A Prophecy Whose Time Has Come – Volume 10, Number 2

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A Prophecy Whose Time Has Come - Volume 10, Number 2 A Prophecy Whose Time Has Come - Volume 10, Number 2

Raindrop Messenger

Official Newsletter of CARE

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

A Prophecy Whose Time Has Come

Originally Posted March – April 2012

1. A Prophecy Whose Time Has Come
~^~^~^~by David Stewart

“. . .Sooner or later, all synthetic drugs and antibiotics become ineffective or lethal and have to be discontinued. . . Patented medicines are all unnatural, composed of molecules never before existing on planet earth. Our bodies were not made to utilize, metabolize, and eliminate such substances. This is why all pharmaceuticals, without exception, have negative side effects.

“By contrast, properly administered natural products, such as essential oils, have little or no untoward side effects. They can be taken into the body and utilized, metabolized, and eliminated when they have completed their healing mission. The majority of side effects from oils and natural products, if any, are unexpected good ones. . .


“. . .Allopathic medicines (antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and synthetic drugs) all eventually become ineffective and obsolete, requiring that drug companies engage in endless research to find the next prescription to replace the antiquated ones. Modern Medicine is based on a flawed paradigm employing pharmaceuticals of only transient value.

“Wholistic natural medicine, including essential oils, addresses root causes from the quantum behavior of electrons, to the intelligence of the cells, to the human mind and spirit. True and permanent healing can occur when the right environment of balance in body, mind, and soul have been established. Furthermore, the medicines of nature, which include herbs and essential oils, will never become ineffective. Their therapeutic, Divinely created properties are forever. Wholistic medicine, incorporating essential oils, is based on a more incompassing paradigm of permanent value. . .


“. . .it is inevitable that allopathic medicine, as we know it today, will eventually shrink into a very minor part of the health care system, dealing only with traumas, crises, and acute situations, while true health care, true healing, and true regimens of wellness will come from the concepts of natural medicine using plants and other natural substances as God made them and intended them for our benefit. . .

“. . . future health care will not primarily be allopathic in its approach. It will be wholistic and natural and essential oils will be a fundamental and principal element of the new system. Drug-based medicine, as practiced today, is eventually doomed to disappear because it is based on transient medicines and a flawed paradigm. . . It’s fall Was Predictable and Inevitable From the Beginning.

“. . .The birth and labor of a new and better system is already well underway and progressing well. All of you who are educating yourselves in oils, herbs, nutrition, healthy life styles, and natural health care solutions are the midwives of the new system.”


Editor’s Note: The comments above were published almost five years ago in the Sept-Oct issue of The Raindrop Messenger, Vol 5. No. 5 in an article entitled: “The Transience of Drugs and Permanence of Oils.” You can access the full article by visiting www.RaindropTraining.com and clicking on “Newsletter Archives” on the home page. We have always known that current medical practices cannot endure indefinitely, but had thought the end of medicine as we know it would not come during our life time. However, as the following article by Jeremy Laurance (given below) will attest, the time for a drastic shift in medical practice is apparently now. More than 25 years ago, Robert Mendelsohn, MD, made this prediction in his book entitled, “Confessions of a Medical Heritic” (published in 1985). He said, “Antibiotics, other pharmaceuticals, and much of what physicians practice today will some day become obsolete and ineffective. When that happens, the medical establishment will fall like a house of cards.”


2. The End of Medicine as We Know it
~^~^~^~by Jeremy Laurance

(Jeremy Laurance is Health Editor at The Independent, a British News publication. The following article was posted on the internet on March 16, 2012. It can be found at http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/health-chief-warns-age-of-safe-medicine-is-ending-7574579.html


(Antibiotic crisis will make routine operations impossible and a scratched knee could be fatal)

The world is entering an era where injuries as common as a child’s scratched knee could kill, where patients entering hospitals gamble with their lives, and where routine operations such as a hip replacement become too dangerous to carry out, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.

There is a global crisis in antibiotics caused by rapidly evolving resistance among microbes responsible for common infections that threaten to turn them into untreatable diseases, said Margaret Chan, Director General of the WHO.

Addressing a meeting of infectious disease experts in Copenhagen, she said that every antibiotic ever developed was at risk of becoming useless.

“A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill.”

She continued: “Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We are losing our first-line antimicrobials.

“Replacement treatments are more costly, more toxic, need much longer durations of treatment, and may require treatment in intensive care units.

“For patients infected with some drug-resistant pathogens, mortality has been shown to increase by around 50 per cent.

“Some sophisticated interventions, like hip replacements, organ transplants, cancer chemotherapy, and care of preterm infants, would become far more difficult or even too dangerous to undertake.”

Britain has seen a 30 per cent rise in cases of blood poisoning caused by E. coli bacteria between 2005 and 2009, from 18,000 to more than 25,000 cases. Those resistant to antibiotics have risen from 1 per cent at the beginning of the century to 10 per cent.

The most powerful antibiotics are carbapenems, which are used as a last line of defense for the treatment of resistant infections.

In 2009, carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae, a bug present in the gut, were first detected in Greece but by the following year had spread to Italy, Austria, Cyprus and Hungary.

The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the percentage of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae had doubled from 7 per cent to 15 per cent. An estimated 25,000 people die each year in the European Union from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.

In the UK, the Government pledged £500,000 for research into the threat last month.

Dr Chan was speaking as the World Health Organization launched The Evolving Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance: Options for Action, a book which warns that breakthrough treatments discovered in the last century for flu, tuberculosis, malaria and HIV may become ineffective in the coming years.

She called for action to restrict the use of antibiotics in food production and a crackdown on counterfeit medicines. “Worldwide, the fact that greater quantities of antibiotics are used in healthy animals than in unhealthy humans is a cause for great concern,” she said.

Discovering new medicines to treat resistant super-bugs has proved increasingly difficult and costly, as they are taken only for a short period and the commercial returns are low.

Dr. Chan continued: “In terms of new replacement antibiotics, the pipeline is virtually dry. The cupboard is nearly bare.

“From an industry perspective, why invest considerable sums of money to develop a new antimicrobial when irrational use will accelerate its ineffectiveness before the investment can be recouped?”

She called for measures to tackle the threat by: 1. doctors prescribing antibiotics appropriately, and 2. Patients following their treatment protocols, and 3. Restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animals. But she said attention was “still sporadic” and actions “inadequate.”

“At a time of multiple calamities in the world, we cannot allow the loss of essential antimicrobials, essential cures for many millions of people, to become the next global crisis,” she said.

Editor’s Comment: So what is the ultimate and permanent solution to the global crisis of increasingly ineffective antibiotics discussed above? Dr, Chan, Head of the World Health Organization, and other medical experts of the world do not seem to have an answer, although ironically she used the word “essential” twice in her concluding sentence above. The truth is, you who are knowledgeable in the application of essential oils have the answer. The long-term solutions to the infectious diseases of the world are the timeless antimicrobial and permanent properties of Essential Oils to which bacteria have never become resistant since the beginning of their creation eons ago. Man’s synthetic medicines are temporary, but God’s medicines are forever. Thank God that through Young Living He has made his healing oils available to you.

Official Newsletter of CARE
The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education
12923 BCR 800, Marble Hill, Missouri USA 63764
(573) 238-4846

NOTE: The information in this newsletter is intended for education purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or mind. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care professional.

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