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This person is a CARE Approved Raindrop Facilitator

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Viewing All Profiles (Showing 21-40 of 563 Results)

Rebecca Arnold

Rebecca Arnold

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number (816) 213-3406

Address Prairie Village, KS

Janice L Ash

Janice L Ash

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number 785-267-9318

Address 3201 SE Eveningtide Way
Topeka, KS 66605

Filzah Binti Abu Hasan Ashaari

Filzah Binti Abu Hasan Ashaari

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number 6019-6648052

Klang, Selangor 41050

Rosalinda Ashbaugh

Rosalinda Ashbaugh

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number (256) 558-6055

Address Boaz, AL

Maureen Atkins

Maureen Atkins

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number (512) 698-6172

Address 4645 Wild Indigo #382
Houston, TX 77027

Maria Audin

Maria Audin

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number (845) 725-7694

Address 605 Twin Arch Rd
Rock Tavern, NY 12575

Isabel Ayala

Isabel Ayala

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number 973-855-9768

Address 21 Belmont Ave
Beldon, NJ 7179

Fransisca Ayrhes Yensi

Fransisca Ayrhes Yensi

Level Certified CARE Instructor

Designations CCI

South Jakarta, Indonesia 12820

Ismenia Azcanio

Ismenia Azcanio

Level Certified CARE Instructor

Designations CRTS, CCI

Phone Number (704) 906-7317

Address Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120

Nora Azizi Uzir

Nora Azizi Uzir

Level Certified CARE Instructor

Designations CCI

Phone Number (60111) 859-1851

Address Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 54200

Wendy Baiamonte

Wendy Baiamonte

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number (985) 974-3429

Address PO Box 537
Robert, LA 70455

Ruth Bailey

Ruth Bailey

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH, MSW

Phone Number (518) 698-9529

Address 409 New Karner Rd Suite 101 Albany, NY 12205

Marisa Barnes

Marisa Barnes

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number (406) 696-7845

Address 23 N Scott St, #25
Sheridan, WY 82801

Tammy Barnes

Tammy Barnes

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CNHP, CRTS, LSH

Phone Number (573) 453-6900

Address Licking, Missouri 65542

Terry Barnes

Terry Barnes

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations CRTS, LSH

Phone Number 530-622-8848

Address PO Box 1152
El Dorado, CA 95623

Kelsey Barton

Kelsey Barton

Level Certified CARE Instructor

Designations CCI

Phone Number (407) 729-1256

Groveland, FL 34736

Brenda Basler

Brenda Basler

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number (314) 608-5033

Address 447 Parkview Dr
Bloomsdale, MO 63627

Georgann Bastecki

Georgann Bastecki

Level Certified CARE Instructor

Designations SCCI, LMT, NCBTMB, RDH, LSH

Phone Number (859) 576-6565

Address Lexington, KY 40502

Cynthia Bate

Cynthia Bate

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Phone Number (270) 943-4169

Address 393 Halifax-settle
Scottsville, KY 42164

Sharon Batt

Sharon Batt

Level Raindrop CARE Facilitators

Designations OTR

Phone Number (845) 797-9524

Address 10 Creekside Rd
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

The Raindrop Messenger

In each issue of The Raindrop Messenger you will find articles and essays on a variety of topics related to health and longevity. Our hope is to be informative and, perhaps, inspiring to you for the benefit of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual life. The Raindrop Messenger is also a friendly way of keeping you abreast of CARE’s ongoing programs, activities and helpful books and videos.

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The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE) and it's Certified Instructors have trained hundreds of Facilitators in the Raindrop Technique.  Click here to get started.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.

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