotional Release, and Bible Oils

CARE’s basic curriculum of 25 hours offered in CARE Seminars and Intensives includes Vitaflex, Raindrop, Chemistry, Emotional Release, and History of Anointing & Laying on of Hands. Many students of these CARE classes have asked about the availability of additional, more advanced, CARE Classes in these categories.

CARE offers more advanced and thorough training in Chemistry, Emotional Release, and Bible Oils/History of Anointing & Laying on of Hands intended to prepare CARE Instructors to teach these topics as official CARE Classes or to be examiners in these areas. These special trainings for CARE Instructors are normally offered only once a year and are open, not only to CARE Instructors, but also to those who have taken CARE Intensives, and who simply wish to increase their knowledge and skills without an intent to eventually teach for CARE.

Class sizes are limited. Preference is given to those Certified CARE Instructors (CCIs) or those who intend to become CCIs and teach for CARE. Register early to assure a place and to allow time to receive the pre-class assignments to be completed prior to the date classes begin.
All of the Advanced CARE Workshops come with continuing education credits from NCBTMB (usually 20 CE hrs).

All of the required texts or DVDs mentioned within each of the links (describing each of the advanced classes) below are available through this website or by calling (800) 758-8629 or (573) 238-4846.


As for Workshop Fees, they are shown within each link  below and may be paid by check, cash, or credit card.

If you have taken any of these advanced classes before, you may retake them for half price. If you are registering for half-price, please give the date, location, and year you took the class before. If CARE headquarters is unable to confirm that you have taken the class before at the full price, they may ask you to submit a copy of your certificate for that class.


If you have taken a basic CARE Class in History of Anointing & Laying on of Hands (2 hrs credit), or the CARE Essential Oil Chemistry Class (6 hrs credit), or the CARE Emotional Release Class (5 hrs credit, then you are eligible to take the advanced classes in these topics.

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